Re the Green party platform
1. Fine.
2. And you think transit is actually going to reduce traffic? I will grant that there are certain public-transit projects that really are needed (subway system expansion!) but expecting those to actually reduce commute times is wishful thinking. If there is better transit it will let people commute in from further away, that's what has always happened and always will.
3. Fine. The problem is that the average person does not think. If the house is a little warmer than I want and it's cooler outside than in, all my windows are open while my neighbor's air conditioning is running (and mine isn't). Major changes to building code and zoning bylaws are really what's needed here.
4. GOOD LUCK. While I agree with the premise (there is no logic in having two redundant school systems and religion should not have any part of the public school system - the right way to get religion out of it is to eliminate the ONE religion that is supported and thus support NONE of them equally) the problem is that this is so entrenched that I don't see any reasonable way to achieve it.
5. How?
6. How? And this isn't already the case?
7 and 9 I will address together. OK. Sounds good. No more expansion of urban areas so that they won't intrude any further into farmland or green space. Yet people continue to come in to this province. With no urban expansion there is only one way to go - UP! And presumably this also means no more gravel pits (a common rural issue - and I don't dispute that some of the proposed gravel pits have been in some pretty dumb places). What do you propose to build all those apartment buildings out of? Concrete? You know, the stuff that's made from limestone, crushed rock, etc.? - oh snap.
8. Aaaah, the truth comes out. Tax the heck out of industry and drive more of it away so that all those people you are putting in those tall apartment buildings that you can't make from concrete because you can't get the rock (gravel) out of the ground, don't have anywhere to work. Then maybe all those people will stop coming to this province so we won't need all those apartments so we don't need to extract gravel to make the concrete to build them, and we won't need more transit, either!
Loosey-goosey, not well thought out. Sounds nice to the common man at first reading, though.