Neighbourhood changes?

All this "Living on a RV" talk, brought back memories of a talk I had with a guy 10+ years ago. He was divorced and living in a RV which he parked at the back of an industrial building parking lot.

I asked him why, and he responded with,"I have to pay $1,200/kid in child support". He had two! So $2,400 a month, with no money for anything else.

But he would make the most of it, and he was always positive.
Maybe you’re onto something. Single wides need about 20’ x 80. I could squeeze bunch on my city lot, about $100k installed. If I rent them for $2k/mo, I’d make a decent return.

Not sure the neighbours would enjoy all the tornados they attract.
She said the fridge was full of beer , I noticed an unusual amount of butter sticks . When she asked if I was ready for pegging , I thought she meant anchor my tent. Well lemme tell ya. …..

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Was the butter in the fridge?
I applaud volunteer work of any type. I averaged 1000+ hours a year for decades, it’s thankless work but personally rewarding.

Sadly many of those organization now have sizeable payrolls as personal gain has infiltrated traditional volunteer organizations. With that comes call for enormous govt funding.

I’d like to see some return to personal responsibility, family responsibility, and real altruism.

In the case of the Orangeville food bank, it has 5 or 6 people on payroll and 180 volunteers. its run on grants, donations and some funding from the town and possibly the county
This is the one I posted in another thread by mistake…

587 acres split over 2 parcels. One 387 acre hunting camp and a “house” on 200 acres. I can see extra income from renting out the house to movie companies but it depends on how may Amityville horror films they can make.

It’s a bit too far for a commute but there’s something appealing about so much land that you can imagine anything. It’s not far from Highway 7..maybe there’s gold under it?
Mineral and wood rights aren't free. Mineral right were even worse in that mining companies could trespass to explore and the owner got stuck with the mess. That may have changed.

I thought there were timber fees as well. How much does firewood go for these days?
You have to be careful with parcels like that. Check the conservation authority maps and moraine maps and greenbelt maps and . . . That Hunt Club parcel may not even be able to have a shed on it. Cutting in a dirtbike trail may not be allowed, etc. etc. You pay for it but damned if you are allowed to use it.
A friend of my brother bought some farmland in the Barrie area years ago. He may have planted a few turnips or rented out the land. He also enjoyed just getting away from the crowd so built, basically a garden shed, to park a lawn chair or two. The township made him tear it down.
So even if we find solutions to homelessness, i guess it only cures some symptoms but not the problem.

We have no leadership, federally, provincially or municipally. Unless you have a massive financial head start with family money, prime education or won a lottery you have virtually no future in the GTA. Why give chit?
A friend of mine was in a similar situation, divorced older guy, the only thing he could afford was out in the boonies but for work and commuting it wasnt practical, he bought an apartment in the city but didnt like it, he was a life long boater, so he just lived on the boat in harbor(in toronto) It seemed to work for him
I've attended a few meetings for the Homeless Task Force committee here in town. It's nice to see the Town is aware of the issue and is trying their best to resolve it, but its a much larger problem that needs better support at the top level of government.

Part of the discussions revolve around the lack of support at the County level. Housing is an upper tier municipality responsibility and Dufferin isn't pulling their weight in this area.
The big talk in many circles is "Renewable resources". Land is not renewable. It isn't like soybeans that you can plant another crop next year when the ones in storage get used up.

Politicians have four years to fix a problem or, more cynically, pretend to fix a problem and get re-elected. At best they provide bandages.

What is the plan for 2044?

The seniors / long term care plans for 2024 should have been addressed in 1984.
no future in the GTA
This now applies to pretty much all of ontario/bc now. Getting worse in the rest of canada, but at a slower rate.
I'm actually surprised we haven't seen more people selling the homes they can't afford and buying and living in RV's ... it'll be a thing, you watch.
An alcoholic friend ended up living in an un-zoned trailer park near Carlyle twenty ish years ago. It may have started as one or two trailers on a farm but grew to a small village when child welfare, sanitation and power became a problem.

The town shut it down and the inhabitants got first dibs on a new building in Burlington, near the art gallery. My buddy got a brand new unit and it was a dumpster within two weeks.

His trailer was a recreational model not suited for year round use in Canada (or anywhere) It wasn't insulated for year round use and condensation / mold was an issue. Foam mattresses don't hold up well 24/7/365.
In the case of the Orangeville food bank, it has 5 or 6 people on payroll and 180 volunteers. its run on grants, donations and some funding from the town and possibly the county
Based on their most recent financials, $1 of every $3 of revenue is used to pay employees with an average of $59k a year.

Don’t know how to evaluate that part. I’d say the The 180 volunteers are mostly altruistic
She said the fridge was full of beer , I noticed an unusual amount of butter sticks . When she asked if I was ready for pegging , I thought she meant anchor my tent. Well lemme tell ya. …..


I guess she must have had you pegged as being open to this............ LOL
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Sadly many of those organization now have sizeable payrolls as personal gain has infiltrated traditional volunteer organizations. With that comes call for enormous govt funding.

We support the Mississauga Food Bank.

I'm not happy re the number of relatively high paying management type positions.
  • Chief Executive Officer
  • Director of Operations
  • Director of People and Culture
  • Director of Strategic Initiatives, CEO's Office
  • Director of Programs & Agency Network
  • Corporate Partnerships Officer
  • Director of Development
  • Director of Marketing & Communications

I mean, give me a break, this is a food bank, not a multinational company

Salary Information​

Full-time staff: 33
Avg. compensation: $55,702
Top 10 staff salary range:
$350k +0
$300k - $350k0
$250k - $300k0
$200k - $250k0
$160k - $200k0
$120k - $160k1
$80k - $120k6
$40k - $80k3
< $40k0
Once a smart guy figures out how to monotize any "charitable" organization , all bets are off as to how much money you need to spend to make any headway.
Based on their most recent financials, $1 of every $3 of revenue is used to pay employees with an average of $59k a year.

Don’t know how to evaluate that part. I’d say the The 180 volunteers are mostly altruistic

What would the solution to this be? Less staff? Lower wages?
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Based on their most recent financials, $1 of every $3 of revenue is used to pay employees with an average of $59k a year.

Don’t know how to evaluate that part. I’d say the The 180 volunteers are mostly altruistic
MM I appreciate your knowledge of finances and business so feel free to comment.

I hear people getting upset about charity CEO's getting six and seven figure salaries. What should they earn?

Why not just have a volunteer book keeper do the books? Simply add and subtract the ins and outs, saving the big salary.

However what happens if a volunteer uses their own car to pick up or deliver goods and gets into a very expensive collision, at fault.

Since they weren't doing person driving their insurer refuses the six figure claim. The driver can't cover it personally so the injured party involves the charity. Dumpster fire.

Someone takes issue about Halal, Kosher or vegan supplies and an inappropriate response comes out. Enter the Woke press.

Someone supposedly gets sick because there wasn't an ISO best before date check system.

Someone gets injured by a broken bottle or heavy lift. WSIB?

Even charities have to keep books and track write offs. What's the difference between a lamp and a light fixture?

Does a high roller have more potential to fund raise? Banquet at the Royal York vs Banquet burger at Harvies?

Many more things a mom and pop operation wouldn't think of.

Fund raising has even more tricks.
If someone is complaining about the free food they got someone needs a slap upside the head.
I know a lady that stopped volunteering at a food bank because she got tired of the picky eaters.

P.S. A friend donates cash to the food banks.

1) He gets a receipt

2) They can buy canned goods cheaper than he can

3) They buy what they need at the time.
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