Recent movies you saw - recommend or no

Safe house very good movie...Denzel great job as always...he should be one of the
i checked out Good
Just saw Abraham Lincoln vampire hunter. Decent flick... could've been put together better but entertaining none the less.
Judge Dredd. Far better than the Stalone schlock that came before and far more like people who used to read 3000AD would expect it to be.
Judge Dredd. Far better than the Stalone schlock that came before and far more like people who used to read 3000AD would expect it to be.

+1.. saw it multiple times with different friend groups and everyone loved it. It's definitely one of my favourite movies.... I enjoyed it that much

Not for the faint of heart, though.
+1.. saw it multiple times with different friend groups and everyone loved it. It's definitely one of my favourite movies.... I enjoyed it that much

Not for the faint of heart, though.

Karl Urban was an excellent choice for Dredd. He even managed to convey a little emotion and facial expression through the helmet. Well as much as Dredd would ever show anyway :lol:
I wouldn't have wanted to watch another Dredd film without reading the positives here.. A bit more homework and it's definitely on my list.
I wouldn't have wanted to watch another Dredd film without reading the positives here.. A bit more homework and it's definitely on my list.

Go in expecting little story, no Hollyweird crap, and lots of 'splosions, and you'll enjoy it. "Training Day" on crank.
Looper was surprisingly good. Great feel to the movie, good acting, creative ideas and plot twist.

I dunno, it's been getting good reviews and trailers looked solid so I had high expectations. Good movie but I dunno, I was disappointed somehow. I think it had the potential to be even better. Still, in a sea of re-makes at least this one is original.
It's TV but new ARROW series is pretty good(episode 1)... lots of action and solid for a TV show not cheese...
I dunno, it's been getting good reviews and trailers looked solid so I had high expectations. Good movie but I dunno, I was disappointed somehow. I think it had the potential to be even better. Still, in a sea of re-makes at least this one is original.

I know what you mean... i think its because it was slow and it was pretty obvious about the kid from a mile away.
Let's see ...Judge Dredd and Loopers...maybe's....Skyfall gotta be good...I hope.
Saw Boondock Saints...'B' ish but Tarentino kinda good.
Then scored a $5 Boondock Saints 2 'C' ish like on crack. These movies had the premise of being damn pretty cool..but
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It's TV but new ARROW series is pretty good(episode 1)... lots of action and solid for a TV show not cheese...

Too much soap storyline for me to pay attention. If they cut out the "Best friend slept with the ex-girlfriend", and "mother is into something bad", and just concentrated on making a light action series, it would be 10 times better
Frankenweenie. Not Tim Burtons best effort, but it's okay.
Looper was surprisingly good. Great feel to the movie, good acting, creative ideas and plot twist.

I watched it and was a bit confused. Lots in the storyline for sure.
But every sci fi geek know u can't travel back in time. Too much paradoxes, maybe that's why I'm so confused, lol

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