Recent movies you saw - recommend or no

Saw Super 8 today, I've been anticipating this film for a year now since the first trailer came out. I was hoping for something with the depth and intelligence of Close Encounters or Contact but fell far short of both. A bit of Goonies, ET and Stand by Me mixed in. Good acting by the kids but did not live up to it's hype. As for JJ Abrams, better than Cloverfield but not as good as Star Trek. Go see X-Men First Class.
Not a movie but I've been watching HBO's Game of Thrones lately. It's awesome. Real gritty fantasy, no fluff whatsoever. Even if you're not usually into this sort of thing, you'll like it.
Not a movie but I've been watching HBO's Game of Thrones lately. It's awesome. Real gritty fantasy, no fluff whatsoever. Even if you're not usually into this sort of thing, you'll like it.

Agreed. Good show, but I wish they used real wolves instead of siberian huskies

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Saw Super 8 today, I've been anticipating this film for a year now since the first trailer came out. I was hoping for something with the depth and intelligence of Close Encounters or Contact but fell far short of both. A bit of Goonies, ET and Stand by Me mixed in. Good acting by the kids but did not live up to it's hype. As for JJ Abrams, better than Cloverfield but not as good as Star Trek. Go see X-Men First Class.

Agree 100%. What I thought I would like about the movie is not what stood out. It was those kids that made that movie good. Oh and the credits :d...
Kill the Irishman was alright.. It had a real solid cast, but they tried to cram too much into too little time. Didn't turn out great but it's not a waste of 100min.
Has anyone recommended "Middle Men" yet? Pretty good. Gave me a few ideas. hahahaha
Saw Super 8 today, I've been anticipating this film for a year now since the first trailer came out. I was hoping for something with the depth and intelligence of Close Encounters or Contact but fell far short of both. A bit of Goonies, ET and Stand by Me mixed in. Good acting by the kids but did not live up to it's hype. As for JJ Abrams, better than Cloverfield but not as good as Star Trek. Go see X-Men First Class.

I enjoyed 'Super 8'... I thought of it as an 'E.T.' for 2011...only E.T. was more than happy to eat you for a snack after he ripped your face off :rolleyes: (That would be the whole 2011 angle...). The kids were great! Good story too.

The 'X-Men: First Class' movie was great too. Loved seeing the origins of some of the characters (not being a comic book person these days) and the initial relationships they had. Very cool :)
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I liked the True Grit remake better than the original. While I have tons of respect for The Duke, Jeff was a better fit for the role. The original had more elements of a comedy, so the girl had more endearing qualities, but the remake was a lot grittier. Definitely recommended.
Elephant White - with Djimon Hounsou and Kevin Bacon (bad English accent lol).. Pretty decent action flick with a good dose of gun-fu. The ending was a bit stupid, but the movie itself was entertaining. Not gonna win any Oscars, but if you're into action flicks, this one is worth checking out
Saw Green Lantern tonight. Horrible script-writing and some pretty bad acting. CGI was pretty good, though. Final fight scene was a bit disappointing. Also, I don't think it's worth watching in 3d. Overall, the movie was alright, at best.
Saw Green Lantern tonight. Horrible script-writing and some pretty bad acting. CGI was pretty good, though. Final fight scene was a bit disappointing. Also, I don't think it's worth watching in 3d. Overall, the movie was alright, at best.

Damm I was hoping Green latern wouldn't suck... oh well... not surprised.
Watched "Where Eagles Dare". Its an old WWII movie from the 60's. Very suspenseful and clear plot. I watched it on the History Channel. Highly recommended if you like war movies.
Watched "Where Eagles Dare". Its an old WWII movie from the 60's. Very suspenseful and clear plot. I watched it on the History Channel. Highly recommended if you like war movies.

+1 for that one! Excellent flick.. I have it in my collection
I bought Battle Los Angeles this weekend after avoiding it in the theatres. I enjoyed the hell out of this movie. Typical action, marine, "Call of Duty" esque movie fare, and pretty brainless, but the restraint shown with the CGI paired with Eckhart's performance were enough to make me buy into the whole thing. Great action sequences, too. Reminds me of Aliens and the original Predator. If you loved those movies you'll like this one.
By the way guys, if you liked Dhoom, don't bother with Dhoom 2.. They stretched it out over 2.5 hours, with a lot of useless crap.. In the sequels category, I'd put it on the same level of BDS2 - All Saints Day.. At least it's not as bad as the Godfather movie whose existence we refuse to acknowledge.
I bought Battle Los Angeles this weekend after avoiding it in the theatres. I enjoyed the hell out of this movie. Typical action, marine, "Call of Duty" esque movie fare, and pretty brainless, but the restraint shown with the CGI paired with Eckhart's performance were enough to make me buy into the whole thing. Great action sequences, too. Reminds me of Aliens and the original Predator. If you loved those movies you'll like this one.

Sorry, but predator was a well crafted movie for its time. I don't see any similarities of the 2. They are on a whole different level to me
Sorry, but predator was a well crafted movie for its time. I don't see any similarities of the 2. They are on a whole different level to me

It reminded me of Predator...I didn't say it was the same haha. Predator is a hard movie to top or even come close to with regards to sci-fi action that isn't retarded and silly.
It reminded me of Predator...I didn't say it was the same haha. Predator is a hard movie to top or even come close to with regards to sci-fi action that isn't retarded and silly.

Jeeze thanks for clarifying that
Jeeze thanks for clarifying that

Well I don't want to get into a whole, long, drawn out thing with this....but there was a similar tone (to both Predator and Aliens). Predator is my favorite movie, so I do understand where you're coming from. Battle LA wasn't nearly as good, original or organized, but there were elements to it that were very "old school", if you will. I mean, back in the 80's they didn't have all of this fancy CGI that we have access to now, so they created a lot of tension by implying things about the aliens, rather than showboating the hell out of the aliens and ridiculous spaceships like we see in movies these days. There was a lot of restraint with the CGI, and I like how you only really get a few blurry glimpses of them at first, and that the movie focuses more on the marines than the invading alien force. It leaves a lot to the imagination, and while a lot of people and critics have panned this movie because of that, I think it's refreshing to see a movie where they don't drown you in plot details or CGI elements to the point where you're spoon fed all of the information you need about the movie. It was just a plain, simple action movie and it didn't try to be anything else. You have good guys that you know are good, and bad guys that you know are bad, and that you're allowed to hate without being racist. It's basically a fancy zombie movie.

It definitely could've done without Michelle Rodriguez, though. I mean, she wasn't in a tank top or what the hell's the point really?
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