Am i on GTAM or reading youtube comments? Can't tell the difference anymore...
Comparing scenarios is useless. Way too many variables and differences. And idiots who do such ridiculous comparisons are tricking people into their extreme stupidity of false equivalence.
And yet again we see Griff advocating for at least attempted vehicular homicide (or whatever the Canadian equivalent is). This is the second time in a month now. Wow. Ya know, liability for such positions and posts rests beyond the poster.
Other posters now also advocating for using a vehicle to assault a rider. Go for it. It worked out so well for Michael Bryant with a cyclist (who was the transgressor as well).
Nobody here knows what happened on this recent event. Guaranteed it will be a he said she said, the truth will probably be in the middle, and everyone will lose. Remember, if you permit yourself to get in such a situation, you will lose 95% of the time or more, even if you think you were the victim.
Beyond that, such ruminations are useless. Though it seems to be de rigeur here to make wild assumptions and bray out moral offense and judgement.
Haha, the lady gave an interview. Everyone involved with this situation seems to be stupid. She says she was knocked unconscious by a biker but I haven't seen anything about a hospital visit. If you actually get knocked out, that's not a bad idea. This is a Lochte situation where they are creating stories to justify their bad behaviour. None of that excuses the behaviour of the six riders.
“My boyfriend [the driver] pulled up next to them and I rolled down the window and told them to move,” she said.
The motorcyclist “told me to f*** off, so I did the same. Two seconds later he’s three inches away from my window – he could have brushed my hair that’s how close he was – going 100 km/h on a motorcycle. He takes his fist and smashes my right window off. I told my boyfriend to get off at Dixie road because I was freaking out,” she said.
As I said, escalating an already bad situation has predictable outcome.. Everyone has a cell; call it in and keep your distance. That way you won't have to "Save your wife and children" ... that such a hard concept to grasp?
Haha, the lady gave an interview. Everyone involved with this situation seems to be stupid. She says she was knocked unconscious by a biker but I haven't seen anything about a hospital visit. If you actually get knocked out, that's not a bad idea. This is a Lochte situation where they are creating stories to justify their bad behaviour. None of that excuses the behaviour of the six riders.
Haha, the lady gave an interview. Everyone involved with this situation seems to be stupid. She says she was knocked unconscious by a biker but I haven't seen anything about a hospital visit. If you actually get knocked out, that's not a bad idea. This is a Lochte situation where they are creating stories to justify their bad behaviour. None of that excuses the behaviour of the six riders.
Not a single post in this thread that advocates assault or vehicular homicide.
Defending against a threat to ones safety is neither. male driver was able to get out of the vehicle, and sustained minor injuries.
He has been arrested and is facing several charges, including dangerous driving, drug possession charges, and a number of Highway Traffic Act charges. He is scheduled for a bail hearing on Friday.
“[This] should not be happening on a highway,” Schmidt told media. “We do not want to see vigilantism on the highway.”
"Two seconds later he’s three inches away from my window...going 100 km/h on a motorcycle. He takes his fist and smashes my right window off. I told my boyfriend to get off at Dixie road because I was freaking out,” she said.
Wait, does this make sense? Is it really possible to punch a window with such force that it breaks, without destabilizing your bike? (Did she mean mirror?)
Comparing scenarios is useless. Way too many variables and differences. And idiots who do such ridiculous comparisons are tricking people into their extreme stupidity of false equivalence.
And yet again we see Griff advocating for at least attempted vehicular homicide (or whatever the Canadian equivalent is). This is the second time in a month now. Wow. Ya know, liability for such positions and posts rests beyond the poster.
Other posters now also advocating for using a vehicle to assault a rider. Go for it. It worked out so well for Michael Bryant with a cyclist (who was the transgressor as well).
Nobody here knows what happened on this recent event. Guaranteed it will be a he said she said, the truth will probably be in the middle, and everyone will lose. Remember, if you permit yourself to get in such a situation, you will lose 95% of the time or more, even if you think you were the victim.
Beyond that, such ruminations are useless. Though it seems to be de rigeur here to make wild assumptions and bray out moral offense and judgement.
So they were traveling at 100kmh? The speed limit? Annoying, but not enraging, no?
Dont try and take over a highway so you can ride with your buddies. Why is that so hard? I've given people the finger for blocking me from moving over except they didn't try and smash my window out.
Either way. It's minimum $1000 to replace the mirror on my vehicle. Does an F U warrant that?
take alook at this..
fast forward to the end..
btw - anyone spot the passenger on the bike trying to film with an IPAD?! lol! that was funny.
The part of the incident we are discussing happens near the beginning. About the 40 sec mark...
To Plau... I too didn't clearly see anyone hitting the side of his truck at that point... but they are certainly surrounding his truck.. and he said they were.. that's enough for me.
"Ms. Ng said the conflict started in Lower Manhattan when her husband tried to navigate through the horde of motorcycles. Frustrated with the traffic and the swarm of bikers, she threw a half-eaten plum out the window at one of them.
A few minutes later, she said, her husband exchanged heated words with a biker on a heavy motorcycle, and the biker, in turn, punched the S.U.V.’s side-view mirror and broke it.
When she tried to take photos of that motorcyclist, three others began to ride in front of the car, slowing down and making threatening gestures toward her, she said. She opened the moon roof and threw a half-empty water bottle at them “to shoo them away,” but the wind carried it back to her, and they started laughing, she said.
“In hindsight, I feel it was really silly,” she said."