Recent movies you saw - recommend or no

If you're into extreme skiing, Steep was interesting about the true birth of the sport. Great visuals and an all around solid documentary. I
I just watched Hard Boiled again (after like 15 years).. If you like non-stop action with bullets flying everywhere, that's the right movie for you.. Don't expect Cannes-level acting or script though :cool:
Bridesmaids was funny if you like stupid humor

This is more of a warning really. I just saw bridesmaids and that movie is a goddamn train wreck. It's a chick flick with a lot more penis jokes thrown in. While a few funny things do happen, overall this movie will make you want to murder things.
watched TAKEN, really good movie, but violent at the same time, teaches you a few lessons
A Better Tomorrow - Pretty good action drama from 1986.. You can always trick your s.o. into watching it with you by telling her it's a drama about redemption and conflict between two brothers.. Omit the bullets flying and a bodycount typical of John Woo :cool:
I really went on a marathon today...
Just watched The City of Violence - Kickass Korean flick.. A real martial arts bloodbath.. A kind of a mix between 4 Brothers, The Warriors, When Taekwondo Strikes, with a bit of spaghetti western thrown into the mix.
Speaking of which, what's the deal with dem South Koreans? A while ago I watched The Chaser (really WELL-done thriller), and it also had some pretty ****ed up **** in it... I guess a couple of decades under bloodthirsty dictators will do that to the local filmmakers :cool:
"Just go with it"

Jeezus that thing sucked! It wasnt like the other "Billy Madison" movies i usually found funny.

It tried so damn hard to be like 50 first dates....but Adam Sandler def dropped the bomb on this one.

Limitless on the other hand?! Wow what a good movie!
City on Fire - Another blast from the past cop drama, when men were men and women had hairy armpits - 1987.. Pretty solid, definitely a keeper
If you liked Election I and II, you definitely have to check out Exiled.. Another kickass Johnny To movie, with a lot of the recycled cast. There used to be 5 friends, but one crossed a bigtime gangster, so 2 of them are sent to kill him and the other 2 come to defend him.. In this case, gun-fu replaces blades and blunt objects. The movie itself is amazingly well done, with a really solid cast and Johnny To doesn't disappoint. I give it a 7.5 out of 10 and that goes well above most of the Hollywood crap that I've seen.
I grew up watching Horror movies. My 2 older brothers pretty much forced me to watch Friday the 13th part 2 when I was 5 years old. Ever since, I've always looked for the craziest, horror / thriller movies ( generally these are always foreign films.) With that in mind, anyone seen A Serbian Film ?. I am not recommending it unless you are into some extremely disturbing movies, but was just interested if anyone else had seen it.
I grew up watching Horror movies. My 2 older brothers pretty much forced me to watch Friday the 13th part 2 when I was 5 years old. Ever since, I've always looked for the craziest, horror / thriller movies ( generally these are always foreign films.) With that in mind, anyone seen A Serbian Film ?. I am not recommending it unless you are into some extremely disturbing movies, but was just interested if anyone else had seen it.

Haven't seen it yet but I will check it out.. You should check out some of the 70's-80's cannibal exploitation flicks though.. Stuff like Cannibal Apocalypse, Cannibal Ferox, and especially Mountain of the Cannibal God.. They did their best to gross people out.. In one case the crew got arrested because the Italian popo thought they were dealing with a snuff film lol
Haven't seen it yet but I will check it out.. You should check out some of the 70's-80's cannibal exploitation flicks though.. Stuff like Cannibal Apocalypse, Cannibal Ferox, and especially Mountain of the Cannibal God.. They did their best to gross people out.. In one case the crew got arrested because the Italian popo thought they were dealing with a snuff film lol

Yep, seen them, as well as Nekromantik, Female Harakiri and so fourth. There was a Japanese one I could never get my hands on..... the Rising Sun or something ?. Irreversible is on netflix, was kinda weird to see that, it is known as having one of the worst rape scenes in movie history, I didn't think it was that bad, just really drawn out. The trailer for A Serbian Film can be seen here - - It is definitely NSFW. If anyone IS going to watch the movie, just a word of caution that I have seen some really messed up movies, but this one might just take the cake. A lot of movie critics said that a lot of things seen, simply just cannot be unseen anymore.
Saw the new pirates of the carribean. Nothing great... they just recycled the same thing with some new characters.
Watched Senna 2010 the other day. It has a theatrical version and a long version with interviews. It's about F1 driver Ayrton Senna from when he started to when he died.

Try to rent it, or buy it at least. Downloading it can be a pain in the ***, and then you have to find subtitles, which either have bad grammar, or don't show names long enough. Though, if you speak Portuguese, French, Japanese, Swedish/Finnish/Dutch/whatever.. Then you'll be fine without subs.

I can provide the megaupload for the movie and subtitles if needed.

It's very much worth watching though. If you are a Formula One fan that is... Even if not, it's still a compelling documentary.
Watched Senna 2010 the other day. It has a theatrical version and a long version with interviews. It's about F1 driver Ayrton Senna from when he started to when he died.

Try to rent it, or buy it at least. Downloading it can be a pain in the ***, and then you have to find subtitles, which either have bad grammar, or don't show names long enough. Though, if you speak Portuguese, French, Japanese, Swedish/Finnish/Dutch/whatever.. Then you'll be fine without subs.

I can provide the megaupload for the movie and subtitles if needed.

It's very much worth watching though. If you are a Formula One fan that is... Even if not, it's still a compelling documentary.

Agreed. Amazing documentary about an amazing man.
Haven't watched the Senna documentary yet, but it's on my 'to watch'
Saw Arthur. It's ok, nothing great. Semi-funny comedy.

Has anyone seen Priest? Is worth watching?
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Harry Brown was a bit of disappointment for me.. If you wanted a deep character drama, you can take a pass on this one. They made Michael's character too shallow and the supporting cast was mediocre at best. If you wanted to see a Kersey or MacManus-style rampage, you'll be disappointed as well.. The bodycount is relatively slim. I think they tried for 2 things with one movie and didn't quite make it. Still, it was entertaining and not a waste of 95 min, but I wouldn't bother watching it again.
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