Motorcycle Gang Confrontation

you dont seem to understand. They were in all the lanes blocking, so their buddies in the front can stunt. If yo uwant to get pedantic about it all, Regardless of speed limit, you are supposed to move over and allow faster vehicles to pass. That's a concept that the Ontario public cant seem to understand, yet understood in other parts of the country/world etc. Thats a different story though.

These guys were being dooshes

I understand all of that. I am questioning the appropriateness of the response. You have limited choices: be patient (unfamiliar concept to GTA riders and cagers alike); call the police; confront. Confront is hazardous, especially if all you are aiming to do is increase your speed by 15%. Now it is entirely possible that the speed varied up and down but even at 50 confrontation is tricky.
Another great takeaway from the event: Motorcyclists beat women.
you dont seem to understand. They were in all the lanes blocking, so their buddies in the front can stunt. If yo uwant to get pedantic about it all, Regardless of speed limit, you are supposed to move over and allow faster vehicles to pass. That's a concept that the Ontario public cant seem to understand, yet understood in other parts of the country/world etc. Thats a different story though.

These guys were being dooshes

Point of fact, all the riders who were blocking for the stunters could lose their bikes for a week. The stunters could lose them, permanently, for dangerous operation of a vehicle (Criminal Code of Canada charge).

3. For the purposes of section 172 of the Act, “stunt” includes any activity where one or more persons engage in any of the following driving behaviours:

8. Driving a motor vehicle without due care and attention, without reasonable consideration for other persons using the highway or in a manner that may endanger any person by,
i. driving a motor vehicle in a manner that indicates an intention to prevent another vehicle from passing,
Boogymen. And I won't avoid the GTA (not just downtown), I'll just be caging instead of biking,
I don't need that kind of aggravation from my "peers".

There's no aggravation - media sensationalism pwns you.

I rode to work (across the GTA) this morning :)
That would be a reason, among many, or any... semantics griffster; end of, you'd happily take a life over property damage. Good for you.

he's not worried about property damage - he said if he feels threatened.

If my family was in car with me and i'm being boxed in by a group of riders, a 911 call is going out - i'm not stopping, and won't allow myself to be slowed down by them either.

The repercussions of what can happen to my family has been played out by other incidents before it.
You have me confused with the castle-doctrine gun enthusiasts here.

Wait, so you only take the retarded views from the conservative side? Not the good ones? Eg: you should be able to defend your home and property with appropriate force up to and including lethal force.

Dude if you're anti-guns AND you think the woman in the SUV is somehow blameless for escalating the situation...oh boy...all I can say is I imagine your friend group is pretty tiny.
Wait, so you only take the retarded views from the conservative side? Not the good ones? Eg: you should be able to defend your home and property with appropriate force up to and including lethal force.

Dude if you're anti-guns AND you think the woman in the SUV is somehow blameless for escalating the situation...oh boy...all I can say is I imagine your friend group is pretty tiny.

Take a look below his name; I don't think he'll be responding for the time being.

Back on topic, I just saw a clip on CBC. 22 year old male driver was indeed charged with possession of drugs, dangerous driving, driving under suspension, and violating novice driver restrictions.
Stupid, stupid, stupid behavior by both parties.

I'll willing to bet that some (or all) rider participants in the Mississauga mob of a few weeks ago were part of this brain trust as well. Who, in their right mind, shuts downs a major highway to enable stunting?

Let's just wait and see how this evolves. More incidents like this and our nanny state provincial government will concoct some regressive punitive way of containing "out of control" bikers and all of us will suffer due to the stupidity of a few.
I understand all of that. I am questioning the appropriateness of the response. You have limited choices: be patient (unfamiliar concept to GTA riders and cagers alike); call the police; confront. Confront is hazardous, especially if all you are aiming to do is increase your speed by 15%. Now it is entirely possible that the speed varied up and down but even at 50 confrontation is tricky.
On the other hand. Don't do it. Don't escalate it. Don't escalate it again. If all you are aiming to do is waste your time, there are more appropriate times/places/methods, without preventing people from living real lives, and going about their day.
Wondering just how many here believe that somehow or other the motorcyclists were the victims?
hey all you brave warriors - here's an idea: if you're "swarmed" by bikes...just don't stop...unless you're one of those idiots who is always driving around on empty...guess what, the bikes are gonna have to stop for gas before you do.

if you feel like it you could even call 911 while you make your leisurely escape.
There were no victims here. Just stupid finding stupid

Victims were people getting stuck in traffic while all this was going on.
Wondering just how many here believe that somehow or other the motorcyclists were the victims?

Not me. My view is "takes two to tango". It's pretty obvious that the riders were doing stuff that aggravated other motorists, and it's pretty obvious that the male driver of the car escalated the situation and was certainly no saint.

And, as far as the riders are concerned, I also strongly suspect that it's part of the same bunch of clowns from a couple weeks ago.

Little news segment on this matter.

The reason he ran back to the car was to recover MJ and Cocaine.. Nice. Along with his past scams noted above.

Girl gets punched in the face
Takes her car to chase after some motorcyclists while leaving her alone with the "dangerous motorcyclists" with no outs.
Flips the car
Recovers drugs

Seems like a good guy...
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Hmmm, 100 kph blocking traffic for stunters,not to bright,being able to hear a motorcyclist swear at you thru his helmet at 100kph, wow incredible hearing,grabbing the cyclelist around the neck then receiving a knockout punch,wow this guy needs a boxing manager ,bikes drugs crazy women, sounds like a bad movie.If your on a bike and go up against a car guess who loses .Hope the truth comes out in the end.Ihave done some pretty stupid things since i started riding,but have never done intentionally anything that would put someone else in danger
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