Occupy Bay street

I have a problem when words like "tyranny" are tossed about so casually. Real tyranny occurs in far too many places in the world and when it's used to describe the situation of some 30-year-old "student" who complains about being unable to pay back the student loan for their degree in comparative religious literature with a focus on women's issue (with a minor in the persecution of one-armed Latvian lion tamers), it cheapens its meaning.
Tyranny is the woman in Saudi Arabia sentenced to be flogged for the crime of driving.
Tyranny are the poets in China sentenced to 30 years for expressing ideas.
Tyranny are the Mexican peasants forced at gun point to grow and produce narcotics destined for fat North American noses.
Tyranny is living in North Korea and being forced to participate in huge state celebrations of your Glorious Leder while your children literally starve.
Tyranny is not being able to assemble in public and protest without fear of death and torture.
There's an awful lot wrong with North America but true tyranny isn't it. This is where people come to escape it.
You are right, however the way that many business in our non-tyrannical society conduct themselves directly and indirectly support the tyranny in the other places you mention.
You are right, however the way that many business in our non-tyrannical society conduct themselves directly and indirectly support the tyranny in the other places you mention.

Well, our society does that. Not big business alone. We all complain about the price of oil and turn a blind eye to the political situation in Saudi Arabia. So we all have our "price" and that makes us complicit.
Well, our society does that. Not big business alone. We all complain about the price of oil and turn a blind eye to the political situation in Saudi Arabia. So we all have our "price" and that makes us complicit.

You are right, however the way that many business in our non-tyrannical society conduct themselves directly and indirectly support the tyranny in the other places you mention.
Absolutely and that brings up a good point.
Every time we fill up our bikes etc., we contribute to that woman in Saudi Arabia being flogged for driving.
Every time we buy the cheap Chinese product, we contribute to the imprisonment of a political dissident. Sometimes directly, as China uses prison labour.
Every time someone sparks up a joint or does a line, they're contributing to the deaths of the peasants forced to toil for the drug lords.
We as individuals are implicit in propping up tyranny around the world.
And how many of the brave, anti-corporate protesters occupying Bay Street will be updating the world via the latest iProduct, over networks owned by the very corporations they're railing against?
Bottom line if you are making money and getting laid regularly you don't go protest. Therefore it's a protest of broke masturbators.
Every time we buy the cheap Chinese product, we contribute to the imprisonment of a political dissident. Sometimes directly, as China uses prison labour.

Everything you buy these days is a cheap Chinese product. I buy locally made stuff where I can. If nothing local is available, I look for US or European made stuff. By the way in the supermarkets, I pay extra for Ontario-grown as opposed to US/Mexico/Guatemala. I vote with my wallet. So should you if you want for your kids to have jobs.

Every time someone sparks up a joint or does a line, they're contributing to the deaths of the peasants forced to toil for the drug lords.
We as individuals are implicit in propping up tyranny around the world.
Weed in Canada is mostly grown by well-paid professional staff in well equipped growing operations. Nobody's getting oppressed over that.

And how many of the brave, anti-corporate protesters occupying Bay Street will be updating the world via the latest iProduct, over networks owned by the very corporations they're railing against?
Unfortunately, nobody else owns networks in Canada or the U.S. Those corporations "golfed" their way info having their competition eliminated through legislation.
Bottom line if you are making money and getting laid regularly you don't go protest. Therefore it's a protest of broke masturbators.

Hahaha this is the best explanation ever.
Bottom line if you are making money and getting laid regularly you don't go protest. Therefore it's a protest of broke masturbators.

POTY candidate
To quote George W Bush(Mr Misunderestimate)himself, he said this at a fund raising party several years ago " it's good to be among the haves and have mores", He was clueless to the disconnect of regular people to the rich. His aloofness was mindbogglingly, fast forward to now and this contempt for the middle class and poor have come back to roost.
It is very easy to dismiss these protests as whining that their lack of effort has resulted in their lack of money. In short if they worked harder then they would be in the top 1%.

