Neighbourhood changes?

Imo, septic is almost a non-issue. Get it pumped and inspected as a condition and then you know what you have. Don't do stupid city people things like dumping bleach down the drain and it will be not much different than sewer.

If you are looking at houses with Wells, they are a huge deal. I'd consider a flow test almost mandatory. You can often tell the houses with bad water supply as they change hands often.
I talk to the neighbours and local well-drilling companies when I'm looking at a building lot or house. That'll give you a good indication of what the well is capable of.
My neighbourhood in Kingston has improved.
There is a vacant lot across the street where one biker gang tried to kill another biker gang by blowing up the house.
They built some low rent accomadations south of me so the bums migrated.
Must admit that the Local Tims does have a sharps disposal box in the washroom.
I looked at a place near the top of Dufferin St. last month in a small hamlet called Ansnorveldt. On the other side of the backyard was the holland marsh with lettuce growing right there. House was from the 30's but an addition was added to it and it was reno'd nice except for a f'up on the stairwell leading upstairs. It's still for sale.

It's on a septic system which scares me a bit. A bit too far into farmer country for my liking so I'm still looking.
Ansnorvelt? You need to speak Dutch and be prepared for the lady next door to be her husband and brother.
Ansnorvelt? You need to speak Dutch and be prepared for the lady next door to be her husband and brother.
Yep lol. That's how Holland Landing got it's name - immigrants from there a century ago.

Edit: turns out it was named after Samuel Holland. Ironic that many Dutch settlers ended up there.
This is the one I posted in another thread by mistake…

587 acres split over 2 parcels. One 387 acre hunting camp and a “house” on 200 acres. I can see extra income from renting out the house to movie companies but it depends on how may Amityville horror films they can make.

It’s a bit too far for a commute but there’s something appealing about so much land that you can imagine anything. It’s not far from Highway 7..maybe there’s gold under it?
This is the one I posted in another thread by mistake…

587 acres split over 2 parcels. One 387 acre hunting camp and a “house” on 200 acres. I can see extra income from renting out the house to movie companies but it depends on how may Amityville horror films they can make.

It’s a bit too far for a commute but there’s something appealing about so much land that you can imagine anything. It’s not far from Highway 7..maybe there’s gold under it?
You have to be careful with parcels like that. Check the conservation authority maps and moraine maps and greenbelt maps and . . . That Hunt Club parcel may not even be able to have a shed on it. Cutting in a dirtbike trail may not be allowed, etc. etc. You pay for it but damned if you are allowed to use it.
You have to be careful with parcels like that. Check the conservation authority maps and moraine maps and greenbelt maps and . . . That Hunt Club parcel may not even be able to have a shed on it. Cutting in a dirtbike trail may not be allowed, etc. etc. You pay for it but damned if you are allowed to use it.

I’d mine it…as in land mines. Anyone wants to come and discuss what I can do with it is welcome to visit.

I think there’s a hunt camp/hut thing on the 387 acres. I was thinking maybe level the lot and build Ontario’s first space port and rent it to Elon. He seems pretty good with wasting vast amounts of cash recently.
I have learned from living on "Acreages" that 2 things are always on your mind
Where my water comes from!
Where my sh**t goes!
This is the one I posted in another thread by mistake…

587 acres split over 2 parcels. One 387 acre hunting camp and a “house” on 200 acres. I can see extra income from renting out the house to movie companies but it depends on how may Amityville horror films they can make.

It’s a bit too far for a commute but there’s something appealing about so much land that you can imagine anything. It’s not far from Highway 7..maybe there’s gold under it?
That would be an awesome project / retirement property. But as a primary residence...not for me.
We're supposed to have an affordable housing building built in the middle of Clarkson in Mississauga which is supposed to cater to people with disabilities, mental health issues and addiction problems primarily
Next to a dairy queen where i put an X. In a neighbourhood with houses going for about 2 Million ish. To be fair there's a newish condo low rise building right next to it with units that go for about 600k to 1 million


They held a meeting about it last night, it was overcrowded by concerned citizens and residents of other builds like this one (there's one in port credit about 6km east of it and some in hamilton, malton, etc) came to say how unsupported and crappy it is to live there,there are daily complaints from within the building itself, and it's not a very safe space. The port credit one is right on top of a food bank, which is how it was designed. And there's a safe injection site about 300m from there. So the clientele for that food bank which used to be a bit more west, has changed a lot.
The pavillion nearby that's normally used for birthdays during summer has now become an encampment. My wife's clients have their kids get hassled for money walking back from school and also had to stay clear of a person OD'ing. They're having to walk by people that are high and unpredictable during daytime. Police and ambulance are always there for those reasons.

So even if we find solutions to homelessness, i guess it only cures some symptoms but not the problem.
I've attended a few meetings for the Homeless Task Force committee here in town. It's nice to see the Town is aware of the issue and is trying their best to resolve it, but its a much larger problem that needs better support at the top level of government.

Part of the discussions revolve around the lack of support at the County level. Housing is an upper tier municipality responsibility and Dufferin isn't pulling their weight in this area.
I have learned from living on "Acreages" that 2 things are always on your mind
Where my water comes from!
Where my sh**t goes!
Unlike when I travel with the rv......
I'm actually surprised we haven't seen more people selling the homes they can't afford and buying and living in RV's ... it'll be a thing, you watch.
Another squatter in the news ... this soooo pisses me off.

I'm actually surprised we haven't seen more people selling the homes they can't afford and buying and living in RV's ... it'll be a thing, you watch.
Guy on my street just sold his house. Said he's going FAR NORTH to get the hell away from Toronto. He's the local PPC rep.

His cousin/friend/whatever lives further on another street, so PPC bought himself a brand spanking new Airstream 30ft trailer, and is looking for land right now to go live in it 'off the land as God intended'.

Not sure if he's currently living in the trailer, or his sister's house a few blocks away.
What's a decent RV cost? Maybe $200k?? Either way, you can go live wherever you want and have a ton of money to live off of (assuming you sold a house with decent equity).

What's PPC btw?
You're late to the party. Google Walmart parking lot RVs.
What I meant was it hasn't hit the mainstream media yet but I did google that - interesting place to overnight at but I guess if you can't do it on the street why not.
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