Recent movies you saw - recommend or no

Paul - A decent comedy with plenty of laugs. Not as good at Hot Fuzz, but it may appeal more to the North American audience. Imagine 2 comic book fans traveling in an RV with the ET version of AGAVE :cool:

I thought Agave was an alien?? :agave:
POTA was ok. Good CGI, no plot. Wasn't a waste of cash though
apes was great, but wasnt the true story about the whole black hole jazz...not humans screwing with Alzheimers medication.
was very entertaining, but i didnt feel it kept to the true story.

Source code was decent, just saw that the other day.
are u kidding me? It looks decent

I saw Conan, it was overall pretty good and better than I thought it would be. Im a fan of the Arnie flicks so I didn't have high expectations for the Conan reboot and I thought it looked a little bit campy at first but... In the end it was a fun movie to watch..

My brother is a fan of the Conan comics/graphic novels and he thought the movie itself wasnt bad but it wasn't really a good Conan movie. It didn't do the character any justice.
Agreed. The best part of Conan was showing him growing up and kicking ***...they probably shouldve just stuck with a prequel Conan than a reboot. There was so much action that i actually fell asleep.

Friends with benefits - really funny comedy

Age of Heroes - really good war movie

I saw Conan, it was overall pretty good and better than I thought it would be. Im a fan of the Arnie flicks so I didn't have high expectations for the Conan reboot and I thought it looked a little bit campy at first but... In the end it was a fun movie to watch..

My brother is a fan of the Conan comics/graphic novels and he thought the movie itself wasnt bad but it wasn't really a good Conan movie. It didn't do the character any justice.
I saw Conan, it was overall pretty good and better than I thought it would be. Im a fan of the Arnie flicks so I didn't have high expectations for the Conan reboot and I thought it looked a little bit campy at first but... In the end it was a fun movie to watch..

My brother is a fan of the Conan comics/graphic novels and he thought the movie itself wasnt bad but it wasn't really a good Conan movie. It didn't do the character any justice.

I remember we were lil' kids when the 1st one came out. My friends were all talking about it.
Same for Rambo 1st Blood, lol
I saw Frost-Nixon over the weekend and it was actually such a good movie. Phenomenal acting.

I'm halfway through The Network, but I'd definitely recommend it. They definitely don't make 'em like this anymore :(
A couple of recent views...

The Horde - French zombie flick.. Crooked cops and criminals trapped in a building that's being overrun by quick zombies. They got pretty creative with various killing techniques.. A definite must-see for any zombie fan

Your Highness - It's an action-adventure comedy about 2 princes going out to save a damsel in distress.. It's also R-rated.. For many good reasons.. Definitely a good laugh with tons of subtle parodies, still funny even if you don't get what they're parodying. Starring Danny McBride and Natalie Portman
Hanna - Enjoyed it very much.

Columbiana - Hot chick kicking ***. Very cool. I laugh at those chirping about the plot events. I didn't have a problem with it.

Hangover 2 - reviews set the bar low for me so, I watched it and laughed my *** off. Funny how that works.

Fair Game - pretty good too.
While Eastbound and Down is genuinely funny. Your Highness is drivel at it's zenith. I had to turn it off it was so bad.
Some of them i watched recently as well. ..

Colombiana .. agree with above. pretty good movie.
Fright Night .. not bad, but like the original one better from the 80's
The change up .. F(*@# hilarious
Horrible Bosses .. half decent
Thor .. didnt want to watch it, but did since i was bored and it turned out to be pretty good.
Crazy stupid love .. pretty funny too.
Friends with Benefits .. kinda funny ..

I have a bunch im still trying to catch up on, plus the new stuff coming out this month.
Conan was abject garbage. Only thing worse was Your Highness, how do two academy award nominated actors end up in this trash!
Columbiana - thought was boring. The plot was too slow and nothing from that movie wow'd me
Friends with benefits - decent comedy. Chicks will like it more.
Horrible bosses - had some funny moments other than that meh
Change up - couldn't finish... felt like stabbing my eyes through most of it.
Conan - again couldn't finish. Boring. They could've done a lot more with this, but the director and story was pretty fail.
Noone Knows About Persian Cats - It's a weird semi-documentary about a pop-rock band in Tehran (Iran). Over there, playing content not approved by the religious police can land you in jail. It was filmed literally while on the run from the popo and includes local musical talent of all sorts, from traditional folk to pop-rock, to System of a Down style, to blues to rap. It explored several interesting themes...
-What happens to a society when the religious right-wing takes over.. Whether it's Islam or the Christian Taliban (becoming more and more popular in these parts), the results are the same - oppression
-Our economic system forced a similar atmosphere here.. Your song can't be heard on the radio unless it's sanitized of anything that could even remotely scare away advertisers.. Only bland lifeless crap is acceptable. Journalists have been fired for writing stuff contrary to the advertiser's sales pitch.
-By the way, what would happen to you if you got caught with a pitbull puppy in Ontario?
popular in these parts), the results are the same - oppression

-By the way, what would happen to you if you got caught with a pitbull puppy in Ontario?

not much unless the dog bites somebody, or if you take it to offleash parks you may get ratted out. You can always argue its a terrier/boxer cross that looks like a pit. Like the animal control guys would know.
But better off not having one of those time bombs around the house, I love dogs, i just dont get the need to own a potentially dangerous one.

But the real thing here, saw "THE HELP" last nite, based on the book about Black maids working for White people in Mississippi in the early '60's. Very well written and acted, great story line.
Thor was crap, surprise surprise :cool:

Shinjuku Incident - JC in a Chinese gangsta flick set in Japan.. Mostly as a drama. It's not a waste of time but it didn't wow me either

13 Assassins - Pretty good samurai action flick
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