Motorcycle Gang Confrontation

Fight or flight. Which would you decide oh almighty bringing of high opinions. I read your posts and like another poster said, griff doesn't need any help, but you seem to sit among the high and mighty of the world and rational thinking. Thinking back on the SUV that was swarmed, being attacked, the riders trying to force open the door before the SUV ran over anyone to get away. Father, mother and a child in the car...

What would you do? It's potentially your life that would be taken over the property damage. My lifted bro truck would run you over and I wouldn't blink. I'm not risking my or my families life over your stupidity.

Read it up Neil_v, take it in.

I have, also seen the vid many times. What would I have done? Stopped until the swam had passed entirely. That and that alone would be the best possible way to ensure the safety of my family.

Mr Rover choose to drive in the center of the group for some way and at some point aggravated one of the bikers who then decided to brake check him, which led to the rover rear ending the bike. THIS is the point where the physical confrontation began. Yes the Biker's are clowns and, getting run over was a predictable outcome for for getting off your bikes and trying to pull someone from there car.

But I, in no way, will ever act like that's the logical out when confronted by a large group of riders... just look at where it got him... Did running them down save him? Not a chance. In fact, it only intensified the physical nature of the confrontation. Not High and mighty; just smart enough to get myself as far away from stupid as possible, not stoop to it's level.
Was planning on riding down to Toronto next week. Plans are now cancelled. Thanks Dirtbag riders. Won't be going anywhere near there on a bike. Wondering now if some of the older clubs in the area are going to step up and settle these guys down.
Re: Griff hard on material

One of the motorcyclists may have punched her in the face.

At that point, a male passenger jumped into the driver’s seat and took off, leaving the woman behind.

He eventually flipped the car on Aerowood Drive and it burst into flames.
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I'd do the same if a group of people were attacking my vehicle while my wife and child are in the car. It's not just property damage. It's threatening behaviour.

Logical fallacy; you're in a car, and things getting to the point where you're surrounded entails participation in the stupidity at some level. Pull over; come to a stop; reverse... there are plenty of outs.
Re: Griff hard on material

here's the bottom line but all it takes is one loose cannon in a group to set something off

If a car needs over to exit the highway, make space in your group; courteous.

Confronting others for whatever reason; anything but

woman shot her mouth off & gets punched in the face???? alone will never fly,

lotsa key fundamentals are lost on the road these days like

a time to speak, a time to stfu, regardless what's going on

a time to chill, a time to react & if reacting, how? guns blazing??

personally, i'm at a point where practically nothing i see on the road & there's plenty, gets a rise out of me, as far as visibly reacting, don't even remember a last verbal exchange initiated by me, for something that bothered me

chillin' as a foundation has served me well along with defensive driving

know who you ride with well etc
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I have, also seen the vid many times. What would I have done? Stopped until the swam had passed entirely. That and that alone would be the best possible way to ensure the safety of my family. Mr Rover choose to drive in the center of the group for some way and at some point aggravated one of the bikers who then decided to brake check him, which led to the rover rear ending the bike. THIS is the point where the physical confrontation began. Yes the Biker's are clowns and, getting run over was a predictable outcome for for getting off your bikes and trying to pull someone from there car. But I, in no way, will ever act like that's the logical out when confronted by a large group of riders... just look at where it got him... Did running them down save him? Not a chance. In fact, it only intensified the physical nature of the confrontation. Not High and mighty; just smart enough to get myself as far away from stupid as possible, not stoop to it's level.
Cool, so you stay in your house 24/7, because that's the safest place, and makes it hard for anyone to put you into a dangerous situation. Easiest fix for the situation is to ban motorcycles entirely, and crush them whenever found. There shouldn't be any special snowflakes allowed to take over the roads, and "ban" others from using them.
Getting more and more 'ROC' type rides popping up in the GTA this year. :rolleyes:

Jackasses indeed!
Logical fallacy; you're in a car, and things getting to the point where you're surrounded entails participation in the stupidity at some level. Pull over; come to a stop; reverse... there are plenty of outs.
i look at/record plates first chance i get

above sounds like something where few are at & one never knows how they may react in the real deal

throw in some panic- fear with joe average
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Logical fallacy; you're in a car, and things getting to the point where you're surrounded entails participation in the stupidity at some level. Pull over; come to a stop; reverse... there are plenty of outs.

