Provincial politics

Rob, you know better than that.

The current published unemployment rate is 6.9% but the actual number jobless rate is always higher than that. Add those who have run out of EI benefits or who have given up looking, etc. It is likely 10% or higher.

That being said, I don't like Hudak. I also will not vote Liberal or NDP. I'll be declining my ballot this year.

Look at the numbers. Whether it's 6.9% or 10%, a million jobs is still more than are needed to employ every unemployed person in the Province. That's the point; that the claim is a ridiculous one.

Sadly Hudak is almost unelectable since he just doesn't have the "look". He's a really smart guy, just doesn't carry it like a leader. But the current trend of, if they say white , we scream black, is really tiring and wont help anything. The liberals allegedly blamed by the conservs and ndp for putting 1 million out of work, Conservs claim they will put 1 million back to work.
Wynne may not have had a hand in the gas plant mess, but it was her party and the decision makers are still there. I will be paying for that longer than I've been paying down Ontario Hydro debt.
Until a lot of people understand the government has no money, its our money, they will keep electing MP's that want to spend their way out of the ditch. Its a deep ditch with alligators in it.

This is more than just a 'look' issue. Hudak has shown himself to be either a wingnut, or a loose cannon. He talks about eliminating 100K government jobs, in a way that comes off as irresponsible. He has spent the last several years floating ideas and then trashing them, when they didn't end up being the magic bullet of popularity. In the last election he didn't really do anything more than snipe at the incumbent government, which completely failed to garner support for his party. It's more than simply not having the appearance of a leader; he is not a leader. He is not coming out with a platform that thinking conservatives can get behind.

The very fact that the Liberals won the last Provincial election, with all of the things that they had done wrong, should have been enough to have Hudak removed from leadership of the PCs.
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Look at the numbers. Whether it's 6.9% or 10%, a million jobs is still more than are needed to employ every unemployed person in the Province. That's the point; that the claim is a ridiculous one.

This is more than just a 'look' issue. Hudak has shown himself to be either a wingnut, or a loose cannon. He talks about eliminating 100K government jobs, in a way that comes off as irresponsible. He has spent the last several years floating ideas and then trashing them, when they didn't end up being the magic bullet of popularity. In the last election he didn't really do anything more than snipe at the incumbent government, which completely failed to garner support for his party. It's more than simply not having the appearance of a leader; he is not a leader. He is not coming out with a platform that thinking conservatives can get behind.

The very fact that the Liberals won the last Provincial election, with all of the things that they had done wrong, should have been enough to have Hudak removed from leadership of the PCs.

One number suggested at last nights meeting was 750,000 including those on the roles and those who have given up or were out of benefits. Not sure if that includes the unemployable druggies etc.

The 100,000 cuts in the civil service would be over 4 years with attrition at five percent taking most of the brunt. The number of civil servants varies on definition. Are these just the clerk types at QP or the entire medical, police, educational staffs too.

If there are a million total it wouldn't be hard to meet the goal in four years. However some sectors are sacred cows and therefore other sectors would be harder hit than 5%.
Sadly Hudak is almost unelectable since he just doesn't have the "look". He's a really smart guy, just doesn't carry it like a leader.

I really have to ask, how did you arrive to this conclusion? What makes him smart? He made a number of comments, statements which, what I was taught, smart people do not do. Once you conclude he has zero charisma/likeability and you start questioning how smart really he's ... there's no whole lot left for me as a voter. Hence I cannot understand how PC chose to keep running with this guy for all those years.

Big mistake in my opinion. I still have a big issue with some of their main points in PC's program, but should the leader act as an electable and likeable leader there was always a chance they could negotiate for my vote ....
Just a rant

One statement that really annoyed me (Understatement) at last nights meeting came from NDP candidate Chris Jones. He is an urban planner (Civil servant) with the Toronto Region Conservation Authority. The TRCA has been slammed recently for its financial ethics and lack of transparency.

Jones admitted to having a really good benefit / pension plan (The private sector couldn't dream of some of the perks). He went on to say that we should be thankful for our civil servants for enabling us to have such a wonderful life. As if we should be kissing their feet.

If they were doing such a wonderful job every man, woman and child in the province wouldn't have a $22,000 debt hanging over their heads.

We don't need another self-centred, over-entitled egotist even close to being in power.
I really have to ask, how did you arrive to this conclusion? What makes him smart? He made a number of comments, statements which, what I was taught, smart people do not do.

Not sure if this would be the acid test, but after hearing much negativity about Hudak, I was very interested to see the full interview of said subject by Steve Paikin @ The Agenda. I did not get that he be dumb. Off course I think the Green guy makes some good points so temper your judgement of this post with that.
Yvan baker, the Liberal Candidate. Cansfield has decided to retire and also avoid the flak / fallout from the gas plant fiasco.

Baker was cool under pressure and will be heard of again. If he gets elected he will likely either be put in a financial post (Lib win) or be a critic (Lib loss) He comes across far more polished than Wynne and if there's a leadership issue he could do well. Being a newbie he won't have the McGuinty / Wynne manure sack on his back.

