Recent movies you saw - recommend or no

I never read the book so I wouldn't know. People appreciate movies differently when they haven't read the book.

or sometimes they'll never consider reading the book, because the movie was so bloody bad. "Starship Troopers" and "Dune" come immediately to mind.
or sometimes they'll never consider reading the book, because the movie was so bloody bad. "Starship Troopers" and "Dune" come immediately to mind.

I liked starship troopers. Can't say the same thing about Dune which I thought was utter crap. You shouldn't compare books to movies, it's an unfair comparison because of personal bias.
I liked starship troopers. Can't say the same thing about Dune which I thought was utter crap. You shouldn't compare books to movies, it's an unfair comparison because of personal bias.

Even when the movie shouldn't carry the name, because it bears little resemblance to the story from the book? Starship Troopers, the book, is a story about politics, civic duty, and personal growth. Starship Troopers. the movie, is about shootin' up bugs and 'spolsions.

Reminds me of the differences between the short story "Johnny Mnemonic" and that piece of filth that Hollywood released as a vehicle for Keanu Reeves. The short story is great with the actual hero of the piece, razorgirl Molly Millions, dragging an inept mnemonic courier named Johnny around the sprawl and trying to keep him alive, while a Yakuza assassin who is dressed as a Japanese tourist, camera, Hawaiian shirt and all, tries to kill him. The climax of the story is pure poetry. The movie is about shootin' stuff up and 'spolsions, with some big scary guy at the end.

*EDIT* A quick search turned up the short story, online.
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I never read the book so I wouldn't know. People appreciate movies differently when they haven't read the book.

I understand that movies arent as good as books, for the most part....what i'm saying is that with just a few extra scenes the depth of that movie would have gone 10x deeper.

Here's a book that sucked total donkey balls compared to the movie. I Am Legend. I wanted to whip my tablet at the wall after reading it. Let me spoil it for you....Vampires...nuff said.
Yup, it was definitely a fun movie, but I think that it would be just a touch better if seen in 3D like I did. The art direction in it had me thinking of the name Jack Kirby all the way through it, so I was glad to see his name in the credits.

Oh, and there are TWO scenes after the credits roll. don't walk out after the first.

Saw Thor 2 in IMAX included a 10-15 minute preview of the up coming Captain America ... wow!!! that movie will kill it, Marvel is just ruling. I think i blew two geek loads even before Thor started.
Saw Thor 2 in IMAX included a 10-15 minute preview of the up coming Captain America ... wow!!! that movie will kill it, Marvel is just ruling. I think i blew two geek loads even before Thor started.

Does anyone want to get off before we start?
well... Ok then....

annnnnd that's when I threw money at the screen to buy a ticket.
Escape Plan was surprisingly good

Finally watched it this weekend. I was a bit sleepy and didn't catch the story, but Arnold brought back the childhood in me.
He's still got it!
A Very Long Engagement - Fantastic cinematography and set/costume design. Very authentic feeling. Overall the movie was extremely well shot and edited. Highly recommend to the cinefiles out there. Be forewarned it is all in french so you will lose a little bit of the experience having to read the subs.

Elysium - I wouldn't say it was an amazing movie but all the cool tech crap more than makes up for it. Blowing **** up with futuristic everything never looked so awesome. It's also fairly short so I will probably watch it again.

Green Zone - After Elysium I needed more Matt Damon and explosions. The movie was a bit of a letdown. The supporting cast was pretty weak. Meh.
Green Zone - After Elysium I needed more Matt Damon and explosions. The movie was a bit of a letdown. The supporting cast was pretty weak. Meh.

I rather liked Green Zone. I didn't have very high expectation of the movie so it was a big surprise when I actually found myself getting into it.

But then, I really liked The Kingdom. I don't give a rats behind what Rotten Tomatoes or any of those other review sites say. I found it exciting, thrilling, intriguing with a couple of plot twists and an interesting, not your usual USA Flag Waving, (although there is plenty of that too) perspective at the end.

Now if there was ever a movie you need not see it would have to be, The American with George "Heart Throb" Clooney. Slow, predictable and guess what, Rotten Tomatoes really liked it saying, "As beautifully shot as it is emotionally restrained... blah, blah, blah..." If your tired of your old porn collection and what to see some attractive females nude I suppose there are worse ways to waste your time.

Sorry, these are old movies not recent releases.
Hobbit Part 2 was really good, unlike the first one. I went in last night, having no expectations at all, as the first movie was really slow.

This one is 10/10.

48fps in IMAX is also worth mentioning. The frames just flow directly into your brain. I haven't travelled so far off the reality since Avatar.

I will watch again.
The hobbit is a prime example of a book made into Hollywood's own story.
Orcs, legolas, tarial....someone please take the pen out if peter Jacksons hand and give it back to Tolkien to tell this story.
Not a recent watch but a question. For those of you with killer tv set ups and what not, has anyone seen anything on blu ray lately that the sounds or screen just blew them away? Like how avatar was insane when it came out. Stuff like that

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Not a recent watch but a question. For those of you with killer tv set ups and what not, has anyone seen anything on blu ray lately that the sounds or screen just blew them away? Like how avatar was insane when it came out. Stuff like that

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Inception on BR is pretty good.
Anchorman 2 was pretty awesome. Jokes were hilarious. Near the end the movie lost it's tracking and wasn't that great. Other than that a solid movie with a lot of great laughs.
Orcs - Enough said.. Go in with low expectations and you'll come out smiling :cool:
Just watched Gravity. My wife and I looked at each other at the end and both said we didn't understand what was so good about it. From hearing Hollywood it seemed like this was the greatest movie in a long time. It wasn't. What it was, was too long. If it had been 45 mins it would have been more interesting.
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