Recent movies you saw - recommend or no

11 minutes into Dredd and it's already 10x better than the old one.

That's because it was a comic book movie with the appropriate cast chosen to reflect the characters, not just a vehicle for some multi-million dollar star.
just watched The Avengers again. this is one of those movies to watch whenever theres not much else on

My wife watched it like 20 times with her sisters so I'm kinda sick of it.. Ok to sit through once or twice
thats what ive been

hulk.... smash ! i also love when the Capt hands over 10 bucks.
and when hulk cheap shots thor

My favourite :D
Can't wait for Man of Steel... blowing loads to the trailers.

Lots of $$ to be spent of movies over the next few months... and it's all IMAX 3D .. Star Trek should kill too

Saw Obvilion on the weekend, rather enjoyed it. pretty good concept.
Finally watched oblivion. Concept wasn't exactly new, it feels like "the island". However i love their depiction of the future. Love the foldable motorcycle, would love me one of those for commuting
Finally watched oblivion. Concept wasn't exactly new, it feels like "the island". However i love their depiction of the future. Love the foldable motorcycle, would love me one of those for commuting
Just saw Oblivion as well. Story line has been done before in other settings, but this one has some clever twists. And while I'm not the biggest fan of Mr Cruise, I think he hit this one out of the park. It was very entertaining and a must see on the big screen!
Just saw Oblivion as well. Story line has been done before in other settings, but this one has some clever twists. And while I'm not the biggest fan of Mr Cruise, I think he hit this one out of the park. It was very entertaining and a must see on the big screen!

I don't understand the ending
He was the clone from the other landing pad. He had a different number on shirt or something like that.

Yup, that was the clone that the first guy beat up earlier in the movie. If you notice, that guy was 'gone' after the fight scene, looks like Earth people snatched him.
He was the clone from the other landing pad. He had a different number on shirt or something like that.

How did he find the resisters?
I found the ending too "Independence Day" for my liking. Otherwise, enjoyed the movie. Very old school sci-fi in feeling
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