He is what Hudak should be but can he change the Liberal Party if Wacky Wynnie is at the helm?
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To people who would seriously decline their ballot, I would like to ask you to please consider voting Green. Why? They won't get elected but maybe a few more votes will get them into TV debates. The more voices the better for all of us.
To people who would seriously decline their ballot, I would like to ask you to please consider voting Green. Why? They won't get elected but maybe a few more votes will get them into TV debates. The more voices the better for all of us.

That's a splendid idea.

Were you at Icehouse with guy on Sportster Sunday?
Not sure if this would be the acid test, but after hearing much negativity about Hudak, I was very interested to see the full interview of said subject by Steve Paikin @ The Agenda. I did not get that he be dumb. Off course I think the Green guy makes some good points so temper your judgement of this post with that.

Just for the record, I wouldn't go as far as saying TH is dumb. I just don't consider him overly smart, not any smarter than other front running politicians anyways.
To people who would seriously decline their ballot, I would like to ask you to please consider voting Green. Why? They won't get elected but maybe a few more votes will get them into TV debates. The more voices the better for all of us.

True, but ....

I think if a lot of people actually decline officially a ballot, it would serve us better in the future, because the hope is that someone somewhere will get it .... by that I mean that the choice right now is an absolute crap and radical change is needed for people to vote for a winner they believe in instead someone they consider the least painful selection .....

By giving it to green party, it might bring them to the table, but hardly changes the behavior of the three leading political parties and their representatives in the future ...
Just for the record, I wouldn't go as far as saying TH is dumb. I just don't consider him overly smart, not any smarter than other front running politicians anyways.

IMHO it's a Catch 22. Politics is messy, the system isn't long term oriented, yadda, so a really smart person doesn't need the headache.
True, but ....

I think if a lot of people actually decline officially a ballot, it would serve us better in the future, because the hope is that someone somewhere will get it .... by that I mean that the choice right now is an absolute crap and radical change is needed for people to vote for a winner they believe in instead someone they consider the least painful selection .....

By giving it to green party, it might bring them to the table, but hardly changes the behavior of the three leading political parties and their representatives in the future ...

The liberals and what used to be the progressive conservatives (federally) are parliamentary parties. This means they do not have an ideology but rather will shift with the wind if it means they will get votes and get voted into power.

If people begin voting for other parties like Marxism-Leninism then they will begin modifying their platform to steal those votes back.

This is part of what makes it difficult to defeat them. How do you beat someone who will take your clothes and wear it as their own?

Vote for what you like but declining a ballot doesn't give you the opportunity to write a speech why. It is just a statistic that is not counted against the candidates. A candidate only needs 1 vote to win.

This happened to my partner's parents once. One election they did not go and vote thinking the liberals or whoever would win anyway. The neo-con candidate won the riding by 1 vote. If they had voted, the neo-con wouldn't have won.

1 vote. It might not look like much but it does have mass.
To people who would seriously decline their ballot, I would like to ask you to please consider voting Green. Why? They won't get elected but maybe a few more votes will get them into TV debates. The more voices the better for all of us.
I thought about this, ad I'll be voting Green, but don't think people should vote Green if they don't support their platform. However a lot of people who may be declining their ballots may have dismissed the Greens as unelectable without looking at their platform.

To those people I would say; have a serious look. Look at the fringe parties too. Your voice may actually be represented somewhere and if you're not willing to vote for unpopular parties then the problem with democracy is YOU.
I thought about this, ad I'll be voting Green, but don't think people should vote Green if they don't support their platform. However a lot of people who may be declining their ballots may have dismissed the Greens as unelectable without looking at their platform.

To those people I would say; have a serious look. Look at the fringe parties too. Your voice may actually be represented somewhere and if you're not willing to vote for unpopular parties then the problem with democracy is YOU.

IMO We've ignored environmental issues in favour of consumer goods but I don't know if the population is ready to give up their supersized lifestyles. If one feels that a fringe or green party has validity I say vote for them. Don't hide your beliefs. If nothing else it shows the party support.

The way I see it:
Spoiled ballot means an illiterate voter. No biggie, even well intentioned voters spoil ballots.
Declined ballots say "I don't like what's on the menu but I'm not telling you what I want either."
A vote for an alternate party lets the big three why they didn't get the few hundred or thousand votes that could have put them in.
This happened to my partner's parents once. One election they did not go and vote thinking the liberals or whoever would win anyway. The neo-con candidate won the riding by 1 vote. If they had voted, the neo-con wouldn't have won.

1 vote. It might not look like much but it does have mass.

Except for there's no neo-con on the horizon of Ontario threatening to enter the chambers. The parties we have on menu are in my view equally bad because of their candidates, program or previous performance, period. It has nothing to do with their wrong ideology.

I had no clue that Marxism-Leninism was a party ... I though it was an ideology which had nothing to do with people freely choosing it, but rather people's only allowed offering. I know more about this than you think .... I think you are way off to bring this into the same context of Ontario provincial election.
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