Recent movies you saw - recommend or no

The descendents .. okay movie with Clooney
Ides of march .. again Clooney, but if you follow politics youll be slightly more intersted than i was.
In time .. JT is in it, and i liked this one. Definately not your average type movie.
Art of valour .. a RAH RAH type movie, but liked it.

Human Centipede 2. WHOA. Stop. Do not eat during this movie .. this movie is way over the top of being gross. That is my disclaimer.
Project X looks good, but havent gotten around to watching it yet.
Safe House - Ryan Renolds and Denzel Washington. Non stop action from start to end. Chase sequences were definitely awesome. Fight scene were great. Story was a bit on the weak side but, there are only so many ways to spin or tell a rouge CIA agent story.
Safe House - Ryan Renolds and Denzel Washington. Non stop action from start to end. Chase sequences were definitely awesome. Fight scene were great. Story was a bit on the weak side but, there are only so many ways to spin or tell a rouge CIA agent story.

+1, Safe House is worth a watch
"The Guard." You'll have to be good with accents, because there are some pretty thick Welsh accents in it. You'll be spending the whole movie wondering if the "hero" is an idiot, or a genius.


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Hall be honest i was at g/fs familys place and her uncle had it DVR'd so i said screw it, throw it on...I laughed my *** off!

I cant recommend In Time enough...that movie really made me think, and it was very well done and the acting wasnt too bad.
"The Guard." You'll have to be good with accents, because there are some pretty thick Welsh accents in it. You'll be spending the whole movie wondering if the "hero" is an idiot, or a genius.

Hilarious movie!
Clubbed - I enjoyed this movie quite a bit.. It's about a divorced factory worker who gets pushed around by everyone until he falls in with a group of bouncers that train in a boxing gym.. Got drama, got character development and buckets and buckets of blood. Definitely recommended as long as you can understand that weird language they speak in Great Britain :cool:
"The Guard." You'll have to be good with accents, because there are some pretty thick Welsh accents in it. You'll be spending the whole movie wondering if the "hero" is an idiot, or a genius.

Brought back memories of my ex-Father In Law.Sorry to say Rob but the accent is very Irish. Great movie.
Forgot about this thread.

The Recent Shortlist:

Elite Squad - GOOD! - Brazilian cop drama, well done. Good lead. Good action. Definitely Recommend. Subtitles.

Elite Squad 2: The Enemy Within - GOOD! - As good as the first. Different direction, but still very clever. Subtitles

The Skin I Live In - NEUTRAL. - Weird as ****. Plot is seriously WTF. I wanted to watch it because of the ludicrous plot, and it didn't disappoint in that department.

The Rum Diary - BAD. - It tells a story and thats about it. No likeable characters. Not really sure whats going on most of the time. Amber Heard is HOT. She is the only thing worth watching it for.

Tinker Tailor Soldier Spy - BAD. - Plot is really convoluted for no apparent reason. Many aspects never explained. Doesn't make much sense even after it's over. Decent acting by most of the cast.

Cocaine Cowboys - GOOD/Interesting - Documentary about the Miami coke trade. Really well done.

Squaregrouper - GOOD/Interesting - Documentary about Fisherman becoming Marijuana smugglers in the Florida keys.

Moneyball - Pretty Good. - Well acted. Brad Pitt is good as lead. Better if you like baseball.

The Adventures of Tin Tin - Pretty Good. - Plot is very straightforward and you can see the end coming from miles away. The reason to watch it is for the animation, it is ****ing incredible!

- NEUTRAL - Staring at Ryan Reynolds for 1.5hrs. Thats about it.
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The Raid: Redemption. If you like stunt/martial arts movies this is for you. Excellent choreographed fight scenes. Only playing in Scotia theatre in Toronto last I checked. Some fight scenes are on youtube for it.
Devil's Double: Lent my copy to my brother-in-law and he recommends it and from watching the trailer may be one to watch.
Recent flicks I've seen...

Hunger Games
: Nothing else was playing that I haven't seen (my excuse ;)). If you go in with low expectations you might enjoy it. The premise ain't bad but it's definitely targeted at a young audience and the direction--among other things--sucked @$$. Alternative recommendations: Battle Royale, Running Man, Lord of the Flies

John Carter: Ugh... I'm really painting a cheesy picture of my movie tastes here but I swear it's only because my buddy dragged me to see it! :D Again, low expectations and accessing your inner adolescence are the key to enjoying this movie. Oh and the chick in this movie is hot!
I know this is not a movie, but I finally started watching Human Planet.
Good documentary. Shows how resilient human life can be.


Recent flicks I've seen...

Hunger Games
: Nothing else was playing that I haven't seen (my excuse ;)). If you go in with low expectations you might enjoy it. The premise ain't bad but it's definitely targeted at a young audience and the direction--among other things--sucked @$$. Alternative recommendations: Battle Royale, Running Man, Lord of the Flies

John Carter: Ugh... I'm really painting a cheesy picture of my movie tastes here but I swear it's only because my buddy dragged me to see it! :D Again, low expectations and accessing your inner adolescence are the key to enjoying this movie. Oh and the chick in this movie is hot!

I quite liked "John Carter", but then again maybe I was channelling my childhood when I read some of the original books, and the comics?
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