Recent movies you saw - recommend or no

Just watched human centipede. worst. movie. ever.

If you have the patience, everyone should check out the movie "Moon"... one of the best ive ever seen

+2 on Moon.

I can't even make it through the trailer for Human Centipede.
Two movies that I rate 10/10 are "The Machinist" and "Frailty"

Check imdb for full lowdown, but I would put these two near the top of my all-time list.

Sent from a phone that's better than yours :)
I can torrent anything in 10min.. A bigger problem is finding stuff worth watching.. Hollywood is generally such crap.
Just rewatched Transformers 1984 seasons 1-5. Could not be more satisfied at this point in time. They don't make quality TV like this anymore.
Just rewatched Transformers 1984 seasons 1-5. Could not be more satisfied at this point in time. They don't make quality TV like this anymore.

Transformers brings back fond memories of my childhood. After school my buddies and I would first go to the store to grab some snacks, then head over to my house to watch cartoons. I remember that transformers used to come on right before GI Joe.

Have you watched the old school Transformers movie? It was considered pretty graphic in it's day (ie, a few Autobots actually died!)

Sent from a phone that's better than yours :)
10mins? That is interesting. Who u with?

I'm on Teksavvy cable.. Goes through Robbers copper, but no throttling and the cap is @ 300GB.. Could pay extra $10ish to go unlimited, but why bother? :cool:
Saw hobo with a shotgun. Lot more gory than I though but definitely enjoyable, if u like that sort of movie.
Saw hobo with a shotgun. Lot more gory than I though but definitely enjoyable, if u like that sort of movie.

I just watched it last night.. Like a cross between Fried Green Tomatoes and Legally Blonde. A charming story of a nice young teacher and a senior citizen involved in a community improvement project. The movie gets 2 thumbs up and the teacher gets an extra one :cool:
Your Highness:

Not as funny as I thought it would be but there were a lot of good moments. Overall 7/10...but Natalie Portman is smoking hot throughout that movie. The thong scene made me spill my drink.
I just watched the movie Ken Park the other night, it's by the same guy who did Kids.........avoid watching this movie at all cost, infact if anyone tells you to watch it, punch them in the face....twice.
I've honestly never felt so uncomfortable watching a film before but this movie takes **** to a whole new level. It makes the movie Kids look like a Disney film.
Just watched Green Street Hooligans on NikolaCruss' recommendation.. Not a bad little hooligan movie even though Elijah just doesn't have it in him to put in a convincing performance. I'm glad I caught the sequel first, because, while it's not a waste of 90min of my life, it would have been a MAJOR letdown after watching the first one.
GSH was pretty decent and it introduces the North American audience to real team loyalty, which doesn't really exist here in North America (even though I am still amazed at the amount of money being dumped into the MLE shareholders' bank accounts) mostly because our professional teams all started as commercial enterprises with the goal of making money. In Europe, many teams started as community, trade or religious associations and developed a fierce loyalty verging on cult status.
Hell, my little bro is pretty active in a firm. I was pretty good on that count and only got in a couple of scraps in my younger days, never becoming an official member :cool:
Can't wait to see Hobo with a shotgun...watched 2 Steve McQueen movies Bullitt and The Getaway both cool oldies. Going tomorrow to check out African Cats with the girlfriend...closest to chick flick I want to see...bwtf.
Seen the trailer for Cowboys and Aliens...might be a winner.
I tried Netflix for the one month trial while recuperating from a concussion suffered while snowboarding, and even at $8.00 a month, it's been an easy and cheap way to catch up on a ton of old(er) flicks that I wouldn't have otherwise watched. A few good ones were, Fracture, Traitor, The Ninth Gate, Frailty.
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