Ontario should make winter tires mandatory.

Newsflash! Canada, known for snowy winters, featured in winter car crash compilation!

If they all just drove an acura they would have been fine. Screw everyone and winter tires I'm heading to the honda dealership now...... then my crack dealer and then I'll come post some tales about how I'm the best driver ever in the winter :rolleyes:

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If they all just drove an acura they would have been fine. Screw everyone and winter tires I'm heading to the honda dealership now...... then my crack dealer and then I'll come post some tales about how I'm the best driver ever in the winter :rolleyes:

Sent from my SM-N900W8 using Tapatalk

I'm actually thinking of selling my winter tires after reading his posts. Might get a bit of pot for it
I see you didn't look at the entire video. You must must be still ROB FORD angry.
What happened? Did someone in an Acura out drive you today? Your blood must be boiling.

Newsflash! Canada, known for snowy winters, featured in winter car crash compilation!
I did watch the whole video. Did I miss something that "gods gift to driving" didn't?
My blood pressure is perfectly fine, you'd like to imagine that attaching an angry tone to my messages means I am actually mad, you'd like that sort of sway over people. Sadly as with your driving prowess, its all imagined and only sway you have is your tires swaying back and fourth in the snow from lack of traction.

Go get em tiger!!

Oh btw, 8 hour drive through snowy 401 to Montreal and 6 cars spun out or in the ditch. A Camry, a Lexus 250, a corolla, towncar, a new civic and focus. Weird, no SUVs? According to your logic there should be fields of stuck SUVs with drivers saying "damn, if I only had a rust bucket lowered acura on all seasons...."
Oops sorry, that's your lala land again.

I see you didn't look at the entire video. You must must be still ROB FORD angry.
What happened? Did someone in an Acura out drive you today? Your blood must be boiling.
As I said before, be careful for what you Bantario mandatory winter tire folks wish for. People rarely consider the consequences.

Check this news out of BC. Essentially 7 months of no motorcycles allowed on most BC highways.


Snow Tires:

Just a quick recap from the last BCCOM Update:

BCCOM has received a number of e-mails about some RCMP officers that have been enforcing BC's snow tire law to the limit. The law states that all motor vehicles must be equipped with either snow tires or chains to drive on most of BC’s highways from Oct. 1st – April 30th. Which is now, being applied to motorcycles without regard to actual weather or road conditions. This effectively bans the use of motorcycles in BC during that period (58% of the year)

BCCOM would now, like ask its members to please take the time to write the Ministry of Transportation about this on going issue. Below is the Minister of Transpiration and Infrastructures e-mail.

todd.stone.mla@leg.bc.ca - please also CC BCCOM in your e-mail so that we can keep a record of just how many e-mails are sent regarding this issue.
As I said before, be careful for what you Bantario mandatory winter tire folks wish for. People rarely consider the consequences.

My view on the matter is fairly simple: Don't make them mandatory but, if in an officer's opinion the lack of winter tires resulted in a collision, charge the driver with 'operation without due care and attention.' Rewrite the law to suit, rather than creating new law.
My view on the matter is fairly simple: Don't make them mandatory but, if in an officer's opinion the lack of winter tires resulted in a collision, charge the driver with 'operation without due care and attention.' Rewrite the law to suit, rather than creating new law.

You should win a prize. That's exactly what should happen. That way when the best drivers in the world in their awesome lowered acuras cause accidents because they're the best drivers ever, they can get a nice hefty fine and have to go buy another torqueless rust bucket. Should be able to sue them in that situation too

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My view on the matter is fairly simple: Don't make them mandatory but, if in an officer's opinion the lack of winter tires resulted in a collision, charge the driver with 'operation without due care and attention.' Rewrite the law to suit, rather than creating new law.

My view on the matter is fairly simple: Don't make them mandatory but, if in an officer's opinion the lack of winter tires resulted in a collision, charge the driver with 'operation without due care and attention.' Rewrite the law to suit, rather than creating new law.

Interesting in theory, but in reality very very open ended and fraught with peril IMO. To prove that in a court of law would be very very difficult.

The major factor in those types of accidents (where winter tires would help) is poor driving skills or poor driving, for which we already have laws to address that. It's not like winter tire are a magic bullet, they help but it still comes down to driving appropriately for road conditions and with reasonable skill.
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My view on the matter is fairly simple: Don't make them mandatory but, if in an officer's opinion the lack of winter tires resulted in a collision, charge the driver with 'operation without due care and attention.' Rewrite the law to suit, rather than creating new law.

This would work. In Quebec snow tires are mandatory, but Montreal is also a temperate zone colder than TO, and two temperate zones colder than Niagara.
Interesting in theory, but in reality very very open ended and fraught with peril IMO. To prove that in a court of law would be very very difficult.

