Motorcycle Gang Confrontation

Re: Griff hard on material

I don't think it's a bad image, personally if I'm riding in a group, I want it to be with motorcycles only and no car additions. I'd confront a Dick if they are being one. Mostly because I don't want to be hit by a car and there are so many bad drivers out there. I've confronted bad drivers from my car.. So why shouldn't I because I'm on a motorcycle instead?
Just because you change your vehicle doesn't mean you shouldn't confront/talk to someone in the wrong. If it's your fault. Then be a good person and apologize... I've done that too. It's just courteous.
Nothing good can come out of confronting another driver. What do you think will happen when you confront someone? He'll say "Oh I'm sorry you're right I'm wrong I won't do it again"? No, he'll double down and be an even bigger ******. Everyoen is always convinced that they're a perfect driver and it's the other guy who is wrong, you won't be able to change anyone's mind by confronting them. Best to just ignore them, and if they're doing something really bad then take out your phone and get it on video and send it to the cops.
Read between the lines of the story - the woman (original driver) was probably the main cause of the confrontation and the dude she was with finally had enough and said "ok well you're on your own if you wanna start a fight with these guys".

"omg what kind of guy leaves the woman there" - the smart kind.

From the article:

He has been charged with dangerous driving and possession of a controlled substance.

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Lien was pulled from the truck after he ran some of the riders over.
The judge said that Lien did nothing wrong when he ran over the riders. At that point, they were only beating on the sides of his truck... that was enough to justify him running over the riders to get away.

Right. I had the series of events jumbled up from 5 years ago.

That being said, I can't see any video footage of what is referred to as "only beating on the sides of his truck", just a video from afar of surrounding his vehicle.

I also think that the aftermath of that event played a part in the judge's ruling as the riders would have been seen as aggressive people with intent to do harm (as well as screwing with the traffic of the general public).
lol, I love that some of you are tied up on the fact that a woman who got out probably wasn't feeling threatened. I'm assuming you guys haven't seen the new women of today who ride high on emotion and feel like their are invincible and can do no wrong. It's exactly the play they intend to make. That being said, we've got a metric crapton of specials needs kids on motorcycles these days who stoop to the same level and worse. No, it would be just too easy to ride away. Grats on more police targeting.
lol, I love that some of you are tied up on the fact that a woman who got out probably wasn't feeling threatened. I'm assuming you guys haven't seen the new women of today who ride high on emotion and feel like their are invincible and can do no wrong. .

This is not a new thing.
For any reason? That's not at all what I said. I said quite clearly "if I felt threatened" I would do what I feel necessary to do to deal with the threat, and that is far different from saying "if I was irritated". Get a grip.

That would be a reason, among many, or any... semantics griffster; end of, you'd happily take a life over property damage. Good for you.
Just another bunch of jackasses. Seems the jackass to responsible SS rider ratio is heavily swinging to the jackass side.
lol, I love that some of you are tied up on the fact that a woman who got out probably wasn't feeling threatened. I'm assuming you guys haven't seen the new women of today who ride high on emotion and feel like their are invincible and can do no wrong. It's exactly the play they intend to make. That being said, we've got a metric crapton of specials needs kids on motorcycles these days who stoop to the same level and worse. No, it would be just too easy to ride away. Grats on more police targeting.

Not tied up; just a thought. Combined with the possibility of controlled substances being in the crashed vehicle one must wonder what the woman's state of mind was a the time of the confrontation. But yeah, just as a car driver would be best served by de-escalation, so too would this group. Any other reaction is just compounding the problem
Everyone please keep in mind that it's this sort of biker behaviour which resulted in a rider being crippled when a SUV drove over him and his bike, and the driver of that SUV being dragged out and beaten in front of his wife and child, who he was trying to protect from the mob.

If I see people behaving like this, which is quite likely given where the last couple of events have taken place, I'm 911ing them. There's no "brotherhood of riders" when those riders are willing to sully the reputation of all, through this entitled behaviour.
Here's a scenario that might sound a lot like what happened last night:

A group of riders took to the highways to do whatever it is that makes them feel special/invincible. They took over the road by blocking other traffic and holding other vehicles back. How would that make you feel?

One driver doesn't enjoy being a front-row spectator to the GTA stunt show, and tries to get around the blockade. A driver's side mirror is kicked off by one of the riders. How would that make you feel? Who's at fault so far?

Driver now has damage to their car and is upset about it. A brief chase ensues and some of the bikes and the car exit the highway nearby. The chase continues onto a secondary road. People stop their vehicles and have a physical altercation. Who's at fault so far? The driver gets assaulted, the biker gets assaulted. The passenger moves behind the wheel when the bikes take off again. Driver is left behind.

Chase continues onto industrial road, bikes successfully navigates a curve in the road, car... not so much. The car runs wide in the turn and vaults off a retaining wall, using it as a giant pipe ramp. Car is destroyed and catches fire.

Let's assume the above is the true version of events.

Who started this mess? Is this a case of two hot-heads found each other in the middle of the night? What would you have done if someone kicked the mirror off your car simply because you didn't want to witness their idiocy, or be held up so they can engage themselves in some sort of ego-stroking behaviour?

