John carter wasn't bad. Definitely not what I expected.
The hunger games was over hyped. Very bland and lacking development of the characters. Looked more like a kids movie if anything.
The biggest complaint I've heard about John Carter was from people who said they had seen all the story elements before, so it was nothing new. They forget that Edgar Rice Burroughs created many of those memes and was ripped off by Spielberg, et al.
Lockout. My GOD this movie sucked hard! It's not even worth a DL. You've been warned!
Saw SAFE was really good, Jason Statham pic.
Agree it looks stupid but some of the action scenes in the latest trailer look like it might be worth a DL.
Lockout. My GOD this movie sucked hard! It's not even worth a DL. You've been warned!
nothing else matters... NUFF SAID
until batman...