On a highway, when surrounded?

i look at/record plates first chance i get

No plates?
Re: Griff hard on material

I don't think it's a bad image, personally if I'm riding in a group, I want it to be with motorcycles only and no car additions. I'd confront a Dick if they are being one. Mostly because I don't want to be hit by a car and there are so many bad drivers out there. I've confronted bad drivers from my car.. So why shouldn't I because I'm on a motorcycle instead?
Just because you change your vehicle doesn't mean you shouldn't confront/talk to someone in the wrong. If it's your fault. Then be a good person and apologize... I've done that too. It's just courteous.

But side note, that guy that fled is worse than a coward. Lol I used to have a friend like that and cut him off. They are the first ones to throw you into the fire. That girl will learn a valuable lesson about friends soon.

Actually the riders are the true moronic cowards...if they were in fact blocking and stunting all lanes they are 100% at fault...and then they assult the woman and surround and attack the car?? thats really impressive
Cool, so you stay in your house 24/7, because that's the safest place, and makes it hard for anyone to put you into a dangerous situation. Easiest fix for the situation is to ban motorcycles entirely, and crush them whenever found. There shouldn't be any special snowflakes allowed to take over the roads, and "ban" others from using them.

Says the guy avoiding downtown Toronto because of the boogyman.
Re: Griff hard on material

Can't wait for the story to unfold
No, the worst are the thugs who would take over a highway like this, threaten, damage and chase down other vehicles. They are the worst, and those who would smile at their transgressions or otherwise try to shield them are little better.

Amen...if I was with my family and was swarmed and threatened by a large group of young morons like this I would be on 911 fast but my 3600lb shield would also be put to use if required....
Says the guy avoiding downtown Toronto because of the boogyman.

Boogymen. And I won't avoid the GTA (not just downtown), I'll just be caging instead of biking,
I don't need that kind of aggravation from my "peers".
Amen...if I was with my family and was swarmed and threatened by a large group of young morons like this I would be on 911 fast but my 3600lb shield would also be put to use if required....

that's true, not everyone is gonna back off or wimp out,

good thing we aren't gun happy US, lotsa gangbangers about tho..

starting to sound like the biker vs cager wars, i'd say joe public will call it biker initiated aggression, hands down,

and that's where most of the bad news will go,

intentionally surrounding a vehicle alone is a threat, add some blocking.. whatever may happen next, good luck on that defense

what about intentionally pursuing in/as a group numbering many? that then leads to something?
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Comparing scenarios is useless. Way too many variables and differences. And idiots who do such ridiculous comparisons are tricking people into their extreme stupidity of false equivalence.

And yet again we see Griff advocating for at least attempted vehicular homicide (or whatever the Canadian equivalent is). This is the second time in a month now. Wow. Ya know, liability for such positions and posts rests beyond the poster.

Other posters now also advocating for using a vehicle to assault a rider. Go for it. It worked out so well for Michael Bryant with a cyclist (who was the transgressor as well).

Nobody here knows what happened on this recent event. Guaranteed it will be a he said she said, the truth will probably be in the middle, and everyone will lose. Remember, if you permit yourself to get in such a situation, you will lose 95% of the time or more, even if you think you were the victim.

Beyond that, such ruminations are useless. Though it seems to be de rigeur here to make wild assumptions and bray out moral offense and judgement.
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Amen...if I was with my family and was swarmed and threatened by a large group of young morons like this I would be on 911 fast but my 3600lb shield would also be put to use if required....

That you Griff?
Beyond that, such ruminations are useless. Though it seems to be de rigeur here to make wild assumptions and bray out moral offense and judgement.

Exactly! And I've been guilty myself :(

Emotion run amok on forums ends up in potentially embarrassing posts . Same thing on the 401 could be quite a bit more painful maybe we should all just chill out a bit.
Cool, so you stay in your house 24/7, because that's the safest place, and makes it hard for anyone to put you into a dangerous situation. Easiest fix for the situation is to ban motorcycles entirely, and crush them whenever found. There shouldn't be any special snowflakes allowed to take over the roads, and "ban" others from using them.

Says the guy avoiding downtown Toronto because of the boogyman.

haha... usual ridiculous inference for dramatic effect.
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