Recent movies you saw - recommend or no

Wow. Airwolf .. now thats going back! Speaking of Airwolf, anyone remember blue thunder .. lol ..

That's what I named my new snowblower and then went out and got the movie.. Any room on your truck for it along with the 2 bikes? :D
Wow. Airwolf .. now thats going back! Speaking of Airwolf, anyone remember blue thunder .. lol ..

All I remember was Airwolf, knight rider, and A-Team.

Oh yeh, the A-team movie was Kick azz. Highly recommended
Watch ALOT of friggen movies...

only real recommendation is Black Swan. (No need to back it up, I was close to crying, (Whoa skorpio))

and tron cause it has light bikes in it and it has a naive Oliva Wilde, like wtf else could you want.
I saw Inception and I really enjoyed it. I also saw the film Paprika. It is an anime film that deals with a dreamscape. There are interesting similarities between Paprika and Inception. A really interesting place for films these days is the new TIFF theatre (Bell Lightbox). They have memberships that give you discounts for films and for tickets to the TIFF in September.

I also re-watched the second Christopher Nolan Batman film: The Dark Knight. Nolan is supposed to be working on a third Batman film.
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and tron cause it has light bikes in it and it has a naive Oliva Wilde, like wtf else could you want.

Ya I have mixed feelings about that movie. Olivia Wilde was freakin hot in that movie...but on the other hand...that movie sucked.

The special effects were great, though. The whole young Jeff Bridges and Bruce Boxleitner thing was freaky.
Watched The Mechanic last week at a matinee. It's what you'd expect from a statham movie these days, entertaining and some parts were funny. Don't pay full price to see it though.
Sanctum...its was OK. story line was not written well, 3D was "cool" but not needed at all! save the $15 and download it when it comes to dvd or ;)

Fighter...Awesome marky mark and all the cast were played very well! excellent movie.

Let it Ride, story of Craig Kelly (snowboarder)...This is possible the best snowboard film (docu-style) ever made with deeper as a close second.
I have 2 recommendations... Election and Election II.. If you liked the 2 Godfather movies (there were only 2 and I'm stickin' with it), you'll love the Triad spin on the theme. The Election movies are original (so no rehashes) and well done, both when it comes to the scripts and the acting. <-- Election (Tarantino called it "the best movie of the year") <-- Election II (the ending blew me away)
A really interesting place for films these days is the new TIFF theatre (Bell Lightbox). They have memberships that give you discounts for films and for tickets to the TIFF in September.

Went there last night and saw 'Enemies of the People' as part of the ongoing Human Rights Watch Film Festival. This movie was an interesting documentary into the Khmer Rouge of the 70's as investigated by a journalist whose family was killed and mother forced to marry a militia soldier. He goes on to interview over the span of 10 years a number of different members of the Khmer Rouge about the killing fields in Cambodia and I expected it to be a tear jerker, but it wasn't at all. Very interesting.

On that note, the movie 'The Killing Fields' is also an awesome movie about the same tragedy from a different perspective.

Some other great movies we have seen lately include:
The Tillman Story - about former NFL'r Pat Tillman who was killed by friendly fire in Afghanistan and then the U.S. covered it up.
Four Lions - a dark comedy of sorts about suicide bombers. Awesome and very surprising ending.
Animal Kingdom - an movie about a teenager growing up in really criminal family
127 Hours - about a guy who gets his arm trapped for 5 days while canyon hiking until he eventually cuts his own arm off to escape
The Cove - about dolphins off the coast of Japan
The Messenger - about the soldiers who have to tell families back home that their kids have died at war.
City of Joy - about an American doctor (Patrick Swayze) in the slums of Calcutta - loosely based on the book.
Baraka - a movie about the planet as shown through a collection of really impressive moving visual images.
Microcosmos - the follow up to Baraka (same director) and focuses more on the diversity of life as we don't usually get a chance to witness.

Edit: Just watched 'Restrepo' and 'Waiting for Superman' this weekend and both were pretty decent.
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Barneys Version - was ok

Hall Pass - was ok too
By the way, I don't remember if I already mentioned this one and I'm too lazy to search but check out Versus.. If you like zombies, the yakuza and samurai, this movie's got all 3 :cool:
@shanekingsley Animal Kingdom rocks.. Couldn't understand half of what dem Aussies were sayin' but still, a pretty powerful flick. Highly recommended for anyone who's not the sensitive type. Turbo, Graves and SNL might not like certain themes in it, but all in all, it kicks *** :cool:

Edit: and LMAO @ Four Lions.. Especially the training camp, the sheep and the Heimlich scenes
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ITs winter... so I watch too much

Karate Kid - neutral
Don't expect too much... Good 2 hr then you will forget about it. Will Smith kid is kinda annoying.

War Lords
- def recommended
Good one. I wish they go more in depth about the Rebellion history.

Stomp the Yard II - def NOT recommended
worse then watching a crappy season of "so you think you can dance".

You will meet a tall dark stranger - neutral
Style wise, its comparable to Burn after Reading. Not my type of movie. My wife said its very realistic. I don't agree and its no way compare to American Beauty.

Black Hawk Down - recommended
Good movie. That said its like most American movie... too American.

Hurt Locker - recommended
Same as above.

Braveheart - def recommended
Love it. Not too much into western history, this movie make me start digging into it.

Bodyguard and Assassins - recommended
Love it. wish it be more in depth with whats so important with Sun, especially his idealism.

Mad Max - neutral
Finally know who is toecutter and his avatar. Not as good as the Road warrior imo.

Mad Max Thunderdorme - not recommended
crappy compare to the first and second

The lion the witch and the wardrobe - neutral
its okay... decent kiddy movie.

2012 - not recommended (especially u already watched the movies below)
Independence day, Deep Impact, Armageddon, The Day After Tomorrow... enuff said.

Silk - recommended
Good ghost movie. Especially compare to most of the Hollywood crap.

Ghost Mother - recommended
Another good one. IMO asian ghost movies are much better then American made...

That is for now. I will write more if I don't have to work.
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Black Hawk Down - recommended
Good movie. That said its like most American movie... too American.


U have to watch the documentary with it!
There's something on the History Channel called Fact and Film. Where they present a documentary and show the movie. Very insighful and u get to see what was fiction and what was fact.

Another good watch is Lord of War. Its about illegal arms. How it gets into the hands of dictators. Very informative.
Just Go With It - I'm not entirely sure how I feel about this one. On the one hand I thought it was lazy and weird (80's style montages? Really?), and the whole plotline seemed ridiculous and stupid. On the other hand I was laughing my *** off for almost the entire movie. There's lots of unexpected and random funny bits in there. It seems like Sandler had a bunch of funny scenarios that he wanted to play out in movie format and just tossed them all together in one, poorly edited movie. Still funny as hell, though.
U have to watch the documentary with it!
There's something on the History Channel called Fact and Film. Where they present a documentary and show the movie. Very insighful and u get to see what was fiction and what was fact.

Thanks I will look for it.

I did some googling after the movie and I realized the writer cut out the part where Malaysian and Pakistani soldiers involved and only focus on American's effort. Also it didn't explain why Aidid starve their locals. (There must be a reason behind it or Aidid are very stupid) Instead it spend 95% of the movie focusing on American soldier fighting the enemy. Thats why I have the "too American" impression.

Another good watch is Lord of War. Its about illegal arms. How it gets into the hands of dictators. Very informative.

Watched it and I don't like that movie. Nicolas cage make it so dry...
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