Occupy Bay street

Of course you would hope that it ends peaceful but it takes one person involved with different ideas how to protest and BOOM.

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Could those be the agent provocateurs? It has happened before. Seems like it's the law enforcement that incite the public to violence. Did you see the pepper spray happy cops in NY?
Could those be the agent provocateurs? It has happened before. Seems like it's the law enforcement that incite the public to violence. Did you see the pepper spray happy cops in NY?

For that, you don't have to go across the border.. Didn't QPP try to pull that crap in Montebello, QC?

...still no pics of filthy hipster chicks?...

Sad panda.
So protesting warrants a beat down and police abusing their powers?

shame on all of you
So protesting warrants a beat down and police abusing their powers?

shame on all of you

Do you actually read threads, or do you just post what you think everyone is arguing for?
As a professional hipster profiler (really!), I'd like to say that this rally will consist of mostly basement-dwellers, hippies, and weirdos. A real hipster wouldn't show up to this.

Also, have any of you guys read the linked thread? These guys are so serious. hahaha
1. The Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms guarantees the rights and freedoms set out in it subject only to such reasonable limits prescribed by law as can be demonstrably justified in a free and democratic society.
[h=2]Fundamental Freedoms[/h]Fundamental freedoms
2. Everyone has the following fundamental freedoms:
(a) freedom of conscience and religion;
(b) freedom of thought, belief, opinion and expression, including freedom of the press and other media of communication;
(c) freedom of peaceful assembly; and
(d) freedom of association.

Regardless of how we may feel about whatever they may be protesting about, they have a right. Police or otherwise should not infringe on that right. I'm not saying what they're doing is right, or what they believe in is right. I do believe that if you believe strongly enough in something you should be able to voice your opinion and fight for what you believe in.

Much like how we should have the right to protest something, say for instance if they decided to try and ban motorcycles.
Regardless of how we may feel about whatever they may be protesting about, they have a right. Police or otherwise should not infringe on that right. I'm not saying what they're doing is right, or what they believe in is right. I do believe that if you believe strongly enough in something you should be able to voice your opinion and fight for what you believe in.

And this is the problem. This thread is 3 pages deep, and they've already done something similar in New York; yet nobody knows what this protest is about. It seems it's just a protest about "stuff". Odds are good that I can probably join this protest on the grounds that I can't get anyone to give me an enthusiastic BJ at the top of every hour.

I have zero problem with protests. I'll encourage people to protest a cause they care very deeply about. This protest, however, is ridiculous. There's no clear cause...there's no clear purpose. It's just a bunch of idiots vying for attention. These are the kinds of protests that take away the significance of actual protests, with an actual goal, with people who actual care about a specific cause. They're wasting our time and wasting an opportunity. Do I think that's enough to justify having these idiots pepper sprayed in the face? Yes. Yes I do. :p
1. The Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms guarantees the rights and freedoms set out in it subject only to such reasonable limits prescribed by law as can be demonstrably justified in a free and democratic society.
Fundamental Freedoms

Fundamental freedoms
2. Everyone has the following fundamental freedoms:
(a) freedom of conscience and religion;
(b) freedom of thought, belief, opinion and expression, including freedom of the press and other media of communication;
(c) freedom of peaceful assembly; and
(d) freedom of association.

Regardless of how we may feel about whatever they may be protesting about, they have a right. Police or otherwise should not infringe on that right. I'm not saying what they're doing is right, or what they believe in is right. I do believe that if you believe strongly enough in something you should be able to voice your opinion and fight for what you believe in.

Much like how we should have the right to protest something, say for instance if they decided to try and ban motorcycles.

I have zero problem with protests. I'll encourage people to protest a cause they care very deeply about. This protest, however, is ridiculous. There's no clear cause...there's no clear purpose. It's just a bunch of idiots vying for attention. These are the kinds of protests that take away the significance of actual protests, with an actual goal, with people who actual care about a specific cause. They're wasting our time and wasting an opportunity. Do I think that's enough to justify having these idiots pepper sprayed in the face? Yes. Yes I do. :p

My thoughts exactly.
they've already done something similar in New York; yet nobody knows what this protest is about. It seems it's just a protest about "stuff".
I'll encourage people to protest a cause they care very deeply about.

Hi 'nobody'.
The protesters in NY (Wall St) are not in favour of 1% of the population holding 90% of the country's wealth.
Unemployment is said to be 9.2% in NY, but does "nobody" trust numbers the govt pumps out? Unemployment could be as high as 15-20% in NY. Does 'nobody' know? 'Nobodys' are starting to display their dislike.....and it's about time.
By the looks of things in NY, 'nobody' does know what they're demonstrating about, and apparently, 'nobody' does in fact, care.
If things keep going as they've been going (financially), then "nobodys" will be, and are multiplying like rabbits. It's not just about "stuff". Think job creation, spending ability for 'nobody' and most 'nobodys' would prefer a roof over their head that they can afford, and maybe a good couple meals a day - that's all they want for their future, that looks bleak presently.
Hi 'nobody'.
The protesters in NY (Wall St) are not in favour of 1% of the population holding 90% of the country's wealth.
Unemployment is said to be 9.2% in NY, but does "nobody" trust numbers the govt pumps out? Unemployment could be as high as 15-20% in NY. Does 'nobody' know? 'Nobodys' are starting to display their dislike.....and it's about time.
By the looks of things in NY, 'nobody' does know what they're demonstrating about, and apparently, 'nobody' does in fact, care.
If things keep going as they've been going (financially), then "nobodys" will be, and are multiplying like rabbits. It's not just about "stuff". Think job creation, spending ability for 'nobody' and most 'nobodys' would prefer a roof over their head that they can afford, and maybe a good couple meals a day - that's all they want for their future, that looks bleak presently.

Fair enough for the new yorkers but what does this have to do with us? Completely different country; completely different economic circumstances.

And exactly where was this protest 10 years ago? 20 years ago? Or are people only upset now that their economy has completely hit the crapper?

It seems to me that their gripe is with capitalism; the very fundamentals that North American society is built upon. Exactly what the hell is anybody going to do about this? And what solution, if any, are they proposing? Or are they just trying to get the government to do everything?

Isn't that what put them in this situation in the first place?
Hi 'nobody'.
The protesters in NY (Wall St) are not in favour of 1% of the population holding 90% of the country's wealth.
Unemployment is said to be 9.2% in NY, but does "nobody" trust numbers the govt pumps out? Unemployment could be as high as 15-20% in NY. Does 'nobody' know? 'Nobodys' are starting to display their dislike.....and it's about time.
By the looks of things in NY, 'nobody' does know what they're demonstrating about, and apparently, 'nobody' does in fact, care.
If things keep going as they've been going (financially), then "nobodys" will be, and are multiplying like rabbits. It's not just about "stuff". Think job creation, spending ability for 'nobody' and most 'nobodys' would prefer a roof over their head that they can afford, and maybe a good couple meals a day - that's all they want for their future, that looks bleak presently.

I read some where that unemployment rates are based on how many people are collecting unemployment benefits, those that don't qualify aren't counted. they're not employed but they're not considered unemployed...
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