Recent movies you saw - recommend or no

Thanks I will look for it.

I did some googling after the movie and I realized the writer cut out the part where Malaysian and Pakistani soldiers involved and only focus on American's effort. Also it didn't explain why Aidid starve their locals. (There must be a reason behind it or Aidid are very stupid) Instead it spend 95% of the movie focusing on American soldier fighting the enemy. Thats why I have the "too American" impression.

The documentary went on to say how the Somali militants were on a high/drugged. That made them feel very little pain and no fear. There were hundred of somalis killed and only a handful of americans killed. But what woke up the americans were when the soldiers body was dragged in the street. That was not in the movie
Go with low expectations and Due Date will be funny. Some folks compare to The Hang Over or a re-hash of planes, trains, and automobiles but, I think when you start setting a bar or comparing, it somehow fails before even trying.

Conviction with Hillary Swank and Sam Rockwell. Based on a true story. I'll admit to crying.

Unknown with Liam Neeson and Diane Kruger was a plesant surprise. Again, no expectations and it made a good impression.

Also, rented the trilogy of the Girl with the Dragon Tattoo. Remember with switch the audio to English and if you don't mind the words not matching, it's pretty well done.

And lastly for Canadian content, Buried with Ryan Renolds. For a movie to be shot in a box the entire time, I was impressed. I wouldn't run out and rent it but, if there isn't anything on TV and you've watched everything else, it's not a bad option.
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Go with low expectations and Due Date will be funny. Some folks compare to The Hang Over or a re-hash of planes, trains, and automobiles but, I think when you start setting a bar or comparing, it somehow fails before even trying.

The first half of this was unbearable! It started getting better after Robert Downey Jr got high and chilled the hell out.....
The Other Guys, BUY IT DONT RENT!! Will Farrel is my freaking hero again after this movie, so funny it hurt

Due date, bought it and wish I didnt... OK movie but not purchase worthy. Anybody want to buy it on BluRay from me?

Aftershock - definitely recommended
thought this is a Chinese version of Independence day / Deep Impact / Armageddon / The Day After Tomorrow / 2012 but I was wrong. There are much more then that... The disaster film part is just appetizer. The main course something else I don't expect at all (in a good way). That said I wish they have much more about the rescue.

Gandhi - definitely recommended
Pretty good movie even after 2 decade. Prove that good movies are timeless. I talked to some Indian friends they don't have as much impact as I watch this movie. They told me they have to watch this movie every year... that might be the problem :)

Sophie Scholl The Final Days - recommended
Its a bit boring just because I don't speak German. That said I love this movie. I feel the honestly and nothing exaggerated... unlike most American hero films.

Expendable - recommended
I expect much less from Stallone. I don't expect he has any good movie after Rocky Balboa. Especially with the all star cast. Somehow he put it together and it works.

Sherlock Holmes - not recommended
Skipping all the good stuff from the novel, replace it with the typical Hollywood super star hero stuff in, you have this movie.

Confucius - neutral
Its walking a fine line between not exaggerated and trying to keep it as a entertaining movie.

Letters from Iwo Jima - recommended
Interesting perspective viewing from the Japanese.

will write more... its a loooong winter :)
Battle of LA - well directed, acted and story is easy to follow.
Paul - Very funny

Everything else recently that came out. Everything Nickolas Cage.
Battle of LA - well directed, acted and story is easy to follow.

In terms of military perspective, I have to say it was badly directed. I wonder if they even consulted a military advisor. Not targeting you or anything.

-they entered behind enemy lines and keep talking trash
-they were not well equipped: Their objective were to extract any survivors behind enemy lines and they got their arses handed to them. They were behind a smoke screen at one point and they didn't even have thermal vision or infrared. Not even one of them on the squad carry rockets/RPGs. They all carry M16s, no specialization in the squad.
-They entered such terrritory without tank support. Their got nailed with armor piercing rounds. They were helpless. I don't see what the aliens have that could have possibly overwhelm us. We have been shooting armour piercing rounds before 1935.
-No UAV to give recon?? They just jumped behind enemy lines not knowing what to expect. Only when the squad got attacked, they finally knew what the aliens look like.

Sorry, I could go on and on. But all I can say is I would only watch that movie for entertainment value and not for accuracy. Even a documentary from the History Channel is more entertaining.

