MotoGP 2015

There is literally a mountain of data that race direction could gain access to for determining such things. They can examine sector times, corner speed, throttle and brake application on corner exit and entry, etc, etc, etc. It would be quite easy for someone who knows what to look for to determine if a rider was sandbagging. If Mike Webb says something is so then it is so. He has a great reputation for being above all the politics and squabbling between riders. If he says that MM was sandbagging then MM was sandbagging.

There's a difference between racing hard against someone else who's in a championship and ****ing with someone else who's in the championship. It's possible to race hard against someone while still respecting them. The more I've read about this the more I think MM is a little punk and every time JL opens his mouth I dislike him more.

As I wrote above, it's possible to race hard against someone while still respecting them. Dani never left a door wide open for VR to get by him, all of VR's pass attempts where a little too ambitious and he couldn't hold the line on corner exit and Dani got him back. That battle was a great example of Dani not giving up and fighting tooth and nail to keep VR behind him.

That's the difference between Aragon and PI and Sepang. When you've watched enough racing you can tell when someone is riding the wheels off their bike (both VR and Dani at Aragon) and when someone is just being an ******* (MM at PI and Sepang)

I'm also starting to like Dani more.... never thought I'd say that....
Yeah I graphed it out and there were no games played by Pedrosa. I didn't think he had but I figured for the sake of consistency I should use the same yardstick I used for Marquez before assuming anything.

Agree with everything you said. No longer support Lorenzo, hate Marquez, a lot of respect for Dani, and cheering for Rossi until the day I die.
Although I am a Rossi fan. I dont think what he did was appropriate, but I can understand why he did it. I seriously doubt he had any intention of making Marc crash. I believe he wanted to put the kid in his place. Lorenzo and Marc have to be the biggest sucks in any professional sports I have seen in a long time. Lorenzo, whenever he loses or wipes out - he's unlucky, never his fault apparently. Marc, if he can't win it all, he ends up crashing. Or when he pushed Rossi off the track and Rossi won. He complains.

Watching Lorenzo answer the questions at the post race interviews was painfull. He keeps saying how race direction treats Rossi with a different set of rules. Yet the hypocrite got mad when a reporter asked him why he doesnt think he should of been penalized when he passed on a yellow flag. He keeps saying what does that have to do with anything.

If anything good came out of this race is that I have alot more respect for Dani. Not just on how he raced a great race. But unlike Lorenzo and Mark he competes with repect for other riders. He also answered the questions alot better than Lorenzo. Also comming back from surgery and finishing these last few races in the top spots, good for him.

I hope Rossi comes from behind to finish close enough to Lorenzo so that crybaby doesnt get to win the championship..and he can leave the podeum again. I like how he said he left because he wasn't feeling well. That's a lie, he left because they booed his *** off the podeum. Next time he wins a race, the other two riders should leave him alone on the podeum. See how he likes what he did to disrespect Dani's win.
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Here we go. Let's face it, there's a double standard set on the riders. Perfect example above. Lorenzo would be labelled a complainer and cry baby but when it comes to Vale, "yes of course, it's true." I've seen it countless times. Imagine the tables were flipped and Lorenzo or Stoner had raised a stink. The internet would break. They would forever be crucified.

And you do realize he was booed off the podium even before the whole post race press conference shenanigans, right? So Lorenzo got booed for what reason? He wasn't even the one involved in Sepang. lol

You can hate a rider all you want, but booing him off the podium shows how much class you have. Majority of Vale's fans need to buy some.

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With or without him, MotoGP will go on. Perhaps not on the same level of popularity, but I doubt the company would fold just because he's no longer there.

I used to race online quite competitive in a few different leagues. I was once penalized in the last race, receiving a drive through for contact in which I was hit in the rear quarter panel.. The penalty cost me the championship. I parked it the next lap in protest. League folded the following year.. Dorna beware

There is literally a mountain of data that race direction could gain access to for determining such things. They can examine sector times, corner speed, throttle and brake application on corner exit and entry, etc, etc, etc. It would be quite easy for someone who knows what to look for to determine if a rider was sandbagging. If Mike Webb says something is so then it is so. He has a great reputation for being above all the politics and squabbling between riders. If he says that MM was sandbagging then MM was sandbagging.

As I wrote above, it's possible to race hard against someone while still respecting them. Dani never left a door wide open for VR to get by him, all of VR's pass attempts where a little too ambitious and he couldn't hold the line on corner exit and Dani got him back. That battle was a great example of Dani not giving up and fighting tooth and nail to keep VR behind him.

