Recent movies you saw - recommend or no

or Prometheus. I had my doubts about the Avengers but it was a pretty sick movie. I'd watch it again!

o yea forgot about that one... especially after the freaky previw in IMAX.

man for all the bitching by the geek world about Norton being replaced by Ruffalo, I think he did an awesome job, I don't see Norton pullin it off as well with the group dynamic.
wasn't interested in seeing the Avengers but ended up going with some friends for the 3d version.

it was awesome. thor & captain america? = cheese. hulk = awesome. ironman = awesome.
Bad *** (it's not ***, it's synonym to "butt" and "donkey") with Danny Trejo! Low budget, butt-kicking with a bit of a comedy twist, very entertaining.. By the way, if you haven't seen the Amber Lamps youtube vid, you gotta check it out before watching this movie :D

Ughhhh the swear filters aren't allowing me to post the movie title
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Ted. Laughed my *** off!
Spidey... Fun movie but not a great movie. Enough with the reboots already!
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Hobo with a shotgun Must see. One of Canada's finest productions to date. Glad to see our tax dollars are actually doing some good!
"God Bless America":If you've ever wanted to run through a mall with a machete or turn up your ignorant neighbours with a shotgun, you'll love it.
I never watch movies and I despise animated movies generally, but I took the kidlets to see "The Brave". It was really good and actually very funny. Definitely worth the price of a ticket.
Glad to hear Avengers getting good reviews, can't wait to see that! I find Robert Downey Jr. as Ironman......very stimulating....:agave:
Some Guy Who Kills People - Another low budget but very entertaining comedy about a guy who just got out of a mental institution because he got violently abused by high school bullies, gets a job in an ice cream parlor starts dating and finds out he has an 11 year old daughter. Oh and there are buckets of blood and flying body parts in there too :D
That movie reminds me of "Natural born killers"

Similar in premise, but far different in execution. It's more like "Falling Down" but with a teenage sidekick, and comedy.

Some Guy Who Kills People - Another low budget but very entertaining comedy about a guy who just got out of a mental institution because he got violently abused by high school bullies, gets a job in an ice cream parlor starts dating and finds out he has an 11 year old daughter. Oh and there are buckets of blood and flying body parts in there too :D

I couldn't make it through that one, for some reason.
Get The Gringo.

Basically Gibson's character from Payback goes to jail, decently entertaining.
Dark Knight Rises. Just watched it and had to pick my jaw off the sticky theatre floor by the time the credits started to roll. Intense finale to the trilogy! Second one still the best imo
TDK Rises was incredible! It's better than the other two combined! One word to describe this film: HUGE. Must watch in IMAX for full effect.
On recommendations here, I watched Get the Gringo.. Fun to watch. Liked God Bless America, too.
On recommendations here, I watched Get the Gringo.. Fun to watch. Liked God Bless America, too.

I watched em both. I'll say GBA wasn't as entertaining as I thought. There could have been more flesh to the story. Same goes for Gringo. Payback was better.

I watched Lockout. Pretty interesting story and love the criminals, good acting! Except these hard-arse criminals are Irish. Reminds me of football hooligans. Violent with crude humour, works for me, lol.
Love the idea that these criminals are put to sleep during their incarceration, but it also f up with their brains. Psychopaths who have f'ed up brains to begin with, gets worse, lol

Lockout. My GOD this movie sucked hard! It's not even worth a DL. You've been warned!

Just saw this. I beg to differ
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