Recent movies you saw - recommend or no

Well I don't want to get into a whole, long, drawn out thing with this....but there was a similar tone (to both Predator and Aliens). Predator is my favorite movie, so I do understand where you're coming from. Battle LA wasn't nearly as good, original or organized, but there were elements to it that were very "old school", if you will. I mean, back in the 80's they didn't have all of this fancy CGI that we have access to now, so they created a lot of tension by implying things about the aliens, rather than showboating the hell out of the aliens and ridiculous spaceships like we see in movies these days. There was a lot of restraint with the CGI, and I like how you only really get a few blurry glimpses of them at first, and that the movie focuses more on the marines than the invading alien force. It leaves a lot to the imagination, and while a lot of people and critics have panned this movie because of that, I think it's refreshing to see a movie where they don't drown you in plot details or CGI elements to the point where you're spoon fed all of the information you need about the movie. It was just a plain, simple action movie and it didn't try to be anything else. You have good guys that you know are good, and bad guys that you know are bad, and that you're allowed to hate without being racist. It's basically a fancy zombie movie.

It definitely could've done without Michelle Rodriguez, though. I mean, she wasn't in a tank top or what the hell's the point really?

My main beef with the Battle LA movie was how militarily (sp?) inaccurate it was. Its like a movie for kids. See my previous post in this thread about my rant about this movie.

In predator, notice how different the soldiers were armed. They know they were in hostile territory, so they are very well equipped. Notice how each soldier is specialized?? I am no military expert, just an amateur military historian, lol, if I would like to call myself that. But in Predator, there was an engineer (one who specialized in explosives), a sniper (one who specialized in long range combat and taking out important primary targets, such as team leaders/Majors).

In Battle LA, everyone just goes in a group and just start shooting. I wouldn't even do that in a game of Paintball, lol. It doesn't end there, yes, the aliens had armour but we also have weapons which can penetrate that. They were used extensively since WWII.

Back to modern times, since u are familiar with COD, a Barrett 50 cal can probably penetrate 22mm of armor. Its an anti-material rifle and I am sure if u shoot anything with that, its not meant to be killed.

Everyone basically carried the same weapon, no one carried a rocket launcher of any sort.

But hey, I am no expert.

Ps. one more thing, at the last scene where they were fighting the aliens, there were a few "downed" tanks close to them. They seem to be in good shape, none of them jumped to the turret to fire the 50 cal machine gun. I'm sure some of those tanks appear to just have their chains popped. Even their main gun might be operational
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I think we'll have to agree to disagree on that last post. As epic as Predator was, it was about as far from reality as a military operation can far as I can tell anyway. I'm not in the military nor do I have any experience with any military whatsoever, unless you count space marines. But if I were to hazard a guess, I'd say that most spec ops teams don't look like Arnold, Apollo Creed and Jesse Ventura, and also don't walk around with hand-held mini guns.

I thought what they showed in Battle LA was pretty realistic. Your typical squad of marines probably won't have highly specialized combatants in it other than what was shown in the movie. It was the lack of video game style variety in the weaponry that made it seem more realistic, and less pandering to the kids for me. The aliens using projectile weapons and conventional air and ground tactics bugged the hell out of me, though. I"m pretty sure that if aliens came to take our stuff, the battle would be a hell of a lot more one sided...but if they did that in the movie it would've sucked.
Watched the Adjustment Bureau on the weekend. It was interesting.
But if I were to hazard a guess, I'd say that most spec ops teams don't look like Arnold, Apollo Creed and Jesse Ventura, and also don't walk around with hand-held mini guns.

Whats wrong with those guys? Except the attitude they display.

That mini gun might be far fetched, but they needed something to lay down a base of fire, like a SAW M249. Plus they were special ops team and each were the best at what they do.

Arnold being a major, as far as I can remember, I think they would back him up on whatever weapons they want or whatever equipment they need.

But who knows, maybe they really go in like that, for eg. in '91 the events where Black Hawk Down was based. That was based on true events and the Somalians put up quite a fight, so much so, that the Americans completely pulled their forces out of the country. The Americans went in very light, they thought the battle should just last a few hours max, not aware the amount of resistance the Somalis put up with. I mean, come on, they wanted to kidnap their dictator, lol.

When they started the operation, they were faced with thousands of Somalis all drugged up, with years of experience. They might not have modern equipment like the Americans, but bear in mind those guys were probably shooting since they were 5yrs old, lol. Nothing beats experience.

But they only underestimated their enemy in Somalia, in the movie, I think they had an idea that its going to be a powerful enemy.

But as Linky said it was just for the entertainment value. For me, I wouldn;t waste me time on that movie.
interesting as...would watch it again?
or waste of time?