Could some people in the forces please chime in??
In terms of military perspective, I have to say it was badly directed. I wonder if they even consulted a military advisor. Not targeting you or anything.

-they entered behind enemy lines and keep talking trash
-they were not well equipped: Their objective were to extract any survivors behind enemy lines and they got their arses handed to them. They were behind a smoke screen at one point and they didn't even have thermal vision or infrared. Not even one of them on the squad carry rockets/RPGs. They all carry M16s, no specialization in the squad.
-They entered such terrritory without tank support. Their got nailed with armor piercing rounds. They were helpless. I don't see what the aliens have that could have possibly overwhelm us. We have been shooting armour piercing rounds before 1935.
-No UAV to give recon?? They just jumped behind enemy lines not knowing what to expect. Only when the squad got attacked, they finally knew what the aliens look like.

Sorry, I could go on and on. But all I can say is I would only watch that movie for entertainment value and not for accuracy. Even a documentary from the History Channel is more entertaining.

Could some people in the forces please chime in??

In an interview on The daily show the main star indicated they went to boot camp, trained with experienced soldiers, and had those military advisers throughout the movie correcting them and advising on how to do things. This isn't meant to be an accurate depiction of how military takes action against an enemy in a war, but rather of a military unit pulling a clutch victory in order to give the home force a fighting chance. It's about as accurate as Rambo.
The Fighter - Recommended
Not the best movie you'll ever see. Predictable, yes. Still worth a watch. Christian Bale was very good.

Little Fauss and Big Halsy - Recommended
Not much here for non riders. Cheesy plot, Cheesy riding shots. Features Robert Redford being a colossal ****** to everyone he meets.

Hereafter - Neutral
It was ok. Not quite sure what the point of it was. Matt Damon was good.

Get Low - Recommended
Robert Duvall at his best. Great independant film. Plot lacks direction at times.

Restrepo - Recommended
Very good documentary about the fighting in the Korengal Valley of Afghanistan.

The Millenium Trilogy (The Girl With the Dragon Tattoo, The Girl Who Played with Fire, The Girl Who Kicked the Hornet's Nest) - Highly Recommended
Amazing series of films. Will suck you right it. Each successive film is not quite as good as it's predecessor but still great when viewed in series.
Full Metal Jacket - The Boot camp part was epic, but the Vietnam part was weak
Paranormal Activity 2 - Creepy, but not that good
Inception - Epic
Frozen - Stupid crap
Shutter Island - Epic
The Last Exorcism - Sorta okay, but the the ending part was just uncalled for

My advice for a movie: When in doubt pick a Decaprio moive, can't go wrong. And why does Decaprio die in almost every movie he is in?

PS. Totally random, but it's a guilty pleasure that I need to get out. I think Belinda Stronach is hot!!
A movie I had no expectations for but enjoyed it immensely, Limitless. It's smart, well-written, well-acted, fun, cool and highly entertaining. Destined to become a word-of-mouth hit.
The Mechanic was a good movie i think....but what do i know...

Regarding the fight scenes in Battle LA. War is hell, it doesnt go as planned. They got thrown in to the mess with zero prep or briefing. You do realize they only have xx amount of time to get in and out? Whos gonna sit there and wait for drones for recon, make sure the squad is properly supplied etc etc....but that is how it is in real life...although there were scenes, especially towards the end where they really took that "american soldier, selfless and unfailing" a bit too far...
The one thing that kept bugging me about Battle Los Angeles is that none of the marines had a GPS. They kept getting lost and only had paper maps. Did I miss something about all the satellites getting knocked out?
The one thing that kept bugging me about Battle Los Angeles is that none of the marines had a GPS. They kept getting lost and only had paper maps. Did I miss something about all the satellites getting knocked out?

LOLz, true that.

All that bells & whistles the American military boasts about weren't even there.
I watch the news in Libya and realize the rebels there are more armed than the guys in Battle LA
A movie I had no expectations for but enjoyed it immensely, Limitless. It's smart, well-written, well-acted, fun, cool and highly entertaining. Destined to become a word-of-mouth hit.

I liked it a lot too. I went in with somewhat low expectations (it's Bradley Cooper after all) and was pleasantly surprised. Now if only I could find me some NZT.
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