Recent movies you saw - recommend or no

The really sad part about "The Help" is that there are parts of the US (and the rest of the planet for that matter) that are still in a very sad state.
The really sad part about "The Help" is that there are parts of the US (and the rest of the planet for that matter) that are still in a very sad state.

So true.
Was down south a few years ago and when gf or I entered the room the Black Lady had to leave the room and was not allowed to talk to us.
Eventually, did manage to talk to her, what a fascinating woman.
When I saw this movie brought back many memories.
Should win an Oscar.
Warrior - A good MMA Rocky-style movie. There were some pretty crappy Rocky clones out there, but this one came out pretty decent.
Just finished watching 'Knowing' (with Nicholas Cage). Seemed a bit far-fetched, at first. But then I understood. Thought-provoking movie. Recommended.
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Just watched "fat head." It's a documentry. Highly recommended!
watched 'tree of life' last night. . .

not a film for everyone.

it is only partly a movie, partly a film, and partly a 'documentary' per se, in the same vein as baraka. there were even elements of maya deren in there, imho.

no question it was visually beautiful, as most of malick's films are. . .his use of whispered voice over is still effective as ever, and it definitely lends itself well to the poetic and lyric aspects of the film. . .there are many montages that serve as a metaphor or allegory to the 'main' story, but while the pieces are individually wonderful, including some fantastic performances, it actually fails as a complete film, imho.

i'm not even sure that the flash-forward element featuring sean penn was even necessary, unless you subscribe to the idea that malick was trying to make a philosophical statement about modern society.

i missed this in the theatres, and will watch this again on a 110" projector screen setup with dd surround to see what was lacking on my first viewing (bdrm lcd, only 32" lcd with crappy samsung speakers).

i appreciated it, but warning, some people will HATE this film
I did hate it. I must say it frustrated me to the point of turning it off .... and that does not happen often. It's different than any other movie I have ever seen. I usually like different, but not this time around.
The really sad part about "The Help" is that there are parts of the US (and the rest of the planet for that matter) that are still in a very sad state.

Oh yeah, I realize that. I've heard of places where they still sell only white cars, as apparently any other color will not do ... :-(
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I saw "Puncture" last night. Pretty decent, worth watching in my opinion.
Mission Imposible was awesome!!! Note to self never go to the theater on New Years day again. Theater was packed and we were there 30 minutes before it even started.

Oh and the trailer for the Sacha Baron Cohen movie looks hilarious. The Dictator.

Hugo was surprisingly good.
New Years Eve..... Horrible!
Went to see it on NYE and what a mistake. Lol. Actually some people got up and left yelling how 'crappy' the movie was.
It was OK for mind numbing popcorn eating. Although young teenage girls seemed to 'LOVE IT'

Really want to see The Girl With The Dragon Tattoo. Really love the soundtrack.
Mission Imposible was awesome!!! Note to self never go to the theater on New Years day again. Theater was packed and we were there 30 minutes before it even started.

Oh and the trailer for the Sacha Baron Cohen movie looks hilarious. The Dictator.

Hugo was surprisingly good.
i got a good laugh out of the trailer for the dictator, too. it was probably the scene at the track meet that did it for me

also liked hugo a lot, daughter liked it too. quite an homage to old school filmmaking, the kind of thing you see every once and a while, like giuseppe tornatore's cinema paradiso. . .i'm sure scorsese got himself some street cred by getting such a film greenlighted, and not only that, filmed in 3d--although the advantages and usefulness of 'hugo' in 3d was actually lost on me. . .i doubt the film would have suffered in 2d, and it really didn't have any parts where i thought, "glad that was in 3d, it made a real difference". . .
Really want to see The Girl With The Dragon Tattoo. Really love the soundtrack.

If you can, do yourself a favor and read the book. After that you will save money for the Hollywood rendition of the real script ....
Warrior - A good MMA Rocky-style movie. There were some pretty crappy Rocky clones out there, but this one came out pretty decent.

Warrior was good all around, have a man crush on Tom Hardy's traps

Saw Ides of March last night, not bad in any way but I was expecting it to be much better.
I took my son to see 'Hugo'...I liked it. Great story and cinematography. Definitely had a 'older' feel to it. Right now I'm waiting (not so patiently) for 'The Hunger Games' and 'Prometheus' to come out. I hope they do 'The Hunger Games' justice and don't botch the story...and 'Prometheus'? ROCK ON Ridley!!! It looks like a fresh new 'Alien' for the youngin's (that didn't get to experience it when it first came out) :)
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The Guard - Pretty good Irish buddy-cop comedy. Had me LMAO on a few occasions. Definitely recommended
So true.
Was down south a few years ago and when gf or I entered the room the Black Lady had to leave the room and was not allowed to talk to us.
Eventually, did manage to talk to her, what a fascinating woman.
When I saw this movie brought back many memories.
Should win an Oscar.

Out of curiousity, what state was this?
Out of curiousity, what state was this?

I was travelling around the States and stopped at a Families friends house in Pensacola.
This was one of their beach houses.
Like we have cottages here, they have beach houses.
The Family who owned all the property where from Alabama.
The Black ladies Family had worked for them for many, many years.
Devil inside sucked ***..and I like bad movies. When more than 3 groups of people coming out of the movie tell you not to watch it, you should listen.
Devil inside sucked ***..and I like bad movies. When more than 3 groups of people coming out of the movie tell you not to watch it, you should listen.

You're surprised?
The losers that made Paranormal Activity made that movie too... If they make 2 movies that suck, why would you expect the third to be any different?
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