I was entertained. The premise of the story was unique. I doubt I'd watch it again, but I'm not angry at myself (like some are, lol) for watching it.
BLA was actually pretty close to accurate as far as how the sections looked, moved etc. It was a recruiting movie basically. And a "lets forget we lost the war" ala Rambo franchise. Lots of experts to make it look legit......with accurate weaponry and field gear. Uniformity, not specialist is the key in low lvl mass troops like those guys were. For something more specialized but still regular Joes, watch Generation kill. Black hawk down IIRC was Delta. Even more "special" but in no way the Special forces/commando units like Swartzy had in Pred.

Anyways, in BLA that would be a typical Marine section, equipment etc. I could pick apart the gear they all of a sudden had that wouldn't have come from an Evac Helo and they wouldn't take on Recon but that's just an American movie deus ex machina. Laser guidance system from your ***.

SOCOM teams will look like regular guys (civilian) and are supposed to fit in with street clothes and facial hair but their build (not massive but athletic) and preference for pretty much the same clothing brands give them away if you know what to look for. Arc'teryx, Massif, Kitanica, 5.11, Acronym etc. In SOF you are supposed to be the Grey man. Least amount of attention drawn.

In the field they use pretty much any weapon, gear etc that suits their mission. They have an unlimited budget and a use what works for you attitude. Completly opposite to the Army mentality. Sniper will carry a .338 Lupua something or other long gun and a CQB weapon but the rest usually rely on pretty standard issue carbines. A SAW may be used for open ground mounted ops but light weight weapons are priority. Maybe with one or two guys rocking a 40mm launcher.

Pros prefer H&K 5.56 and 7.62 and don't junk them up with a bunch of crap bolted on. Moving parts fail so, the fewer the better. BLA wasn't that bad for what it was but it was just another Skyline with Marines in it. America kicks *** was the message. Expect 50 more of them before you die. :)
If you’re renting then I’d recommend Hard Candy and Get Him to the Greek. Vey different from each other, but they’re both amazing.
BLA was actually pretty close to accurate as far as how the sections looked, moved etc. It was a recruiting movie basically. And a "lets forget we lost the war" ala Rambo franchise. Lots of experts to make it look legit......with accurate weaponry and field gear. Uniformity, not specialist is the key in low lvl mass troops like those guys were. For something more specialized but still regular Joes, watch Generation kill. Black hawk down IIRC was Delta. Even more "special" but in no way the Special forces/commando units like Swartzy had in Pred.

Anyways, in BLA that would be a typical Marine section, equipment etc. I could pick apart the gear they all of a sudden had that wouldn't have come from an Evac Helo and they wouldn't take on Recon but that's just an American movie deus ex machina. Laser guidance system from your ***.

SOCOM teams will look like regular guys (civilian) and are supposed to fit in with street clothes and facial hair but their build (not massive but athletic) and preference for pretty much the same clothing brands give them away if you know what to look for. Arc'teryx, Massif, Kitanica, 5.11, Acronym etc. In SOF you are supposed to be the Grey man. Least amount of attention drawn.

In the field they use pretty much any weapon, gear etc that suits their mission. They have an unlimited budget and a use what works for you attitude. Completly opposite to the Army mentality. Sniper will carry a .338 Lupua something or other long gun and a CQB weapon but the rest usually rely on pretty standard issue carbines. A SAW may be used for open ground mounted ops but light weight weapons are priority. Maybe with one or two guys rocking a 40mm launcher.

Pros prefer H&K 5.56 and 7.62 and don't junk them up with a bunch of crap bolted on. Moving parts fail so, the fewer the better. BLA wasn't that bad for what it was but it was just another Skyline with Marines in it. America kicks *** was the message. Expect 50 more of them before you die. :)

Its nice to have a soldier here so I can voice some of my concerns, lol.

To me their movement were not very smart, they moved into a building and they were pretty packed together. All they need is for an alien waiting behind a door with one of these:

But I really like "Over There" rather than Generation Kill, GK was so annoying. The whole show is about bullshitting and a bunch of guys horsing around.

There was a few instances where weapons appear out of nowhere also, I cannot recall where they got that rocket launcher in the last part. I lost interest in that movie after the first 40mins, lol.

Whats more fun is a H&K G3, used in the Falklands war, lol. Used by both sides, the British and the Argentines. Good stopping power and range, but obviously it would not be a suitable weapon for the environment in BLA
There was a few instances where weapons appear out of nowhere also, I cannot recall where they got that rocket launcher in the last part. I lost interest in that movie after the first 40mins, lol.

The rocket launcher may or may not be somewhat justified. I can maybe see them picking that up before they left the FOB "just in case"....but the laser guidance pack? LOL...that bugged the hell out of me.
The rocket launcher may or may not be somewhat justified. I can maybe see them picking that up before they left the FOB "just in case"....but the laser guidance pack? LOL...that bugged the hell out of me.

Oh yeh, lol. I watched it in the theaters so I can't remember everything.

Oh yeh, I would say "Tears of the Sun" would be a better watch than BLA. Bruce Willis' character would be someone I look up to, but he was a pretty cold guy. But hey, he's a soldier, not a humanitarian :).

