Recent movies you saw - recommend or no

Watched Sucker Punch last night. The storyline was predictable. The fight scenes were well done. Good for what it was.

Visually that was pretty good. the first fight scene was cool. Not an all to predictable ending.

Watched Red Riding Hood. Different take on an old story. You don't guess who the bad one is until the end but it makes a lot of the characters suspects so it may keep you guessing. I honestly didn't get who the "wolf" was till the end so I like it for that.
Because thread jacking is so uncommon on GTAM...

LOL this is the best tangent ever! I've always been interested in how the military went about clearing tight spaces.
Because thread jacking is so uncommon on GTAM...

Look at it this way, if eight guys are in the open and they come under fire, would you wait till everyone ran for cover spaced out a few meters, especially if you were #8? if you can turn in the direction of the enemy and find suitable cover then fine but if it's an ambush situation the first thing the enemy will look for is a way to wack you with nothing you can get behind to return effective fire.

Spacing has it's place moving through bush or over open terrain but urban combat is about halls, alleys, stair cases etc. so unless you have a lot of space you are pretty bunched up.

Entry has a very fast pace. You have to be right up the *** of the guy in front of you. On a standard entry you have four guys go in to a room:

1. breacher blows door hinges with a shotgun and kicks door. Steps to the side and covers forward arcs with his main weapon.

2. first guy on entry goes into room and turns right, down to end of room and turns left, shooting anything in his arcs of fire.

3. second guy does the same to the left.

4. third guy does what first guy did but goes center right then turns.

5. fourth guy goes center left and turns.

6. all targets are taken out until room clear.

7. room is marked secure and team continues on for that entire floor.

When you step in the door you are standing in what they call the "fatal funnel" which means all guns shoot at you so the only way to pull this off is speed of entry. When you go through that door you are right behind the guy in front and on your spot a second before the next guy etc. etc untill it's a shoot'em up. Cant hesitate even to take out a visable target if hes not in your "lane'. It's the only way it works and if it's done right it happens in a flash. Hesitation results in all kinds of unpleasent outcomes.

It takes hundreds of attempts to get an entire floor cleared when you train on this. Every little mistake and you stop and start over.

LOL, so what we are saying is, they only clump together if they can't help it, right?

Can't wait to watch Sucker punch. Chix and action, oh yeh. Wouldn't mind if it had a crappy storyline
LOL, so what we are saying is, they only clump together if they can't help it, right?

Pretty much. Nobody stands there and starts firing back. Various ways to go about it depending on enemy's position and your own.

See if I can embed this video..... not really all that interesting as the actual fighting came after the camera went off. Split from another section in ambush...

Host not supported....
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Pretty much. Nobody stands there and starts firing back. Various ways to go about it depending on enemy's position and your own.

See if I can embed this video..... not really all that interesting as the actual fighting came after the camera went off. Split from another section in ambush...

Host not supported....

Lol, are u cleared to show that vid?

Everybody sticking to their trenches and not making a move?
....indeed movie fan.

You would jump the wall shooting while you fly thru the air yelling something or other....... do a huge back flip after a quick sprint running between the bullets while you slow motion reload and the music comes up in the background then land in the middle of a bunch of guys with AK's that have been carrying them since they could lift them........ Wait for the blue steel close up and Kung Foo them all to death?



LOL, this is you.

Oh well.

More ammo for me :)
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Waste of my time...well no not really. I got paid to watch this while at work :)

Is it even scary?

Any jumpy bits?

GF likes those but I didn't think much of it from the trailer.
lol your comment reminds me of this dude:[video=youtube;efOcBmHY1Yg][/video]

btw, has anyone seen hangover 2 yet? I dident even watch the first one, friends said both were epic.
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....indeed movie fan.

You would jump the wall shooting while you fly thru the air yelling something or other....... do a huge back flip after a quick sprint running between the bullets while you slow motion reload and the music comes up in the background then land in the middle of a bunch of guys with AK's that have been carrying them since they could lift them........ Wait for the blue steel close up and Kung Foo them all to death?



LOL, this is you.

Oh well.

