MotoGP 2015

I was merely calling out Vale's die hard fans and their hypocrisy.

I appreciate that you don't know me personally, but if you did you would know I am very much a fan of Lorenzo, and was once a fan of Stoner (before he quit) That said, I'm a fan because of their ability on the track. Off track, they are consistently terrible sports and generally in a ****** mood. Rossi on the other hand is, more often than not, the one delightfully light hearted presence in MotoGP. My previous point speaks to this. Lorenzo and Stoner didn't start off with a chorus of boos, they earned them over time. Marc is now on the verge of making the same mistake, and maybe even Vale.. But if I'm honest, Vale is in the least danger because he's shown over his entire career that he understands the fans don't want to see their idols wallow in self-pity endlessly.. he'll get over this, I think. Marc.. maybe not.

Anyway, I'm no Rossi Fanboy, I'm merely a fan of racing in general, and being a fan I'm annoyed that Marc's grudge, and Vale's reaction, has left us with stained championship. But know, I admire Vale for his **** you Marc attitude. He's got one thing Marc may never have.. the balls to be real about how he feels.

That's fine, if that's the only way to police it. Let the public decide whether it's fair or not to deliberately impede someone for the sole reason of screwing them over. That's what's happening now and the judgement isn't too favorable to Marquez, even from many of his fans as you point out. He's reaping what he's sowed.

This goes right to my above point. There is a reason Lorenzo was booed, and Marc better be ready for the same in his foreseeable future.. And to be frank, the fans are buying you as a product, you should probably give a **** about how your actions effect them.

I'd have to disagree. I don't think Dani was stating that Rossi wants stricter rules. He was merely calling him out for his change in attitude towards hard racing. Remember, Pedrosa was the one who was appealing to have cleaner racing especially during his whole ordeal with Simoncelli. Rossi was quick to defend Simoncelli's actions saying this is the nature of racing and that they should fight. Rossi had also pulled reckless passes in the past, so yes he's coming off as a hypocrite.

As I pointed out before, I don't recall Rossi having Marco's back when he wiped Padrosa right out of the championship he was comfortably leading. Yeah he said 'this is racing' in regard to a lot of Simoncelli's moves, but not on that occasion. Think about it. Vale has not until this week, said anything damning about Marc's aggressiveness on track.. It's about time and place. Respect for the championship battle, and those who are actually still involved in it. Maybe this is also the answer to the "when is appropriate to sandbag" question...
On the "Hitting the Apex" documentary, Rossi said that he warned Super SIC to calm the hell down, because people were going to see him "as a dick".
I fail to see torpedoing someone on purpose to take him out as aggressive racing.
Yeah, I don't think anyone's saying to take anyone out, just dive bomb and slow them down. Things are bad enough as they are, if anybody deliberately takes someone else out that would be a complete and total disaster for everything that has anything to do with the series.
I appreciate that you don't know me personally, but if you did you would know I am very much a fan of Lorenzo, and was once a fan of Stoner (before he quit) That said, I'm a fan because of their ability on the track. Off track, they are consistently terrible sports and generally in a ****** mood. Rossi on the other hand is, more often than not, the one delightfully light hearted presence in MotoGP. My previous point speaks to this. Lorenzo and Stoner didn't start off with a chorus of boos, they earned them over time. Marc is now on the verge of making the same mistake, and maybe even Vale.. But if I'm honest, Vale is in the least danger because he's shown over his entire career that he understands the fans don't want to see their idols wallow in self-pity endlessly.. he'll get over this, I think. Marc.. maybe not.

I wasn't calling you out specifically. I was generally speaking and my statement holds true that majority of his fans (the absolute die-hards) are very hypocritical.

It's about time and place. Respect for the championship battle, and those who are actually still involved in it. Maybe this is also the answer to the "when is appropriate to sandbag" question...