Again, for me it was Rossi getting through at turn 7 a couple laps earlier. From there I was sure Marc was ****ing with him. Nobody was making passes there all weekend, not even the moto3 maniacs, not even on their last lap. I sincerely do not understand why people are struggling to accept that what we watched, though entertaining, was not a 'real' racing battle. twas a game.. ah well

Here we go. Let's face it, there's a double standard set on the riders. Perfect example above. Lorenzo would be labelled a complainer and cry baby but when it comes to Vale, "yes of course, it's true." I've seen it countless times. Imagine the tables were flipped and Lorenzo or Stoner had raised a stink. The internet would break. They would forever be crucified.

Because Lorenzo and Stoner complain weekly. Rossi, Not often. Don't underestimate the role of character in determining the standard you are held to.
Again, maybe i'm just naive. I don't race so perhaps other racers can chime in. Are there unwritten rules between racers that they should behave this way? They should only pass near the end of the race?
Not really. As caboose said, there are different ways to handle every situation, and ultimately every situation is different.

I'm also starting to like Dani more.... never thought I'd say that....
Agreed. I don't know if I will be buying a Pedrosa t-shirt any time soon but his handling of the weekend gained my respect. He rode well, and got zero recognition for it, and then proceeded to answer the post race interview with a very unbiased and honest opinion. His personality has changed drastically for the better since Puig left imo.

Lorenzo on the other hand...
Finally watched it, somehow I lasted this long without a spoiler!

Obviously Rossi had enough and was trying to put him in his place, that was obvious, I wish he said that at the end instead of making that BS excuse about going wide for a better line he should have put the blame on MM right away and made a stink about it. What is right? Maybe. Was it against rules? Most likely, but IMO MM could have gone wider still onto the pavement and accepted his place but instead he choose to deliberately turn into Rossi and that ultimately caused the crash. Good stuff.

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All these rossi fanatics are starting to sound like cult followers.

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All these rossi fanatics are starting to sound like cult followers.

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And then there's the man boy love blossoming with DP. Not that there's any thing wrong with that.
Because Lorenzo and Stoner complain weekly. Rossi, Not often. Don't underestimate the role of character in determining the standard you are held to.

That's quite an exaggeration. The other riders always get painted unfairly, and from what i've read all throughout the internet, whenever they provide reasons for their struggles, they label it as an excuse. Then they act as if Vale is always gracious in defeat and NEVER makes excuses.

Again if you flip the script and Lorenzo had done what Vale had done in the Sepang press conference, he would be crucified right now and would be considered the biggest moaner in MotoGP ever. I can guarantee you the fans wouldn't even give it a second thought to look at the facts (like what they did with Vale). There's no swaying a die hard Valentino fan because all objectivity goes out the window for them.

One of the most ironic things this year is when Jorge was getting thrashed earlier this season for running away with the races. He was labelled a coward for not wanting to engage and fans were even begging for him to slow down so he can scrap it out with Vale. At the same time, Marquez was being praised by these same fans for providing epic battles with Vale, and that this is how Motogp should be. Then next moment he's labelled as the villain who prevented Rossi from winning his 10th title. hahaha So at what point was supposed to stop? Hypocrisy is rampant amongst his fans.

I don't know if this has been posted but this article explains it very well.

Hadn't seen this link posted.

It's a good summary that I can largely concur with.

Fantastic write-up! David Emmett is by far my favourite moto journalist. He pretty much summarized what's in my head.
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I find every long winded explanation laced with many points along the way that are debatable. If the writer is successful, at the end of the read, you pick up the flavour he's peddling. Is that the real reality?
Sorry, I can't comment, my ******** to English google translator is broken :)

I find every long winded explanation laced with many points along the way that are debatable. If the writer is successful, at the end of the read, you pick up the flavour he's peddling. Is that the real reality?
I find every long winded explanation laced with many points along the way that are debatable. If the writer is successful, at the end of the read, you pick up the flavour he's peddling. Is that the real reality?

Keenly observed.

My takeaway is that both guys are ******* and this mess sucks.
Sorry, I can't comment, my ******** to English google translator is broken :)

He's saying that everyone who's tried to deconstruct the event is biased.

I don't see a lot of black or white stuff in the video evidence. More like Fifty Shades of D0uche.
Don't know guys, but this petition is signed by almost 300,000 people, and that's just in a couple of days. Perhaps wishful thinking from me, but maybe it could actually lead to some change after all.

375,000 and counting.

Won't make a difference, but that's more people that have signed any petition I've seen in a long while.
If 375K people cancel their MotoGP subscriptions it might make a difference. Ain't nobody gonna do that.

The David Emmett wirite up is bang on. The only guy looking good coming out of the whole mess is Dani. Lorenzo is a worse scumbag than I ever thought he could be.....and that's pretty bad.
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