The major factor in those types of accidents (where winter tires would help) is poor driving skills or poor driving, for which we already have laws to address that. It's not like winter tire are a magic bullet, they help but it still comes down to driving appropriately for road conditions and with reasonable skill.

It would be no more difficult to convict upon than the current careless driving statute, while providing disincentive to not having proper equipment for conditions. Certainly winter tires are not a panacea, but they do definitely widen the envelope. By altering the existing statutes to cover this sort of thing you are not requiring those who can adequately handle conditions to purchase winter tires but you will penalize those who can't handle the conditions, while taking no action to try and mitigate their risk.
It would be no more difficult to convict upon than the current careless driving statute....

Which is currently very difficult to prove in court and get a conviction on. I thought this was fairly commonly known, and that was much of my point. Most of the time careless driving charges are plead down to lower charges because the crown finds it very difficult to get a conviction.

This is before the suggestion to add an officer's "opinion" on winter tires causing an accident.
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I'm very afraid of any law that allows opinion as an input, and sadly officer input isn't always as clear and clean as one might expect. Lets be honest here, there are not many highways outside of the Vancouver gva and possibly the Okanogan where anybody will be on a motorbike in the winter months, but somehow the RCMP have decided to take the letter of the law into consideration. Like they don't have some real criminals to follow? Sales of Russian sidecar outfits are going to skyrocket out there.
Which is currently very difficult to prove in court and get a conviction on. I thought this was fairly commonly known, and that was much of my point. Most of the time careless driving charges are plead down to lower charges because the crown finds it very difficult to get a conviction.

This is before the suggestion to add an officer's "opinion" on winter tires causing an accident.

Exactly the point I was making when I said "no more difficult than.....", in my previous post. As to an officer's opinion that already applies to a rather wide number of statutes, including careless, which is why it's so difficult to secure a conviction. The statute would act as a deterrent, while only penalizing in open and shut cases.
Exactly the point I was making when I said "no more difficult than.....", in my previous post. As to an officer's opinion that already applies to a rather wide number of statutes, including careless, which is why it's so difficult to secure a conviction. The statute would act as a deterrent, while only penalizing in open and shut cases.

Technically it is totally redundant then, as the law already can and does apply to your situation of winter tire vs non winter tire, and there is no need to rewrite the law. If someone gets into a collision because of over-driving all season tires, then they weren't driving with due care and attention to road and vehicle conditions, and they can currently get charged with careless driving.

... Lets be honest here, there are not many highways outside of the Vancouver gva and possibly the Okanogan where anybody will be on a motorbike in the winter months,...

While I won't go as far as the previous poster, things are not that black and white at all. Maybe in Dec/Jan, but the law is for 7 months. Riding is easily good usually through October and in April. More for the motard and adventure bikes. There is an uproar already on BC forums as there can be big thaw days through winter, and some take advantage of those days. One guy mentioned a recent plus 18 thaw in Jan that was too good to pass up in BC.
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My view on the matter is fairly simple: Don't make them mandatory but, if in an officer's opinion the lack of winter tires resulted in a collision, charge the driver with 'operation without due care and attention.' Rewrite the law to suit, rather than creating new law.

Not a bad idea except the last thing we need is yet another officer opinion type law (and yes I understand that most already are) especially based on the nature of changing conditions common in wintry situations. The next step in this type of slippery slope (no pun intended) is having the officer charge you simply because you are out in inclement weather, regardless of how your vehicle is equipped.
Not a bad idea except the last thing we need is yet another officer opinion type law (and yes I understand that most already are) especially based on the nature of changing conditions common in wintry situations. The next step in this type of slippery slope (no pun intended) is having the officer charge you simply because you are out in inclement weather, regardless of how your vehicle is equipped.

I prefer laws that are enforced based on quantifiable measures but I think that the bar is set high enough for conviction on careless, that it could work.
Great discussion so far. Let's face it the freewheeling 20th century is long over. This whole Don Cherryesque 'tude about driving should be toast by now. What's the holdup? With the amount of people maimed in car "accidents"(there are no accidents) any and every conceivable driver aid should be developed and deployed. Anything less is uncivilized. Also if you want to do 140 in the fast lane flash your lights so slotard can gtfo fast.
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We shouldn't be told by the government that in order to drive we must have winter tires. It's like when they told us to get emission test every other year. How about smoking in your own vehicle when there's children in the car. I wouldn't do it but they do these things because they think we are to stupid to make the right choice. They never stop telling us what to do. The biggest problem is, there are too many drivers on the road that should not have a licence to drive. They can't drive the speed limit in traffic and when they get on snow they lower there speed even more or they think that it's ok to drive faster so I can make this next light. (Didn't mean to go on a rant, just my two cents.)
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