Motorcycle Gang Confrontation

No doubt, makes me glad I did most of my stupid things in the days before there were cameras everywhere

Plenty of us somewhat older folk now, once upon a time were twentysomethings that gathered at Finch and Weston and went drag racing afterwards. Before cell phones, before GoPro cameras, before facebook (before the internet!).

But we never blocked (much) traffic (maybe the occasional car that strayed into remote industrial or rural areas late at night might have been slowed down).
Plenty of us somewhat older folk now, once upon a time were twentysomethings that gathered at Finch and Weston and went drag racing afterwards. Before cell phones, before GoPro cameras, before facebook (before the internet!).

But we never blocked (much) traffic (maybe the occasional car that strayed into remote industrial or rural areas late at night might have been slowed down).

They also threw a cup at the riders, and then pulled alongside them in the curb lane to yell obscenities at them which is when the biker knocked their mirror off. So yeah, the car occupants are a couple of saints.

In any such situation I generally go back to the root cause.
It sounds like the riders initiated the situation, are they to blame for the guy rolling the car, probably not.

one thing for sure, the fallen riders section is going to start filling up. Odds are someone from the mob ride will be dead a year from now.
Actually the driver initiated the situation, new video just out on CP24, rider pooping wheelies but the driver throw a Macdonald's drink cup at them in the hwy.

So yes maybe the riders inconvenienced the drivers but the physical altercation started by the car throwing a cup and the woman chocking the rider .
Actually the driver initiated the situation, new video just out on CP24, rider pooping wheelies but the driver throw a Macdonald's drink cup at them in the hwy.

So yes maybe the riders inconvenienced the drivers but the physical altercation started by the car throwing a cup and the woman chocking the rider .

"Inconvenienced" ???? Are you kidding me ?
Yes, there's obviously a whole lot more to this story but IT DOES NOT excuse the riders' actions or reactions.
Throwing a drink cup is a whole different from pulling up beside a car, ripping off its mirror, then punching someone into unconciousness by the side of the road.
Who had the first opportunity to defuse the situation - the RIDERS.
Grow a pair boyz, move along or better yet take it to a track day or organized race event - or is that too complicated for your pea brainz....
"Inconvenienced" ???? Are you kidding me ?
Yes, there's obviously a whole lot more to this story but IT DOES NOT excuse the riders' actions or reactions.
Throwing a drink cup is a whole different from pulling up beside a car, ripping off its mirror, then punching someone into unconciousness by the side of the road.
Who had the first opportunity to defuse the situation - the RIDERS.
Grow a pair boyz, move along or better yet take it to a track day or organized race event - or is that too complicated for your pea brainz....

Track days and race events are not the place for this.
"Inconvenienced" ???? Are you kidding me ?
Yes, there's obviously a whole lot more to this story but IT DOES NOT excuse the riders' actions or reactions.
Throwing a drink cup is a whole different from pulling up beside a car, ripping off its mirror, then punching someone into unconciousness by the side of the road.
Who had the first opportunity to defuse the situation - the RIDERS.
Grow a pair boyz, move along or better yet take it to a track day or organized race event - or is that too complicated for your pea brainz....
You sound angry, just make sure that the moment someone does something wrong on the road that you provide your justice to them.

My point is, a whole lot of stupidity, the riders are wrong but so are the people in the car, excusing the riders is as stupid as excusing the drivers and putting exclusive blame on one or the other is just to make yourself feel better about your own views.

The drivers are liars and criminals as per the charges, the riders are inconsiderate hooligans, I'll take the hooligans side anytime.

Anyways a lot more important things in this life than these arguments putting things in perspective.

You guys talk among yourselves
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Actually the driver initiated the situation, new video just out on CP24, rider pooping wheelies but the driver throw a Macdonald's drink cup at them in the hwy.

So yes maybe the riders inconvenienced the drivers but the physical altercation started by the car throwing a cup and the woman chocking the rider .

Please translate.

This is a chock. Did she throw one at him, and hit him with it:
Plenty of us somewhat older folk now, once upon a time were twentysomethings that gathered at Finch and Weston and went drag racing afterwards. Before cell phones, before GoPro cameras, before facebook (before the internet!).

But we never blocked (much) traffic (maybe the occasional car that strayed into remote industrial or rural areas late at night might have been slowed down).

Somewhat older? Finch and Weston? Why go all the way up into the woodlands? Most of the roads up there were gravel. Down on Commissioner's street.
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"Inconvenienced" ???? Are you kidding me ?
Yes, there's obviously a whole lot more to this story but IT DOES NOT excuse the riders' actions or reactions.
Throwing a drink cup is a whole different from pulling up beside a car, ripping off its mirror, then punching someone into unconciousness by the side of the road.
Who had the first opportunity to defuse the situation - the RIDERS.
Grow a pair boyz, move along or better yet take it to a track day or organized race event - or is that too complicated for your pea brainz....

that makes sense so generally, if not most often doesn't go over well here,

what me?????

they don't have a clue about defusing at the same time apparently, it's all on the cagers to do nothing other than slow down, pull off, call 911

a dreamland scenario that is still usually the best first option to take, if able

the bigger problem is the bikers' actions alone can start a quick sudden chain of events that go straight downhill

they are setting the stage for mayhem & tragedy

the average road user barely notices bikes to begin with, when they take it to another level, it might as well be an accident in progress, let alone expecting the average road user, to react appropriately with something, including what bikes are capable of, that they have zero experience with, until suddenly confronted by it

a biker may just pull in front of someone sudden & quick, maybe some brakes & think nothing of it, that is too much for joe public to deal with or rocks their world, let alone the rest that typically comes next

my first big time reality check was high speed passes, all i heard was a sudden noise, didn't even know what it was about at first, didn't see the bike coming, next thing it was off in the distance, try to factor that into typical lane changes at public speeds
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Considering English is zx600's third language he does a pretty good job.

Pretty weak pulling some schoolgirl smug ***** with your witty remarks.

Oh, calm down already. Just having some light-hearted fun fercrisakes.
Considering English is zx600's third language he does a pretty good job.

Pretty weak pulling some schoolgirl smug ***** with your witty remarks.
Don't know him/her.
If he/she could speak 100 languages, it wouldn't matter, if there is no communication.
I asked for clarification, didn't I? Nowhere else have I seen anything about her chocking someone.
I'd like to know if this stuff is just made up along the way, or there's some new information available.
Actually the driver initiated the situation, new video just out on CP24, rider pooping wheelies but the driver throw a Macdonald's drink cup at them in the hwy.

So yes maybe the riders inconvenienced the drivers but the physical altercation started by the car throwing a cup and the woman chocking the rider .

EEEENNNNHHHHH! Wrong answer. The situation was precipitated by a group of entitled riders performing stunts on a public highway, blocking all lanes of traffic, and creating a generally dangerous situation. If you had said that it was *escalated* by the persons in that vehicle I would agree, but you didn't say that.
My $0.02 - if you think you're a bad*ss gangstah then take it to the race track.
There are plenty of track days and organized events to show off your 'skills'.
Of course, the likelihood is you'll get your backside whipped and who wants that ...?

Has nothing to do with testing your skills. It's about the show.
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