Recent movies you saw - recommend or no

I just saw Piranha (the 1978 version) out of nostalgia.. I can't believe how crappy it was even by explo standards.. Then I had the brilliant idea of watching Mega Piranha.. I actually liked it better.. While it stole a lot from the original, it was so bad that it was bordering on "good". Not as "good" as Snakes on a Plane, but still.. If I had to choose one of the two, I'd pick Mega simply because of the extra-stupid factor that can give you a good chuckle.

My take on Battle of LA : ****.. Not quite a waste of 2hrs of my time, but pretty close to it. Like a cross b/w (badly done) Independence Day and American Ninja 4
I enjoyed the Hebrew Hammer.

I just finished The Worlds Fastest Indian, I thought it was great.
I just finished The Worlds Fastest Indian, I thought it was great.

+1 to that, liked that movie (enough to have watched it more than once).
Just saw Hannah and it was a good time. Definitely not what I was expecting and it feels more like an artsy film then a big budget Hollywood action film. Check it out if you want something substantial and entertaining. The music of the movie is also of note, they did a great job with it.
AFRICAN CATS for sure! recommended for everyone.

great story, not documentary. cinematography was brilliant. the film follows the lives of a lion pride and a cheetah family in the masai mara in kenya.

watch it during opening week (april 22-28th) and part of the money you paid for the movie ticket goes to the african wildlife foundation.

i'm a huge cheetah nut. i remember making a poster on cheetahs in grade three. i'm in zoology at university now and i want to work in africa with cheetahs in the future. awesome animals. support wildlife conservation everyone!!!
I saw African Cats and ya the cinematography was awesome with the slow mo of the cats on the run is beautiful to watch. The narrative by Samuel Jackson was weak I thought and kinda lame story too. I've seen better footage and better info in many other documentaries. It is a Disney film and the audience did have a ton of it is what it is. Nothing grisly here at all.
Did watch the fighter on dvd....ya it was good to very good.
Devil's Playground - Not a bad British fast zombie flick.. Like a mix of 28 Days Later and I Am Legend
Watched 127hrs....same as the Fighter good to very good. Franco does a credible job...although I'm not a fan.
Amazing story of a incredible situation to overcome....maybe too many dream sequences..but I guess I'd be havin acid trippin dreams a bit under the circumstances.
The Hebrew Hammer was extremely funny :p

Recently saw Rio.....a cute movie with colourful visuals, good for the whole family. :)
The Dead Outside - Interesting psychological thriller in a post-apocalyptic world overrun by zombies.
Saw 'Salt' last night. Fight scenes well choreographed; *lots* of good stunt work. Wouldn't really recommend it

Surprisingly, I enjoyed 'Hereafter' and would recommend it.
Watched LA Battle today with family- loved it.
Watch both 2001: A Space Odyssey and 2010: The Year We Make Contact.

Although 2010 is a sequel of 2001, they are completely different movies. 2001 requires a lot of mental discipline and is quite thought provoking. 2010 is a lot more linear and more-less spoon feeds you every step of the way.

I struggled with 2001. I even hated it after the first watch (I didn't get the point), but I watched it again, and with enough reflection, it's a pretty good movie (although, I still have a few questions, but I guess that was the director's idea). I wouldn't put it on my greatest movies list though.

2010 was not hard at all. I liked it, although it had its silly moments. I guess a 25 year-old Sci Fi is allowed a few mulligans.
Goemon - Pretty decent Japanese ninja flick with lots of really good CGI. Based on real characters and events, even though they obviously took lots lof liberties there. Still, very entertaining.
Saw 1984. That was something. Reminded me a little of the canon ball story from the anime Memories. Alot of symbolism if anyone is into that. Want to see African cats, not playing alot at theaters.
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