Recent movies you saw - recommend or no

Paul, with Simon Pegg and Nick Frost (Shawn of the Dead). Don't go. I give it (at best) 2 boxes of popcorn
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good movie.. good but not great...

okay movie.. don't know its animated until after the first 5 min!

The Book of Eli
okay movie... its kinna like remake of road warrior

house of flying daggers
great action flick. plot is not perfect but interesting nevertheless. If the plot is not satisfied I am sure the action does.

Dirty Harry
A bit overrated imo. Maybe its good 40 yrs ago.

Legend of the Fall
great movie. A little bit too dramatic imo
The Fighter - got the wife to agree to watch it on it the testosterone choice...excellent flick, Bale's performance was definitely worthy of the award he got...I remember watching Micky Ward in the ring live so seeing the way they portrayed it in the movie was cool....wife really enjoyed it too.

Saturday's choice was my wife's, and typically payback for the testosterone choice is a massive dose of estrogen

Love and Other Drugs - from the title alone I was not looking forward to this, but Anne Hathaway isn't hard on the eyes so I didn't protest too much. Glad I didn't protest cause Hathaway prances around for most of the movie wearing nothing but a smile...great googly moogly is this girl ever smokin hot. An absolutely spectacular rack. I sort of remember the plot...I think...damn that girl looks amazing when she's naked. The acting was...umm...did I mention Anne Hathaway and her perfect perky tatas? The other notable actor in this flick is the guy who dressed up like a cowboy in a flick where he was boffing another cowboy...yeah that one....I haven't worn my cowboy boots since either....and in this flick he's annoying again, because in certain scenes he's blocking the spectacular and naked Anne Hathaway. Not sure if my wife enjoyed it, didn't ask.
Vanishing on 7th street - was 4/10 movie. Ending was crap, and story plot left you asking yourself so many questions. /facepalm.

A serbien film - Not going to rate this one...all I can say is WTF. If you like gore/disturbing/what has been seen can't be unseen then this movie is for you.
Makes 2 girls 1 cup a walk in a park.

Martyrs - 7/10. Plot was good, and acting was good too. Recommended.

I spit on your grave - 7/10. Love revenge movies and this was good! A certain part of a scene was bit distrubing....anywho good flick
I spit on your grave - 7/10. Love revenge movies and this was good! A certain part of a scene was bit distrubing....anywho good flick

**Spoiler Alert** So how does a petite woman, around 120 pounds, manage to set up large men in those elaborate torture/death situations? That really ruined it for me.
The Book of Eli
okay movie... its kinna like remake of road warrior

Legend of the Fall
great movie. A little bit too dramatic imo

I loved legend of the fall, a remarkable film.

How did Danzel Washington kick so much a** is he was blind. While ending make a mess of the movie and made no sense. Love this end of the world movies though.
Bought 3 dvd's from amazon....Big Jake... John Wayne..I liked it alot...some good lines from the big man.
The Wild bunch...classic western film William Holden and Earnest Borgnine watch part of it ...always late at is very interesting for sure.
Lastly I have The Searchers...suppose to be John Wayne's deepest character movie...seen it long time ago.
Fighter- Good but a little slow in my opinion, not enough boxing more blah blah blah less jab hook cross. But omg Bale's performance was amazing he is so good. First time I saw him was American Psycho and thats a jokess movie; i recommened that over The Fighter lol.


True Grit- I really enojyed it and this is probably the first western ive ever fully watched. Very cool movie, 8/10 for sure.

Jackass 3D- LOL!!! I almost puked once no lie haha. Same old jackass with new amazing stunts. Would definitely recommend if your bored and need a laugh.

The Losers- Boring, really cheesy action flick; if you haven't heard of it good, if you have don't bother.
Just watched ..
1. Spint on your grave .. not bad , pretty graphic
2. Hall Pass .. freakin hilarious
3. Cyprus .. dont waste your time. POS.
4. Battle of LA. Just in the midst of watching it ..

On deck .. will be Paul, Red Riding Hood, Just go with it and Consisual.
**Spoiler Alert** So how does a petite woman, around 120 pounds, manage to set up large men in those elaborate torture/death situations? That really ruined it for me.

That question is a bit tad obvious....

She tricked them and knocked them out with a blunt object (well not so blunt LOL) and probably took 5 hours to lift them up and etc....


How did a author become a professional executioner/torture type of person?
I got my hands on a couple of recommended movies.. Here's my take:
1) I Spit on Your Grave - Waste of my time. If you wanna watch exploitation films, you'll have a better time watching the late 70's/early 80's cannibal exploitation flicks.. This one was just crap without any spirit. Deleted immediately after watching.
2) The Wild Bunch - Pretty good western.. Doesn't quite "get it" but only a couple do, and this is definitely one of the better ones in the genre
3) True Grit - It's ok.. Nothing special, but not a waste of my time either.

Speaking of The Wild Bunch, if you like Ernest Borgnine, you should check out Emperor of the North Pole. He plays Shack - the ruthless railway man in this pretty good hobo movie. Lee Marvin plays A-No. 1 - the uber-hobo who goes up against Shack. Keith Carradine plays Cigaret - the young protege-hobo of A-No. 1.
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