Recent movies you saw - recommend or no

I didn't see much promo stuff for John Carter so, when I went to see it, it was a plesant surprise. I quiet enjoyed it actually. No expectations does that I guess.

Thinking of seeing the Wrath of the Titans now.......
John carter wasn't bad. Definitely not what I expected.

The hunger games was over hyped. Very bland and lacking development of the characters. Looked more like a kids movie if anything.
Just watched a couple of rock docs...

Lemmy...what can I rocks


New York Doll....I always liked the dolls and then when you throw in the whole CBGB's scene, it all comes together..this is mostly about Arthur Kane, the bass player, but lots of interviews with the whole band.....crazy ending too...


of course if you are offended by sex/drugs/rock n' roll, then maybe these aren't for you.
John carter wasn't bad. Definitely not what I expected.

The hunger games was over hyped. Very bland and lacking development of the characters. Looked more like a kids movie if anything.

The biggest complaint I've heard about John Carter was from people who said they had seen all the story elements before, so it was nothing new. They forget that Edgar Rice Burroughs created many of those memes and was ripped off by Spielberg, et al.
The biggest complaint I've heard about John Carter was from people who said they had seen all the story elements before, so it was nothing new. They forget that Edgar Rice Burroughs created many of those memes and was ripped off by Spielberg, et al.

yea.. my friend started reading the books after seeing the movie (he's finished 5 already). He's become so obsessed and all fuming just how much star wars ripped the books off down to the names of the creatures and vehicles.
I watched Wrath of the Titans last night and enjoyed it. Pretty action packed from start to finish. If you're looking for story though look elsewhere .
I ended up watching Reykjavik-Rotterdam and Contraband, it's the same movie - Contraband is an English language remake starring Marky Mark. The same story, but the English version might be a little more action-oriented. In any case it's a sort of smuggler twist on Gone in 60sec - A retired smuggler who started working security instead has to make one more run to save his ****up brother in law's bacon. Neither was all that good.
My neice dragged me out to see Hunger Games. I was pleasantly suprised it wasn't a teenie bobber movie like twilight. lol

Loved that Woody and Donald Sutherland were in it.
Lockout. My GOD this movie sucked hard! It's not even worth a DL. You've been warned!
Apparently "Battleship" is pretty dumb, but I'll likely see it anyway.


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Yes Battleship is dumb. Worth a DL but that's about it. The second half is a bit better but the first hour is brutal.
Is there some backstory to the original Battleship game or is this movie just trying to capitalize on the name? Agree it looks stupid but some of the action scenes in the latest trailer look like it might be worth a DL. The sound effects sound like they were ripped directly from Transformers.
Agree it looks stupid but some of the action scenes in the latest trailer look like it might be worth a DL.

They were calling that Rihanna chic an actor on the news, so I'm guessing they set the bar pretty low.
i Just watched american pie reunion with my girl and i gotta say it makes me feel old :( LOL no its a good movie takes me back a bit to the first one , This one is still funny but not as good as the previous ones, Still a good watch:p
anyone in serious action movies would love 'Raid: Redemption'
Lockout. My GOD this movie sucked hard! It's not even worth a DL. You've been warned!

What a waste, I liked the whole idea of Prison in space
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