Motorcycle Gang Confrontation

Here's a so what...what if an ambulance is held up carrying someone you know because of these dickheads? Is that still grounds to just be patient and let them have their fun?

Only grounds to be patient (no pun intended) if it's somebody I know. Not if it's somebody I used to know.
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One would think if the bikers were blocking the highway then OTHER ppl would have called the police a long time ago.

Now on the other hand, it seems we should be thankful that this drug/drunk driver came off the road before he/they killed someone...after all he had a suspended license and conditions yet there he was driving...and FLIPPED the car.

And the driver is only 23 or so...uhm...I rather the bikers on the road with me instead of some drunk drugged up hothead that can NOT drive.

Just tossing another angle out there:D
don't forget, none of those innocent bikers stuck around, they're like ghosts out there:D

i bet folks are gonna wise up & take quick plate cam pix first thing when able, not to mention onboard vid cams

including quick on the trigger 911 calls,
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don't forget, none of those innocent bikers stuck around, they're like ghosts out there:D

i bet folks are gonna wise up & take quick plate cam pix first thing when able, not to mention onboard vid cams

including quick on the trigger 911 calls,

Given the number of "runner plates" or complete lack of plates on bikes I've been seeing over the last few years, it's likely there's nothing to take a picture of. Taking notes from their fellows in the US, I'd wager.
Keep it up and it'll be easy for drivers to run riders off the road, or run them over... and get away with it.

It already is!

Riding continuously since 1966, legally since 1971, now 64, and I now find that the ones behind the wheel have evolved from being homicidal maniacs, to sadistic sociopaths. And sadly, Johnny Law is absolutely useless, when it comes to protecting me.
It already is!

Riding continuously since 1966, legally since 1971, now 64, and I now find that the ones behind the wheel have evolved from being homicidal maniacs, to sadistic sociopaths. And sadly, Johnny Law is absolutely useless, when it comes to protecting me.

Exactly why I get a kick out of these young riders punching a few of them in the head. Sociopath cagers won't get any sympathy from me. The kid couldn't hit her hard enough as far as I'm concerned.
Re: Griff hard on material

I did not read the whole 10 pages in this thread, and if this is covered then I apologize.

These recent two West end Toronto/Mississauga incidents involving large roaming gangs of sport bike riders will herald a GTA-wide crackdown on sport bike riders. When your group is stopped and ticketed for the smallest infraction, you can thank your fellow riders in these two groups. The driver, a woman, was punched so hard she was knocked unconscious. On the news she stated that the bike rider smashed her window with a hammer, all going at 100+kph. Unbelievably stupid.

And to those that question why their sport bike insurance is so sky high, these two recent events clearly show that sport bike riders deserve and will receive extremely high insurance increases, especially in Mississauga. Roving sport bike riders in huge groups, flaunting the law, violently damaging other cars, punching people out = high insurance premiums. For a long time. Bad rep with the general public. No help on the road if you get into trouble. No leniency from the police.

You might have gotten away with this event, but the sport bike community will pay dearly for your transgressions. And I support those who will crack down hard on sport bike riders, such as law enforcement, government and insurance. Riding is a privilege, not a license to intimidate and hurt the general public.
Re: Griff hard on material

He confronted the driver, and escalated the situation. But cars should do the opposite?

I'm not anti motorcyclist, I'm more anti stupidity, and anti hogging the road.

Not getting the do as I say not as I do logic here.

There is no "do as I say not as I do logic at work".. he shouldn't have confronted her, and I never suggest he should have (inferring as you will again). But yeah, I was ok with him not getting charged like this driver considering he didn't race off into the night endangering x number of people on the way to a dramatic crash and fire. Furthermore, to suggest the clown cager in this situation pulling up beside the bikes, on the shoulder of the highway, travelling at or about 100kph, is in any way similar to the biker pulling up and tapping on that lady's window at a stop light is down right laughable; at best. This guy deserved the charges, and if they find the bikers, they deserve charges as well. As I said numerous times here already, stupid all around.
Here's a so what...what if an ambulance is held up carrying someone you know because of these dickheads? Is that still grounds to just be patient and let them have their fun?
Depends on the exact circumstances, the response should be justified by the likelihood of achieving a successful outcome (amongst other things).

What action are we proposing that righteous road users take against the obstructionists, exactly? Ask them politely to move? Give them the finger? Shake a fist? Hurl insults? Honk? Call the cops? Throw half-eaten fruit? Drive threateningly? Punt them off the road? Run them over? Launch side rockets?

Pardon my confusion.
Chances are if they see flashing lights in the distance, in a split second, they're so far up the road the ambulance would never have known they were there in the first place
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What action are we proposing that righteous road users take against the obstructionists, exactly? Ask them politely to move? Give them the finger? Shake a fist? Hurl insults? Honk? Call the cops? Throw half-eaten fruit? Drive threateningly? Punt them off the road? Run them over? Launch side rockets?

Pardon my confusion.