What we know for sure is that this is now the second case of highway swarming in two weeks to make headlines in local media. Police have noticed, and are expected to deal with the public outcry. What tools do the police have to do that?

Winter is coming.
What would you expect someone to do if they found themselves swarmed by a bunch of bikes threatening the occupants?
panic mode would likely set in quick, at the slightest provocation, talk about a powderkeg at this point, biker doesn't like a move a cager makes, words are exchanged & boom, the fuse is lit for an adrenaline rush deal playing out

fear and add anger... usually ends up stupid ugly
Right. I had the series of events jumbled up from 5 years ago.

That being said, I can't see any video footage of what is referred to as "only beating on the sides of his truck", just a video from afar of surrounding his vehicle.

take alook at this..

fast forward to the end..

btw - anyone spot the passenger on the bike trying to film with an IPAD?! lol! that was funny.
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Right. I had the series of events jumbled up from 5 years ago.

That being said, I can't see any video footage of what is referred to as "only beating on the sides of his truck", just a video from afar of surrounding his vehicle.

I also think that the aftermath of that event played a part in the judge's ruling as the riders would have been seen as aggressive people with intent to do harm (as well as screwing with the traffic of the general public).

Perhaps you should google for a refresher.

That would be a reason, among many, or any... semantics griffster; end of, you'd happily take a life over property damage. Good for you.

Fight or flight. Which would you decide oh almighty bringing of high opinions. I read your posts and like another poster said, griff doesn't need any help, but you seem to sit among the high and mighty of the world and rational thinking. Thinking back on the SUV that was swarmed, being attacked, the riders trying to force open the door before the SUV ran over anyone to get away. Father, mother and a child in the car...

What would you do? It's potentially your life that would be taken over the property damage. My lifted bro truck would run you over and I wouldn't blink. I'm not risking my or my families life over your stupidity.

Read it up Neil_v, take it in.

Like I said, Griff doesn't need my help, but it pisses me off when people look past what may be a valid point so they can justify jumping ahead to the insults.

Back to my cave.
Here's a scenario that might sound a lot like what happened last night:

A group of riders took to the highways to do whatever it is that makes them feel special/invincible. They took over the road by blocking other traffic and holding other vehicles back. How would that make you feel?

One driver doesn't enjoy being a front-row spectator to the GTA stunt show, and tries to get around the blockade. A driver's side mirror is kicked off by one of the riders. How would that make you feel? Who's at fault so far?

Driver now has damage to their car and is upset about it. A brief chase ensues and some of the bikes and the car exit the highway nearby. The chase continues onto a secondary road. People stop their vehicles and have a physical altercation. Who's at fault so far? The driver gets assaulted, the biker gets assaulted. The passenger moves behind the wheel when the bikes take off again. Driver is left behind.

Chase continues onto industrial road, bikes successfully navigates a curve in the road, car... not so much. The car runs wide in the turn and vaults off a retaining wall, using it as a giant pipe ramp. Car is destroyed and catches fire.

Let's assume the above is the true version of events.

Who started this mess? Is this a case of two hot-heads found each other in the middle of the night? What would you have done if someone kicked the mirror off your car simply because you didn't want to witness their idiocy, or be held up so they can engage themselves in some sort of ego-stroking behaviour?

What we know for sure is that this is now the second case of highway swarming in two weeks to make headlines in local media. Police have noticed, and are expected to deal with the public outcry. What tools do the police have to do that?

Winter is coming.
Assuming the above is the full story, the bikers that blocked the highway and then kicked the mirror would be the cause of all the problems, IMO.

That would be a reason, among many, or any... semantics griffster; end of, you'd happily take a life over property damage. Good for you.

I'd do the same if a group of people were attacking my vehicle while my wife and child are in the car. It's not just property damage. It's threatening behaviour.
take alook at this..

fast forward to the end.. and open your eyes

btw - anyone spot the passenger on the bike trying to film with an IPAD?! lol! that was funny.

The part of the incident we are discussing happens near the beginning. About the 40 sec mark...

To Plau... I too didn't clearly see anyone hitting the side of his truck at that point... but they are certainly surrounding his truck.. and he said they were.. that's enough for me.
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take alook at this..

fast forward to the end.. and open your eyes

btw - anyone spot the passenger on the bike trying to film with an IPAD?! lol! that was funny.

What's shocking about this? The guy ran over multiple people and fled, leading them on a high speed chase. What a poor victim!!
What's shocking about this? The guy ran over multiple people and fled, leading them on a high speed chase. What a poor victim!!

He was the victim. The riders were the aggressors.

"Justice Maxwell Wiley of State Supreme Court said Mr. Sims had to spend time in state prison. He said Mr. Sims and the other bikers, including an undercover detective, had turned into an angry mob. Chasing the S.U.V., the judge said, “was a bad idea to start with.”“When you saw Mr. Lien run over the other biker, keep in mind, you had no idea what was going on there,” he said. “I don’t see that Mr. Lien or Ms. Ng did anything wrong here.”
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