Occupy Bay street

Ya your right. Shows how much of the family grocery shopping I do. I just assumed because HST seemed to apply to everything that it hit groceries also. You know what they say about assumptions.

It is astounding (and I have been guilty of it myself till I stopped and thought) how as a society instead of striving to improve we are trying to make sure anyone who has better wages or better benefits should lose them because other people don't have it as good. "If I don't have dental benefits then no one should" We are just playing into the hands of those who make massive profits on the backs of others.

In the end I really can't complain. Honestly I am probably over compensated for what I actually contribute to society (I make TV I mean really is that important?).

I have to thank Firestarter for getting my mind thinking as I too was caught up in the race to strip everyone who has anything better than me of what they have. It feels good to put the pitch fork down. lol See you all at the bottom with all wage earners making minimum wage without benefits! yeehaw!

this is how i have felt for a long time, and i have been posting to this end for quite some time.

glad to see that there are others that feel the same way. i too feel that i am adequately compensated for what i do, and i don't begrudge others when they are successful or try to improve their lot in life.

imho, it's not other workers and employees in canada that we have to fear, it's the outsourced jobs that end up overseas that we truly have to be upset about.

and yes, if left up to the powers that be, we would all be juggling 2-3 minimum wage jobs devoid of benefits or job security.
I find it pathetic when I hear. "You're an electrician, you should make less than me or have worse benefits than me". Cowards, rather than organizing and fighting for better compensation they rather wine and drag everyone down.

That is true.. Unfortunately, organized labor is under constant attack these days... If a union member has a smoke while on a mandated break, it becomes a scandal... If a company promises bonuses to workers if they meet their quotas and then lays off the staff just as they're about to meet them so the work piles up and bonuses don't materialize, it's business as usual. Unions are considered "unnecessary" and "evil" because they are the slowest to fall behind the curve, which means that typically, a union member makes more than a non-unionized worker.

However, that's just one of the symptoms of the overall problem. The entire planet is working on making a small group of very powerful people even more powerful and very few people see a problem with that. There are better things we can direct our efforts at.
That is true.. Unfortunately, organized labor is under constant attack these days... If a union member has a smoke while on a mandated break, it becomes a scandal... If a company promises bonuses to workers if they meet their quotas and then lays off the staff just as they're about to meet them so the work piles up and bonuses don't materialize, it's business as usual. Unions are considered "unnecessary" and "evil" because they are the slowest to fall behind the curve, which means that typically, a union member makes more than a non-unionized worker.

However, that's just one of the symptoms of the overall problem. The entire planet is working on making a small group of very powerful people even more powerful and very few people see a problem with that. There are better things we can direct our efforts at.

Because everyone gets suckered in believing they can get there. They defend bad business practices believing that they will benefit them one day, when in reality they are backpedaling against themselves.
Because everyone gets suckered in believing they can get there. They defend bad business practices believing that they will benefit them one day, when in reality they are backpedaling against themselves.

The same syndrome as those poor schmucks who spend hundreds of dollars on lottery tickets thinking they'll beat the 15,000,000:1 odds. A part of it is also the anti-union propaganda that corporate mouthpieces like Quebecor spread.

In the US, they even accepted the premise that corporate interests equal national interests to the point of them being able to kick you off your land in order to build a strip mall or a sleazebag motel. They also believe that regular people should pay corporate taxes (through income and sales taxes) or the corporations will pick up and leave lol
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