Snow Tires:
Just a quick recap from the last BCCOM Update:
BCCOM has received a number of e-mails about some RCMP officers that have been enforcing BC's snow tire law to the limit. The law states that all motor vehicles must be equipped with either snow tires or chains to drive on most of BC’s highways from Oct. 1st – April 30th. Which is now, being applied to motorcycles without regard to actual weather or road conditions. This effectively bans the use of motorcycles in BC during that period (58% of the year)
BCCOM would now, like ask its members to please take the time to write the Ministry of Transportation about this on going issue. Below is the Minister of Transpiration and Infrastructures e-mail.
todd.stone.mla@leg.bc.ca - please also CC BCCOM in your e-mail so that we can keep a record of just how many e-mails are sent regarding this issue.