I totally agree with this. But these guys are the best riders in the world and probably have the biggest egos in the world, also. It's been stated that Rossi is just as guilty when it comes to this unwritten rule. He battled Lorenzo hard back in Motegi 2010 even though he was already out of contention. Yes, Lorenzo pretty much had it in the bag, so does that mean the unwritten rules have specifics to them? lol
I totally agree with this. But these guys are the best riders in the world and probably have the biggest egos in the world, also. It's been stated that Rossi is just as guilty when it comes to this unwritten rule. He battled Lorenzo hard back in Motegi 2010 even though he was already out of contention. Yes, Lorenzo pretty much had it in the bag, so does that mean the unwritten rules have specifics to them? lol
FFS you're just constantly missing the point. The heart of the matter is that Marquez SLOWED DOWN to mess up Rossi's championship bid on purpose. It's unprecedented in any race of any kind that I'm aware of. That means there is no comparable situation in all of history. Not Gibernau, not Lorenzo, not Simoncelli.
Here's why Lorenzo was boo'ed off the podium:

The good thing is that we can all agree that JL is an ******* lol
I wasn't calling you out specifically. I was generally speaking and my statement holds true that majority of his fans (the absolute die-hards) are very hypocritical.

Cool, I was just making sure it was clear that my position on what I saw this weekend was not based on any fanboy bias ;)

FFS you're just constantly missing the point. The heart of the matter is that Marquez SLOWED DOWN to mess up Rossi's championship bid on purpose. It's unprecedented in any race of any kind that I'm aware of. That means there is no comparable situation in all of history. Not Gibernau, not Lorenzo, not Simoncelli.


The good thing is that we can all agree that JL is an ******* lol

.... and yes
The good thing is that we can all agree that JL is an ******* lol
Watch that video of his house on YouTube with the hired models lol

I'm not a fanboy but I love the fact that Rossi pushed MM off the track for being a twat, that's better than winning the championship in my books haha. He knew damn well it was a risk and threw away his own championship by doing so. He did what Dorna wouldn't, end of story, nobody is saying he's innocent jesus christ.
Watch that video of his house on YouTube with the hired models lol

I'm not a fanboy but I love the fact that Rossi pushed MM off the track for being a twat, that's better than winning the championship in my books haha. He knew damn well it was a risk and threw away his own championship by doing so. He did what Dorna wouldn't, end of story, nobody is saying he's innocent jesus christ.

Right on! I was actually a big Marquez fan for the last couple of years. Last couple of races completely reversed me.
Right on! I was actually a big Marquez fan for the last couple of years. Last couple of races completely reversed me.
Me too, hell I still am. His talent is unquestionable he just needs to calm down for everyone's sake, and his own surprised he's not hurt more often.
Wow. Such passion by so many people.

Maybe I'm just not a passionate person. I watch the races as a spectator. If I'm not being entertained I will go somewhere else and spend my money and time.

I'll be watching the last round due to the entertainment factor. While I may have feelings and opinions about various racers and their personalities and skill sets.

I haven't seen anything that would make it so that I wouldn't watch. I have seen bad decision making skills. I have seen egos. And businesses scrambling to deal with their image and value due to actions and words of the "entertainers".
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Right on! I was actually a big Marquez fan for the last couple of years. Last couple of races completely reversed me.
Me too, hell I still am. His talent is unquestionable he just needs to calm down for everyone's sake, and his own surprised he's not hurt more often.

Count me three.. I hope he's more Vale then Jorge going forward.. stay tuned I guess. I mean seriously. 3 seasons, 2 titles. Be cool Marc
Repsol talked about leaving GP a year ago, and they are still sour Rossi left them years ago. Spanish sponsor whinning about their little twit of a rider MM. Even JL said MM was a nutter before he got into MotoGP having watched his Moto2 shenanigans .
Did somebody give thumbs down on the podium? On the podium? That's it I am never watching MotoGP again! I wonder what's happening in wrestling these days? I mean professional wrestling.
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