Recent movies you saw - recommend or no

Go in expecting little story, no Hollyweird crap, and lots of 'splosions, and you'll enjoy it. "Training Day" on crank.

I figured based on the comments.. Just the way I like it.. Not a big fan of the Hollywood crap.. I'll even take Bollywood over it (no joke)
I figured based on the comments.. Just the way I like it.. Not a big fan of the Hollywood crap.. I'll even take Bollywood over it (no joke)

here's a good flick then:


Liked that one actually.. They really love tying up dem loose ends, eh? :cool:

On a different note, unless you're blitzen out of your mind, don't bother with Soldiers of Fortune. It's got some good cast like Sean Bean and Ving Rhames, but all in all the movie is total and utter junk.. Poorly written, so even the good actors had nothing to bite into, poor costumes, poor action scenes, poor acting by most - Christian Slater was even worse than usual the pretty Soviet girl was about 2 decades past the expiration date for the role.... Like WOW... Unless you're high enough to take it as a comedy, don't bother with this one.
Saw Cloud Atlas on Tuesday. Had some interesting stories, but all in all not that great of a film. Some of the makeup was terrible, as the same characters play many parts in this film. Not a movie I would watch again, or even in hindsight pay to watch in the theatre.
I just watched Prometheus. I am really disappointed about the reviews I read online. It was a good movie. Good storyline and rich characters.

Based on the future, I love how they have machines that fly around mapping its surroundings. Pretty interesting stuff
Going to watch Skyfall in a couple hours. Heard it's good.

[update] It was good.
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Going to watch Skyfall in a couple hours. Heard it's good.

I'm already tired of the Bond scene

Sent from my phone using my paws
just saw the new Total Recall, not bad as an action flick but wtf happened to mars??!

pretty cool movie, but again no total recall in my books

anyone else find it odd they skipped a bunch of true parts that made the original?

minus the 3 titties...that was spot on
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whats the deal with all the remakes ?

and why does it seem like colin farrell stars in all of them

total recall, fright night, swat, miami vice
It's because Hollywood is creatively bankrupt. Why bother coming up with an original idea, that you would have to pay for, when you can just strip mine movies and TV from before the majority of your current audience was born? They even tried bringing back "The Munsters" but the pilot failed miserably, so there's talk about making a TV movie instead.
I heard because of the recession, Hollywood isn't keen on chancing new IP, so they remake and rehash old stuff
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