More ammo for me :)

Pffff, I ain;t that noob. :)

Get some mortar rounds out there, soften their defenses then proceed.
lol your video reminds me of this dude:[video=youtube;efOcBmHY1Yg]h

btw, has anyone seen hangover 2 yet? I dident even watch the first one, friends said both were epic.

Hanger 2 was same as 1. Similar plot everything, nothing new
But who knows, maybe they really go in like that, for eg. in '91 the events where Black Hawk Down was based. That was based on true events and the Somalians put up quite a fight, so much so, that the Americans completely pulled their forces out of the country. The Americans went in very light, they thought the battle should just last a few hours max, not aware the amount of resistance the Somalis put up with. I mean, come on, they wanted to kidnap their dictator, lol.

When they started the operation, they were faced with thousands of Somalis all drugged up, with years of experience. They might not have modern equipment like the Americans, but bear in mind those guys were probably shooting since they were 5yrs old, lol. Nothing beats experience.

But they only underestimated their enemy in Somalia, in the movie, I think they had an idea that its going to be a powerful enemy

Your history is a bit wonky. The Americans, along with forces from other nations, were in Somalia to supervise the humanitarian relief efforts and were after the warlords that diverted supplies and funds to weapons. There really wasn't a strategic interest in Somalia, they are a garbage nation and have nothing of interest. The Somalis got their butts kicked, the kill ratio in favour of the Americans was completely lopsided. There were just too many of them. Anyway it wasn't the military's decision to pull out, it was Bill Clinton's. The soldiers assumed they were going to go back in for some serious payback and rescue the POW but Clinton, sensing his voters had no stomach for another Vietnam and was going for a re-election, got cold feet and pulled the plug on the operation. Soon afterwards, other nations such as Canada pulled out and Somalia was back to the dunghole it was and still is. Then the refugee floodgates opened and they all immigrated to Toronto. You give the Somalis far too much credit.
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Your history is a bit wonky. The Americans, along with forces from other nations, were in Somalia to supervise the humanitarian relief efforts and were after the warlords that diverted supplies and funds to weapons. There really wasn't a strategic interest in Somalia, they are a garbage nation and have nothing of interest. The Somalis got their butts kicked, the kill ratio in favour of the Americans was completely lopsided. There were just too many of them. Anyway it wasn't the military's decision to pull out, it was Bill Clinton's. The soldiers assumed they were going to go back in for some serious payback and rescue the POW but Clinton, sensing his voters had no stomach for another Vietnam and was going for a re-election, got cold feet and pulled the plug on the operation. Soon afterwards, other nations such as Canada pulled out and Somalia was back to the dunghole it was and still is. Then the refugee floodgates opened and they all immigrated to Toronto. You give the Somalis far too much credit.

Are you saying there was never an operation to extract the dictator? I know that they were there to supervise the humanitarian effort, just like they were in Iraq to find WMD. Its just a pretext. Same as what happened in Grenada in '83. A pretext!

As for getting their butts kicked, yes, the Somalis lost alot of lives, but in the end, they got what they wanted, ie. the Americans out of their soil. For a country that is starving, they did pretty well
As for getting their butts kicked, yes, the Somalis lost alot of lives, but in the end, they got what they wanted, ie. the Americans out of their soil. For a country that is starving, they did pretty well

You make it sound like the Americans turned tail and ran. That's not what happened. Anyway in hindsight, no one can help that country, including Canada. Good riddance.
You make it sound like the Americans turned tail and ran. That's not what happened. Anyway in hindsight, no one can help that country, including Canada. Good riddance.

I am just making fun of the Americans, always have that mentality they are the "best in the world". Going into a war with a low expectation of others and finding out the hard way, a la "Bay of Pigs" invasion, thinking the Iraq war will only last a month at most, etc.

My question is if they did not ran, what did they do? They did get out of Somalia, didn't they?

America needs to stop meddling in people's affairs. Its a civil war. Most developed countries has had one in the past. Its just "shaping tomorrow". The US has even had one in their history.
I'm not entirely sure how this thread turned from one about movies to one about war but.....oh well.

Recently saw Bridesmaids. Not your typical chick flick and had enough potty humour to keep my boyfriend laughing.
The whole theatre (good mix of guys and girls) was laughing out loud for this flick.
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