I think it's been proven by multiple viral vids and stories the best action, if so offended, would be 911 and a pull over to calm yourself
I think it's been proven by multiple viral vids and stories the best action, if so offended, would be 911 and a pull over to calm yourself
then if bikers surround & continue?

what is evident is that bikers often initiate and are the cause of incidents, then become fixated & pursue,

they are inclined to pursue, surround & escalate whatever the reasons
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then if bikers surround & continue?

Show me a scenario where this surrounding of a single vehicle was completely unprovoked. Like I said; if you're so offended, pull over and dial 911. That is the best course of action. Take things into your own hands and things spiral out of control.

A bear wonders into a BC suburb... Do you call the appropriate authority; or do you get as close as possible and throw plumbs at it?
I think it's been proven by multiple viral vids and stories the best action, if so offended, would be 911 and a pull over to calm yourself
Hold on, I forgot to include an important option: rev the engine angrily. Nobody wants to mess with an engine revver!

Now I'll give you some time to reconsider your answer.
Show me a scenario where this surrounding of a single vehicle was completely unprovoked. Like I said; if you're so offended, pull over and dial 911. That is the best course of action. Take things into your own hands and things spiral out of control.

A bear wonders into a BC suburb... Do you call the appropriate authority; or do you get as close as possible and throw plumbs at it?
you don't have to be offended at all, you may be minding your own biz & end up pulling a move bikers don't like, next thing you know, they are in your face
Show me a scenario where this surrounding of a single vehicle was completely unprovoked. Like I said; if you're so offended, pull over and dial 911. That is the best course of action. Take things into your own hands and things spiral out of control.
so while bikers are doing whatever they want, others are expected not do anything that they may deem as provocation?

meanwhile, their actions, or the way they ride is often all about intimidation & provocation

no accountability there vs the complete opposite for others? just one thing you can/should do, slow down 911..

sounds like a dream world, victim guaranteed to lose (easily perps big time in this deal also), or make a bad move (at least as far as lawless bandits' world views go..) well prior to 911 considerations, setting in motion an escalation, without even being offended, and just dealing with something that can come quick and sudden, one step at a time
A bear wonders into a BC suburb... Do you call the appropriate authority; or do you get as close as possible and throw plumbs at it?
up in sudbury, bears can end up shot by folks, who also have 911 options

the biker deal is so one sided from the outset that victim(s) joe public might as well be set up to mess up and then easily end up taking out others, like at highway speeds
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I would love to see how many bikers would go through and confront / attack a car / person / whoever if their identity was known the entire time? Show the plate, take off the helmet, and THEN show up how tough you are and are willing to stand up to your actions. I doubt many would raise their hand and say 'yup...I was's what happened'. Actually I'm surprised that no one's posted a video of this yet as I'm sure a good number of them would have cameras nowadays. Wait a few more days until it subsides and a video may pop up on YT.

As for the reason to take it that far, especially knowing that you're under suspension and things can go sideways fast. Possibly DUI and that's why the girl said she was driving, but the car in this scenario isn't as squeaky clean as they originally made them out to be.

Only good thing at this stage, if a crackdown comes in the next few weeks or so...majority of riders will be off the road and people will hopefully forget.
Re: Griff hard on material

no worries you didn't miss much & are right on point

I did not read the whole 10 pages in this thread, and if this is covered then I apologize.

These recent two West end Toronto/Mississauga incidents involving large roaming gangs of sport bike riders will herald a GTA-wide crackdown on sport bike riders. When your group is stopped and ticketed for the smallest infraction, you can thank your fellow riders in these two groups. The driver, a woman, was punched so hard she was knocked unconscious. On the news she stated that the bike rider smashed her window with a hammer, all going at 100+kph. Unbelievably stupid.

And to those that question why their sport bike insurance is so sky high, these two recent events clearly show that sport bike riders deserve and will receive extremely high insurance increases, especially in Mississauga. Roving sport bike riders in huge groups, flaunting the law, violently damaging other cars, punching people out = high insurance premiums. For a long time. Bad rep with the general public. No help on the road if you get into trouble. No leniency from the police.

You might have gotten away with this event, but the sport bike community will pay dearly for your transgressions. And I support those who will crack down hard on sport bike riders, such as law enforcement, government and insurance. Riding is a privilege, not a license to intimidate and hurt the general public.
Only good thing at this stage, if a crackdown comes in the next few weeks or so...majority of riders will be off the road and people will hopefully forget.

no way man, stuff like this doesn't just go away, major cop investigations are going on, perps are gonna be outed sooner or later, just wait until some are are looking at major heat or jail time, that's when the canaries start singing

the main story & focus is biker hooligans, the rest is chicken feed, so far, wait until some legit folks get caught up in it

might even be some hot intel from that crashed bike, no way a hundred bikers swarming can cover all the bases, oh, lotsa cameras/vids out there too

the basics of the recent deal
Road rage, mischief, assault, rollover and fire in one occurrence

prior to that
CAUGHT ON CAMERA: ‘Very dangerous’ motorcyclists wreaking havoc through Mississauga prior to fiery crash
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It's all fun and games until someone gets killed. The end result being the formation of a GTA-wide police task force and the breaking out of helicopters to catch these fools. For the rest of us, anti-group riding legislation and higher insurance rates, all in the name of public safety. Damn fools!
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