Motorcycle Gang Confrontation

Wondering just how many here believe that somehow or other the motorcyclists were the victims?
They don't seem to have suffered in any way, though I sincerely hope the police find a way of prosecuting. The whole sorry incident with the car was probably the icing on the cake of their juvenile little escapades.
Relying only on the woman side of the story and what the media is reporting is not giving us a fair chance to know what really happened. Until then, lets give our fellow motorcyclist the benefit of the doubt.
Relying only on the woman side of the story and what the media is reporting is not giving us a fair chance to know what really happened. Until then, lets give our fellow motorcyclist the benefit of the doubt.
Benefit of the doubt? How so? They were on a major highway, slowing traffic, and stunting across all lanes. I don't think there's any doubt left.

Sent from my Le Pan TC802A using Tapatalk
Can she legally grab the motorcyclist? Assuming he was rolling on the bike, she might have assaulted him while trying to deliberately injure. Was she ripped like Cris Cyborg?
Stuck in traffic = victim? A bit over the top, no?
Perhaps. But if I'm trying to get to work or some other appointment, I don't need to be held up endlessly on the highway by a bunch of self centered asshats.
And no, I'm not gonna just run them over either.

Sent from my Le Pan TC802A using Tapatalk
Relying only on the woman side of the story and what the media is reporting is not giving us a fair chance to know what really happened. Until then, lets give our fellow motorcyclist the benefit of the doubt.

I have a dumb question arising from a post on Facebook about this matter. Are there any independent witness reports about stunting or blocking traffic concerning this event? How much of it was made up by the driver who was arrested and the woman involved?
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Relying only on the woman side of the story and what the media is reporting is not giving us a fair chance to know what really happened. Until then, lets give our fellow motorcyclist the benefit of the doubt.
Until our fellow motorcyclist says his side of the story there isn't much benefit of doubt we can give him unfortunately. What valid reason can a man (sorry *motorcyclist*) have to punch a woman in the face? Right there thats a bad image from the media toward us. I can't approach a woman wearing my helmet anymore cause of that guy unfortunately; she'll fear I might punch her in the face at any given time...

Sent from my MotoG3 using Tapatalk
there is a clear distinction between "advocating violence" and "I would do what's necessary to protect my family if I felt threatened"

There have been some great solutions offered to someone being swarmed and threatened:
Just keep driving
Throw it in reverse
Call 911.

Call 911 is perfect - you're even allowed to use your handheld phone in an emergency. But the others? Just keep driving? Seriously? What part of swarmed or blocked is tough to understand? When the bikes are on both sides with riders threatening and yelling, and others are in front slowing down, how do you "just keep driving"? Wouldn't that result in what you've called "violence"?
Just "throw it in reverse" - oh wait, I meant "just throw it in reverse after ensuring you won't run over a rider that's trying to box you in."

Great ideas - missing entirely the concept of "threatened". Calling 911 is still the best idea, but at some point when some animal smashes my window with his helmet, the bigger vehicle is going to get me the f out of there, whatever is in the way.

BTW - this is in response to the posters who have criticized the few who have said they would protect their families if threatened, and were accused of advocating violence with a vehicle. It is in no way in defense or support of the actions of any of the people in the vehicle or on the bikes in the news article.
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For any reason? That's not at all what I said. I said quite clearly "if I felt threatened" I would do what I feel necessary to do to deal with the threat, and that is far different from saying "if I was irritated". Get a grip.

By the way, words from a New York judge regarding the actions of the driver of the Rover that went through a swarm of motorcycles.

"I felt threatened" or "I feared for my life". Wasn't that officer Forcillo's defence for shooting Sammy Yatim, even as he was dying on the streetcar floor 10 m away? Wasn't he found guilty of attempted murder?

The problem is that this defence worked and got officer Forcillo got off on the murder charge. So the political reality is the Griff would most likely get away with venting his frustration on sport bike riders with his car simply by using the tried & true cop defence of "I felt threatened".

Yes the stunters were stupid to take this to the street, especially after the publicity of the last stupid ride. And yes, the driver was stupid for trying to force their way thru the group. And from there everything escelated and turned bad for all involved.

I was in my cage about a month ago behind 2 riders blocking slowing traffic while 2 riders stunted ahead on Kingston Rd. Yeah, I thought they were stupid for doing this, but I didn't try to force my way thru or administer some Griff justice. It didn't take long for them to peel off, then we were on our way again.

Live & let live folks.
Re: Griff hard on material

Deleted. Wrong thread
"I felt threatened" or "I feared for my life". Wasn't that officer Forcillo's defence for shooting Sammy Yatim, even as he was dying on the streetcar floor 10 m away? Wasn't he found guilty of attempted murder?

The problem is that this defence worked and got officer Forcillo got off on the murder charge. So the political reality is the Griff would most likely get away with venting his frustration on sport bike riders with his car simply by using the tried & true cop defence of "I felt threatened".

Yes the stunters were stupid to take this to the street, especially after the publicity of the last stupid ride. And yes, the driver was stupid for trying to force their way thru the group. And from there everything escelated and turned bad for all involved.

I was in my cage about a month ago behind 2 riders blocking slowing traffic while 2 riders stunted ahead on Kingston Rd. Yeah, I thought they were stupid for doing this, but I didn't try to force my way thru or administer some Griff justice. It didn't take long for them to peel off, then we were on our way again.

Live & let live folks.

I don't buy that argument at all. Forcillo tried to use that explanation and failed, because it simply wasn't true. That doesn't set a precedent that no other individual can ever legitimately be threatened. The NYC case previously cited has already supported Griff's view.
Re: Griff hard on material

but at some point when some animal smashes my window with his helmet, the bigger vehicle is going to get me the f out of there, whatever is in the way.

BTW - this is in response to the posters who have criticized the few who have said they would protect their families if threatened, and were accused of advocating violence with a vehicle. It is in no way in defense or support of the actions of any of the people in the vehicle or on the bikes in the news article.

You're awfully ignorant of the law and people will suffer from your ignorance. Actions have to be reasonable and courts set the bar high for reasonable conduct in these cases. And make no mistake such an escalation of actions will typically go to court to sort it out.

Be like Michael Bryant, find yourself in court, spend > $100k on defense, lose years, maybe win the case, but you still will lose so much more. The fallout for MB included his job and his marriage. Sad for everyone involved.

Don't set oneself up for further escalation or advocate for it. It never works or ends well.
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Stuck in traffic = victim? A bit over the top, no?

Sure, more like I don't like being inconvenienced due to someone else's stupidity. Just like how you wouldn't want to be stuck on a ramp while all this is going down with nowhere to go. Then there's the chain reaction of everybody else pulling stupid moves to get out of the situation.
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