Recent movies you saw - recommend or no

I've just ordered the DVD.

Das Boot.

Really is a masterpiece.

Watched it!
I love war movies and military history. If you like the above, u will like:

K19- widowmaker
(this movie brought a tear to my eye. Its about heroism and humanity). A must see in my books
Even though I do not like Matthew McConaughey, I think this is a good film. Brings to you the lives of the soldiers and a very tense, "do not get caught" kind of film.

Let me know what u think if u see them :)

Ps. to my knowledge, they are also historical accurate. Not like Battle LA :p; no offence to the fans
I can tell you what movie I won't be seeing....Paranormal 3.

The "bloody mary" bit at the end of the trailer gave me goosebumps!
Drive was probably the worst movie I have seen in recent years. Some people said if you didnt enjoy it, its because it was too smart for you. I personally didnt see any genius behind minute long awkward silences, dialogue that totalled maybe 15mins, and then unexpectedly brutal murders (that part was ok). The opening scene makes the movie seem very promising. Leave the theatre after the first 5mins and you will have enjoyed Drive.
Warrior - Great story line and acting. Definitely one of the best movies I've seen this year.

Killer Elite - It was ok. Very predictable for the most part with a few twists. Good action nonetheless.

I will probably go watch Drive next after reading some favourable reviews on here.

50/50 was a pretty good movie. Drama/ comedy with many sad moments because of cancer, but also made it funny at the same time. Good movie to watch with a chick.
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Watched 'rise of the planet of the apes' last night. It was probably the best 1.2 gb of bandwidth I have spent this month.
Drive was probably the worst movie I have seen in recent years. Some people said if you didnt enjoy it, its because it was too smart for you. I personally didnt see any genius behind minute long awkward silences, dialogue that totalled maybe 15mins, and then unexpectedly brutal murders (that part was ok). The opening scene makes the movie seem very promising. Leave the theatre after the first 5mins and you will have enjoyed Drive.

The only dialogue worth watching is from Quintin Terantino
I usually listen to the dialogue in movies.

I see.
What I mean is I can listen to Terantino's dialogue over and over and not be bored. Of course I do listen to other dialogue in movies
No worries. It was just a joke about you saying you watch (visually) dialogue, which you could only do if it was subtitles, or someone was getting punched in a vintage Batman TV show.......but that is closer to onomatopoeia, and I'm digressing now.
No worries. It was just a joke about you saying you watch (visually) dialogue, which you could only do if it was subtitles, or someone was getting punched in a vintage Batman TV show.......but that is closer to onomatopoeia, and I'm digressing now.

English grammar is not my strong-point

Ps. to my knowledge, they are also historical accurate.

Good yarn but completely fictional. Toss in Crimson Tide for another good sub movie.

Real Steel was a little better than expected since I expected a complete turkey. If it wasn't for Hugh Jackman's spirited performance, this movie would've sunk to the bottom, like a sub.
Good yarn but completely fictional. Toss in Crimson Tide for another good sub movie.

Real Steel was a little better than expected since I expected a complete turkey. If it wasn't for Hugh Jackman's spirited performance, this movie would've sunk to the bottom, like a sub.

I think it was K-19, my bad. It was shown on the History Channel followed by comments from that lady who seem to know it all :)
Diary of the Dead 2 - World of the Dead - Not as crappy as the original, but not any good either.. Only rent if you're REALLY into zombie flicks, otherwise.. Skip
Setup was horrible. Bad acting. Crap story. I deleted it right after I forced my way through it. Thinking about that movie makes me angry.
It's not out yet but I watched the trailer for 'Spy vs. Spy' a couple days ago...looks like it's going to be a good one. Chris Pine being in it doesn't hurt either ;)
Saw 50/50 last week. It's about this guy who gets cancer, and how they deal with it. I usually don't like Seth Rogen, but it was actually pretty good and funny. It makes you laugh and whatever chick you go with everyone wins :D
It's not out yet but I watched the trailer for 'Spy vs. Spy' a couple days ago...looks like it's going to be a good one. Chris Pine being in it doesn't hurt either ;)

Tom Hardy. Brilliant.

Went on a little zombie spree.. All low-budget stuff..

Against the Dark - Steven Seagal is supposed to lead a group of hunters who kill vampire-zombies with various weapons. They're supposed to help some people get out of some hospital before the whole zone gets bombed in the morning. The cast is uninspiring, the characters are one-dimensional and undeveloped, basically the movie is crap.. Steven has been getting into his donuts on the job though, so he didn't do any real asskicking.. Mostly waddling at a leisurly pace

Evil and Evil 2 - Greek zombie flicks.. Some ancient evil that was already defeated by the Spartans, turns 3 modern-day Greeks into Zombies. You turn into one almost instantly after a bite. So a group of people is just trying to survive the apocalypse, even though in the sequel, the ones left take the fight to them. The filmmakers didn't take themselves too seriously and there are buckets of blood and guts in funny unrealistic decapitations and such.. If you're into the genre, you will enjoy those 2 flicks, especially if you watch them as comedies.

Eaters - Italian post-apocalyptic zombie flick... The apocalypse caused by some medical trial. Very low budget with only a couple of characters, but the filmmakers did quite a bit with very little. Still, the script wasn't well-written so the whole effort is a little "meh." No real horde destruction either.

NVZ - Ninjas vs Zombies - Some geek tries to resurrect his brother who comes back to life and either sucks souls out of people to turn them into zombies or kills them. When it hits the fan, he uses magic to turn his 3 buddies (30-something losers) into ninjas to deal with the horde. This movie won't be winning any awards, that's for sure, but I just couldn't resist the title :( I'm sure the filmmakers toked a lot of weed and targeted the film accordingly.
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