Ps. notice in T of S, they booby everything, paths when they are retreating, bodies of enemy soldiers, etc. But then agent they were an Elite force, not a common foot soldier
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Oh yeh, lol. I watched it in the theaters so I can't remember everything.

Oh yeh, I would say "Tears of the Sun" would be a better watch than BLA. Bruce Willis' character would be someone I look up to, but he was a pretty cold guy. But hey, he's a soldier, not a humanitarian :)

That movie starts out pretty good but gets a little too sappy for me. Monica Bellucci is frigin hot, though. Hollywood should use her more often.
I saw Green Lantern. It was actually pretty good for a weird comic brought to the big screen.
It was quite bizarre but I was entertained to say the least. Saw it in that ULTRA AVX 3D .... first time doing that ... pretty neat.
Last night I watched Super 8. Had a Goonies/ET mashup feel to it.

If you keep the expectations reasonable, it will entertain you. A lot of suspense that have you squirming. The end was a bit anti-climatic for me but, my wife tells me I'm wrong.

Watched Hall Pass. Laughed my *** off. Maybe because I can relate a bit too well.
To me their movement were not very smart, they moved into a building and they were pretty packed together. All they need is for an alien waiting behind a door

LOL I used to have an old Sgt. back in the day that always yelled at us to keep spread out. "WTF are you guys doing eating all together, one grenade can take you all out."

That idea is out the window now in Modern warfare. It's tight groups or "stacks". When you are getting shitshot by an enemy with a high ground advantage you just move. Not much time to think about where or how you do it just, not where the bullets are hitting is where you want to be. First available cover.

Urban combat calls for tight formations. Tight enough that your rifle is over the shoulder of the guy in front in some cases. Like entry....






As to the sprint missile they had, I think they scored it (and the laser) off the Helo but realistically that gear wouldn't be on a there to begin with and the pilot wouldn't give it up if it was part of his kit. It would be like saying, hey I'm going to take your gun and if you get shot down and need it I guess.... "sorry"

GK is actually more like what goes on day to day overseas. Idiot antics and a lot of downtime, ******** and getting in trouble. I got a laugh out of it as it reminded me of my early years.
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(horror/drama) Twentynine palms by Bruno Dumont
Philip Seymour Hoffman fan (if not you should be) check out "Love Liza" and "before the devil knows your dead"

Just saw "All good things" (Ryan gosling), a far way from the notebook. Check it out.
LOL I used to have an old Sgt. back in the day that always yelled at us to keep spread out. "WTF are you guys doing eating all together, one grenade can take you all out."

That idea is out the window now in Modern warfare. It's tight groups or "stacks". When you are getting shitshot by an enemy with a high ground advantage you just move. Not much time to think about where or how you do it just, not where the bullets are hitting is where you want to be. First available cover.

Urban combat calls for tight formations. Tight enough that your rifle is over the shoulder of the guy in front in some cases. Like entry....


So what if someone set a mine? Its not hard to guess that an enemy approaching will use certain doors/windows. If they are packed in a group, Kaboom! Take out a whole squad, lol. With a grenade, u have a chance of running.

But people have a tendency to group together when they're scared :rolleyes:

As for Urban Warfare, I don't see why they would group together, defies logic. Some guns can shoot thru 2-3 guys. If they are all lined up, easy picking, like an execution line, lol.

Maybe I should start a new thread, lol
Watched Sucker Punch last night. The storyline was predictable. The fight scenes were well done. Good for what it was.
Because thread jacking is so uncommon on GTAM...

Look at it this way, if eight guys are in the open and they come under fire, would you wait till everyone ran for cover spaced out a few meters, especially if you were #8? if you can turn in the direction of the enemy and find suitable cover then fine but if it's an ambush situation the first thing the enemy will look for is a way to wack you with nothing you can get behind to return effective fire.

Spacing has it's place moving through bush or over open terrain but urban combat is about halls, alleys, stair cases etc. so unless you have a lot of space you are pretty bunched up.

Entry has a very fast pace. You have to be right up the *** of the guy in front of you. On a standard entry you have four guys go in to a room:

1. breacher blows door hinges with a shotgun and kicks door. Steps to the side and covers forward arcs with his main weapon.

2. first guy on entry goes into room and turns right, down to end of room and turns left, shooting anything in his arcs of fire.

3. second guy does the same to the left.

4. third guy does what first guy did but goes center right then turns.

5. fourth guy goes center left and turns.

6. all targets are taken out until room clear.

7. room is marked secure and team continues on for that entire floor.

When you step in the door you are standing in what they call the "fatal funnel" which means all guns shoot at you so the only way to pull this off is speed of entry. When you go through that door you are right behind the guy in front and on your spot a second before the next guy etc. etc untill it's a shoot'em up. Cant hesitate even to take out a visable target if hes not in your "lane'. It's the only way it works and if it's done right it happens in a flash. Hesitation results in all kinds of unpleasent outcomes.

It takes hundreds of attempts to get an entire floor cleared when you train on this. Every little mistake and you stop and start over.
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