Recent movies you saw - recommend or no

Mad Max, storyline was meh, but damn what a beautifully shot film.
Terminator: Genisys - The only reason to watch it is nostalgia and to see Arnie make things go boom. I enjoyed it on that level. As a film it was terrible. The story was convoluted and made no sense... even for a time travel movie. I can't count the number of plot and logical inconsistencies. The term "quantum field" was used so excessively it was comical. I can only assume it was a poor attempt to shroud the preposterous plot turns in scientific legitimacy. There were one or two moments when I thought the film might save itself by going down a more interesting road... but I was being too optimistic.


Jurassic World is trash. I was bored as hell the entire movie save for the last half hour. No suspense whatsoever, barely a story, no character development, CG everywhere but none of it is memorable, seriously, nearly fell asleep. The action at the end is cool and yes, the last dino death is cool and unexpected and had me LOLing but other than that........trash.

I disagree for the most part. As far as action movies that don't make you think too much it was pretty good.

If you were going into it hoping for something intellectual you had unreasonable expectations.
Jurassic World is trash. I was bored as hell the entire movie save for the last half hour. No suspense whatsoever, barely a story, no character development, CG everywhere but none of it is memorable, seriously, nearly fell asleep. The action at the end is cool and yes, the last dino death is cool and unexpected and had me LOLing but other than that........trash.

It was like watching a revamp of the first movie. No surprises here.
Terminator: Genisys - The only reason to watch it is nostalgia and to see Arnie make things go boom. I enjoyed it on that level. As a film it was terrible. The story was convoluted and made no sense... even for a time travel movie. I can't count the number of plot and logical inconsistencies. The term "quantum field" was used so excessively it was comical. I can only assume it was a poor attempt to shroud the preposterous plot turns in scientific legitimacy. There were one or two moments when I thought the film might save itself by going down a more interesting road... but I was being too optimistic.



I enjoyed it. It was like they went "OK, we KNOW we can't make a better movie than T2 so let's just fill the movie with action and references to T1 and T2 all over the place to entertain the fans" and that's what they did and they succeeded at that. Throw in some cheeky humor and I was enjoying myself. Is it a GREAT movie? NO. Did it break any new ground? No, but walked out of the theater with a smile on my face so I can't bash it.
I enjoyed it. It was like they went "OK, we KNOW we can't make a better movie than T2 so let's just fill the movie with action and references to T1 and T2 all over the place to entertain the fans" and that's what they did and they succeeded at that. Throw in some cheeky humor and I was enjoying myself. Is it a GREAT movie? NO. Did it break any new ground? No, but walked out of the theater with a smile on my face so I can't bash it.

When the second Star Trek reboot movie did the same thing, I walked out of the theatre disgusted.
just watched oblivion with tom cruise. i actually enjoyed it a lot. i didn't think i would but it was pretty entertaining.
just watched oblivion with tom cruise. i actually enjoyed it a lot. i didn't think i would but it was pretty entertaining.
I didn't love the ending but otherwise pretty good movie.

I just watched 47 Ronin. Not the greatest movie. Ending was especially bad, imo.
Watchmen was on tv recently so I rewatched it. Reminded me what a good dark movie it is and certainly worth a watch if you haven't seen it.
Watchmen was on tv recently so I rewatched it. Reminded me what a good dark movie it is and certainly worth a watch if you haven't seen it.

probably one of my favourite movies of all time. basing that on the fact that i can watch that movie over and over and not get tired or bored.
Watchmen was on tv recently so I rewatched it. Reminded me what a good dark movie it is and certainly worth a watch if you haven't seen it.

Im going to have to watch that one again. Sometimes the second time round, or later when im in the right mood, some movies just seem better.
just watched oblivion with tom cruise. i actually enjoyed it a lot. i didn't think i would but it was pretty entertaining.

yeah, that was a good one. Last week I watched "Edge of Tomorrow" - Its Groundhog day meets Starship Troopers. Enjoyed it for what it was.
Yep, Watchmen rocks!
Watchmen was on tv recently so I rewatched it. Reminded me what a good dark movie it is and certainly worth a watch if you haven't seen it.
Read the comic, they kinda goofed the ending in the movie. Ending in comic is better.

I actually rewatched Oblivion recently as well. I like the movie. It has some good ideas which makes for good sci-fi instead of just fancy effects. When it came out a lot of people said it rips off the movie Moon though:

Also, Oblivion is an absolute Bass fest so if you have a good sub at home it will give it a workout.
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Ted 2 - pretty bad in a good way. Full of black humour and black c@cks.

Terminator Genisys - rubbish, but I can appreciate the casting as 19 year old Sarah Connor looks believable and doable.

Jurassic World - great CGI, good acting, ok story. The redheaded Bryce Dallas kept me in focus all movie long.

Magic Mike XXL - unlike the first part, this one is less astory, more of an actual choreography. But who gives a damn, if Amber Heard has made the cast?!
Read the comic, they kinda goofed the ending in the movie. Ending in comic is better.

I actually rewatched Oblivion recently as well. I like the movie. It has some good ideas which makes for good sci-fi instead of just fancy effects. When it came out a lot of people said it rips off the movie Moon though:

Also, Oblivion is an absolute Bass fest so if you have a good sub at home it will give it a workout.

i found that if they did the comicbook version into film, it woulnd't translate the same. something about a big gigantic green octopus alien in the big screen wouldn't make sense. LOL. i thought the book itself was great as well as the movie. on many levels.

as for oblivion ripping off moon, i can totally see that. was watching it with my fiancee, and that was the first thing she said when she saw that specific scene.
I've never seen Oblivion (likely skipped it because of the bad reviews). Maybe I'll give it a watch.
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