Would anyone argue with me if I said the middle class are just as bad for defaulting on loans compared to the trend of bailouts (which I agree destroy the economy)? That if you looked into all these people annoying bay street you would find defaulters and massive debt to income ratio?
It's not really a stretch to say a lot of people run up an incredible amount of debt and then just default, take a five year credit hit and get themselves right back into debt because they learn nothing from their failure.
A possible solution to some of the problem would be to simply buy what you want when you have the money for it...... deferred gratification. Would it not?
It used to be called will power, self control, impulse control etc.
I know this argument puts the blame back on Joe average but it's not necessarily a counter to the valid point of equal taxation.
In the past people would save their money for the things they wanted. I'll exclude houses and cars since you can't really save for a house but obviously I'm talking about unnecessary items like a 60 inch TV to replace a perfectly good 46 inch TV or the latest (insert "must have" item) when you have last years item that still works fine.
Not really saying you can't have stuff you want, just why run up your credit cards to $30K then balk on them?
I don't buy the "they get you with a low interest rate and then jack it up after a year" because if you use a credit card or credit in general you should be paying it down or paying it off each month aside from emergencies.
Agreed. Someone I know owed 60 k on credit cards and makes 45k a year so they declared bankruptcy. They need a car but are refusing to drive a hyundai and a trying to get a BMW. Idiots