Recent movies you saw - recommend or no

Enthiran - (Bollywood Terminator).. I'd put it into the same category as Snakes on a Plane - so bad that it's entertaining. The production value is actually pretty high, but the storyline is a bit cheezy, like a mix of I-Robot and Terminator and some of the casting choices weren't what I'd call optimal. Still, I'm not complaining about Aishwarya Rai being in it :D
Captain America was pretty good. i like how they digitally shrunk the actor to pre-supersoldier midget size, looked very convincing. But way too many historical inaccuracies if you're a war history buff like me. It was a segregated military in WWII, blacks and whites did not fight together yet they were mingling about with each other like they were pals. And they even threw in a Chinese dude for even more effect, never would've happened. Too much advanced technology, there were LEDs everywhere and I think I spotted one soldier wearing a mini-mic. Yeah, you could chalk it up to Stark but that would just be a lazy explanation.
They made an anorexic turn into a supersoldier, agent smith into the devil, and had guns that make people disappear... and you're concerned about the black soldiers and the LEDs? It's a comic.

Personally didn't find it that great. There wasn't anything that stood out about it. It told a story, and thats about it. Hard to feel anything for any of the characters. The CGI right after he becomes big looked awful.
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Enthiran - (Bollywood Terminator).. I'd put it into the same category as Snakes on a Plane - so bad that it's entertaining. The production value is actually pretty high, but the storyline is a bit cheezy, like a mix of I-Robot and Terminator and some of the casting choices weren't what I'd call optimal. Still, I'm not complaining about Aishwarya Rai being in it :D

why are you watching so many indian movies?
The production value is actually pretty high, but the storyline is a bit cheezy, like a mix of I-Robot and Terminator and some of the casting choices weren't what I'd call optimal.

I am really disappointed you put the words "terminator" and "cheezy" in the same sentence. That happen to be one of my favourite movies.

Terribly disappointed :angry3:

why are you watching so many indian movies?

If u look closely, he's indian

Actually heard this was good! FWb is really good as well! Chick flicks are luring us manly man in now..... yeeeaaahhh * punches wall*
Actually heard this was good! FWb is really good as well! Chick flicks are luring us manly man in now..... yeeeaaahhh * punches wall*

I absolutely hate chick flicks and would rather stab my eyes than watch them. I watched this and would rate it the best comedy that I watched for a very long time. I categories it more as a comedy than a chick flick moment.
Actually heard this was good! FWb is really good as well! Chick flicks are luring us manly man in now..... yeeeaaahhh * punches wall*

probably the funniest and most vulgar chick flick i've ever seen
+1 to Bridesmaids, a pleasant surprise.
Also I did enjoy FWB, IMO a good choice for anyone on their first few dates.
I absolutely hate chick flicks and would rather stab my eyes than watch them. I watched this and would rate it the best comedy that I watched for a very long time. I categories it more as a comedy than a chick flick moment.

Me too, but like i said it was a tuesday and it was the earliest showing and thats why, but glad i did see it. Also, I wouldnt classifly it as chick flicky either, but i bet 90% of people who havent seen it assume it is.
Great movie either way!
Me too, but like i said it was a tuesday and it was the earliest showing and thats why, but glad i did see it. Also, I wouldnt classifly it as chick flicky either, but i bet 90% of people who havent seen it assume it is.
Great movie either way!

saw it tuesday at amc whiteby, best thing was there were lots of single hot ladies there... DAMM!
saw it tuesday at amc whiteby, best thing was there were lots of single hot ladies there... DAMM!

I had a bunch of teeny boppers on my theatre! I think i saw tafb at the back of the theatre though
Horrible Bosses - Worth watching, pretty funny.

Good to hear that, the wife wants to go see it.

Speaking of the wife, she rented "Rango" the other night... it was cute, not as funny as the usual cartoon movie, but the animation was awesome - on that point alone it's worth it to watch.
I had a bunch of teeny boppers on my theatre! I think i saw tafb at the back of the theatre though

Did he actually broke a leg?
Just watched "The Human Centipede" - It is a curious dramatic exploration of life in post-war Germany, including the retired protagonist's unfulfilled job ambitions and other characters' motivations from entertainment, to professional excellence and atonement for letting down one's family. It brings a fresh young cast, anchored by a seasoned professional and a melodramatic plot that is sure to bring both tears of sorrow and laughter to your face. Highly recommended as both a date movie and as fun for the whole family!
Just watched "The Human Centipede" - It is a curious dramatic exploration of life in post-war Germany, including the retired protagonist's unfulfilled job ambitions and other characters' motivations from entertainment, to professional excellence and atonement for letting down one's family. It brings a fresh young cast, anchored by a seasoned professional and a melodramatic plot that is sure to bring both tears of sorrow and laughter to your face. Highly recommended as both a date movie and as fun for the whole family!

Just watched it with my grandparents and little cousins and we loved it, laughed cried, oscar worthy performances
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