While I do not believe this is entirely true the message they put forward is disjointed at best. Also the lack of effort in the political system (or unwillingness to try and get involved) is a problem. All this reinforces the stereotype of lazy people whining, easier to protest than to get up and do some actual work to change the system. Lots of complaining not much in the way of a solution.

I also agree with others, all these people feed the corporate greed they are protesting, easier to protest than to go without the latest smartphone etc.

All adds up to an overall lack of credibility and an appearance that they just want what someone else has for free.
And exactly where was this protest 10 years ago? 20 years ago? Or are people only upset now that their economy has completely hit the crapper?

There is no social awakening here, people are just scared at the increased risk of becoming poor. The system of appeasement is breaking down. The catharsis of shopping is gone since no one wants to spend money. The illusion of upward mobility is being shattered with interest rates lower than inflation. The distraction of sports and entertainment is still strong but waning, just look at the Hollywood thread as an example.

People aren't upset that the system has been screwed up for decades, some might say over a century. They are upset that it's not working right NOW. Not for THEM. As soon as thy can start producing some half-decent movies and giving people hope that they can keep ahead of the Joneses, they will all go back home and shut up again.

There is no encouragement to be found for the future of humanity from these movements. People overall are just as stupid and short-sighted as they've ever been.

I am convinced that history will look back at this industrial era as the Second Dark Ages, where reason and compassion is abandonned at the altar of profit. Once hundreds of millions are displaced, food supply becomes unreliable, an ecosystems go haywire impacting another hundred million jobs, then people will start to think beyond themselves. We will emerge from this into a new enlightenment only after people experience generations of real suffering, not just the fear of it.
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I'm no economist to be sure..but I often wonder why everyone is so panicky about zero growth. I mean..at some point..there will be zero growth.. Then what? I see in the news that people are quite downtrodden at the prospect of not being better off than their parents in the States. I'm thinking, a whole lotta people in the world just want to eat. I suppose the party has to end sooner or later..
I'm no economist to be sure..but I often wonder why everyone is so panicky about zero growth. I mean..at some point..there will be zero growth.. Then what? I see in the news that people are quite downtrodden at the prospect of not being better off than their parents in the States. I'm thinking, a whole lotta people in the world just want to eat. I suppose the party has to end sooner or later..

News travels so fast these days that the average dummy is panicking every day. Stock market is up! Next day stock market tanks! h1n1 is going to kill your kids! Next day flu season not as bad as first predicted and on and on. Great example lately, Warren buffet says he doesn't pay the same tax rate as his secretary, all the dummies read this and get angry that the rich pay no tax. Meanwhile, the real story is buffet takes 100,000 in salary and the rest of his income in dividends which are taxed at a lower rate. Dummies don't do any investigating they just read the headline. The headline in this case should be " buffet should take his compensation as a salary so he can pay a full income tax rate". If that was the headline the dummies would be mad at buffet for a day and move on. Instead it turned into a conversation about rich people not paying taxes. The dummies need to stop watching the news so much
And what's the rationale for taxing dividend income at a lower rate than salary income?
And what's the rationale for taxing dividend income at a lower rate than salary income?

Because it's paid out of net profit that a corporation has already paid taxes on, then the shareholder receiving dividends pays a lower rate on it. So it's taxed twice but not only as income to an individual
Because it's paid out of net profit that a corporation has already paid taxes on, then the shareholder receiving dividends pays a lower rate on it. So it's taxed twice but not only as income to an individual

So is there some kind of fundamental principle of economics that rationale is bound by, such that total tax rate from profits shouldn't exceed some target % relative to the income tax rate?
So is there some kind of fundamental principle of economics that rationale is bound by, such that total tax rate from profits shouldn't exceed some target % relative to the income tax rate?

No it's just a way to distribute after tax profit to shareholders, and you can even distribute dividends as stock instead of cash. Its not bound by economic principles but a country or regions tax code. It's not the dividends that were the issue it's buffets BS assertions and the fact the dummies believe him
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