Recent movies you saw - recommend or no

Blitz - Some good English humour and classic beatdowns that you'd expect given the lead. Nice ending.
Liked Drive a lot. Good acting and music was very well done. Very retro music and I liked it a lot. It fit the movie theme well.

They didn't throw in hollywood gimicks which was refreshing so I definitely liked it. Movie had it's own pace and I think they wanted that... it was a face paced something epic happening every 20 seconds. Very well done.
One Week.

It's about some dude having 1 week to live and decides to spend it riding a Norton 850CC across Canada from Toronto to Tofino.
The Tournament about a contest between the world's greatest hitmen and hitwomen. Last one standing wins $10MIL. Cast includes some pretty decent international stars. Good movie, don't know why it wasn't wide-released. On par with Deathrace.

Drive took me by surprise. Very minimalist. If you like Michael Bay movies, this is the polar opposite. Has a total David Lynch look and feel to it helped by the Angelo Badalamenti score. Destined to be a cult film. Unfortunately ending was anticlimactic, could've been better. Ryan Gosling has very little dialogue but it works, although I still think he doesn't pull off the tough guy role completely.
not much unless the dog bites somebody, or if you take it to offleash parks you may get ratted out. You can always argue its a terrier/boxer cross that looks like a pit. Like the animal control guys would know.
But better off not having one of those time bombs around the house, I love dogs, i just dont get the need to own a potentially dangerous one.

A Labrador Retriever recently killed a baby. Yes, a Lab. A breed known for being gentle, sensitive, easy to train, and intelligent. No idea why it killed the child. The mom put the baby in the baby seat, got the dog into the car, ran back to the house to get something and the dog had killed her child before she could run back to stop it. There have also been multiple cases throughout the US of Labrador Retrievers killing infants, toddlers and cats. Go ahead and google it. I guess I better get rid of my own Chocolate Lab since he's a "time bomb" as well? :rolleyes: ANY breed can attack and kill. Pit mixes don't attack with any more prevalence than any other breed. But the media certainly loves its scapegoats. Gotta feed the paranoid masses.


Saw Contagion last night. It was meh.
Saw "Drive" - I'm fine with minimalist movies but it just was bad IMO.

Also saw "Killer Elite" - Pretty good watch. Fairly straight forward with a few twists. Lots of action and pretty funny.
A Labrador Retriever recently killed a baby. Yes, a Lab. A breed known for being gentle, sensitive, easy to train, and intelligent. No idea why it killed the child. The mom put the baby in the baby seat, got the dog into the car, ran back to the house to get something and the dog had killed her child before she could run back to stop it. There have also been multiple cases throughout the US of Labrador Retrievers killing infants, toddlers and cats. Go ahead and google it. I guess I better get rid of my own Chocolate Lab since he's a "time bomb" as well? :rolleyes: ANY breed can attack and kill. Pit mixes don't attack with any more prevalence than any other breed. But the media certainly loves its scapegoats. Gotta feed the paranoid masses.


Saw Contagion last night. It was meh.

Its funny you mention Labs, have a look at my avatar, thats my 134lb yellow, and i have a regular size black lab. My parents (mom actually) ran a kennel so I have an above average association with a lot of different breeds.
My yellow lab is territorial , would gladly kill a cat or squirrel and doesnt like anybody under 4' tall, he could crush a toddlers head in his mouth instantly. We dont trust him around children so he is never alone with kids.

Its the ferocity and explosive anger when a pit bull attacks that prompts my time bomb comment, ymmv.

Last week a mom killed her kid to! a Mom!
Little Big Solider - with Jackie Chan. Epic action comedy.. Definitely beyond Hollywood.. Well acted, decent script, excellent work all around. Worth watching
True Legend - Modern garden-variety kung fu flick. Got a bit of (unimpressive) CGI, but still a decent flick for the genre. Not a waste of time, but I can't say that I was wowed. Most of it is about a retired general fighting his evil foster-brother to rescue his son, with an additional side-plot where he fights evil foreigners in an arena.
The Tournament about a contest between the world's greatest hitmen and hitwomen. Last one standing wins $10MIL. Cast includes some pretty decent international stars. Good movie, don't know why it wasn't wide-released. On par with Deathrace.

I liked The Tournemant as well.
The Lost Future - Post-apocalyptic flick with Sean Bean. Made for TV and crappy even by those standards. I want my 90min back
Killer Elite - not a bad action flick. Worth the $4.99 Matinee fee. Good action scenes, some cheese, few funny bits. Fake accents galore. But an 80's action movie :D
Saw 'Drive', and really enjoyed it. Awesome soundtrack! Music matched the film perfectly. Minimal dialogue, but lots of emotion. Recommended to anyone who doesn't want to watch a 'Hollywood big blockbuster'

Thinking of seeing 'moneyball' next.
Meek's Cutoff - While many were praising it for immersing the watcher in the life of those settlers while they're unsure whether they'll find water or die of thirst, I found it slow and boring as hell
Warrior - Great story line and acting. Definitely one of the best movies I've seen this year.

Killer Elite - It was ok. Very predictable for the most part with a few twists. Good action nonetheless.

I will probably go watch Drive next after reading some favourable reviews on here.
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