MotoGP 2015

For the Italians - Leggete l'articolo from il Corriere della sera

Scontro a Sepang: state con Rossi o con Marquez?
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In particolare, impressiona il successo della petizione lanciata in Gran Bretagna "per rimuovere la penalità e riportare l'onestà nel campionato". Al momento, è stata sfondata quota 200 mila firme. In Spagna, invece, ha fatto fiasco l’iniziativa contro Valentino. Intanto, anche Giovanni Malagò, presidente del Coni, scende in campomal fianco del pilota italiano: «Valentino stesso ha riconosciuto di essere cascato nella provocazione. C'è una responsabilità da parte sua però io lo voglio assolutamente difendere e non per un fatto istituzionale. Credo così facendo si sia falsato il mondiale. La poca sportività dimostrata da Marquez conferma quanto le dichiarazioni della vigilia di Rossi "fossero assolutamente vere. Così facendo penso si sia falsato il mondiale e questo non lo trovo giusto».

I don't even bother to translate..Vai Vale siamo con te.
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This is at it should be. The stats that are out there for everyone to digest on the last 2 races, show that not all riders were doing this.
Everyone should fight the hardest but why did MM not try and fight Lorenzo has hard as he did Rossi. Everyone should fight to points but don't let one riders through and then go butt f crazy when the next riders passes you and he's the one you don't see eye to eye with. MM should have and could have taken Lorenzo at the following corners. MM should have fought for 2nd and Rossi Lorenzo fought for 3rd.

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Threw it into Google. talking about the petition.. seems like the Spaniards are not having it and the president of the Italian International Olympic committee is obviously on Rossi's side.
Threw it into Google.
Yea good luck with that

Clash in Sepang : Rossi or been with Marquez ?
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In particular , the impressive success of the petition launched in Britain " to remove the penalty and bring honesty in the championship." At the time , it was smashed share 200,000 signatures . In Spain, however , he has fallen flat against the initiative 's Day. Meanwhile , also Giovanni Malago , president of CONI , falls in campomal alongside the Italian driver " Valentino himself acknowledged that he fell in the provocation . There is a responsibility on his part but I definitely want to defend and not to an institutional fact . I believe doing so has distorted the world . The poor sportsmanship demonstrated by Marquez confirms the statements Eve Smith " were absolutely true . In so doing I think is being distorted and that the world can not find it right."statements Eve Smith " were absolutely true . In so doing I think is being distorted and that the world can not find it right."
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oops, better watch myself, can't get banned 'til after Valencia
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I would think because VR is under contract with Yamaha and is not injured, sitting out of the race isn't a option.
What would be great to see is back pack racers wave him threw after all they have nothing in the battle. This would give the fans what they want to see. Now my dream is over I will wake up.
The odds are stacked against him but Vale could still win the championship after fighting through the rest of the field. Especially if it rains. Stranger things have happened.
Valentino Rossi in 2 weeks time will be in the land of bullfighters ... alone against all.. but we will be with you all the way..vai and win the championship!
Ok, if you look back on this thread I stated that although I am a VR fan I did not believe MM was out of line at Philip Island and even after everything that has transpired since then I still stand by what I said. That being said, I think VR was screwed in this last race. The first point is the overly aggressive racing between VR and MM prior to the "incident" As a two time national RC champion and an avid track day guy on two and four wheels I know when it is the correct time to "drop the gloves" and when it is time to tow the line. In this case IMO unless MM was fast enough to pass VR and drive away from him cleanly e.g. he passes VR ONCE and drives away from him. If VR repasses then the correct thing would be to sit back for a couple of laps and access the situation until you are reasonably confident you can pass and drive away. When you are racing against someone in the hunt for the championship and you are not this needs to be considered. The other point that seems to have been mainly overlooked is the fact that even after VR forced MM to run wide at great expense to himself he still left plenty of track for MM. There is no doubt in my mind that MM had plenty of track left to avoid a collision with VR
I really don't want to post anymore on this issue because clearly, we all have differing viewpoints on the situation.

I'm genuinely curious as to where and how you obtained data to conclude that Marquez was sabotaging Rossi. Not being argumentative, i'd actually like to know as you seem to be confident that it's a personal vendetta.

Again, maybe i'm just naive. I don't race so perhaps other racers can chime in. Are there unwritten rules between racers that they should behave this way? They should only pass near the end of the race?

There is literally a mountain of data that race direction could gain access to for determining such things. They can examine sector times, corner speed, throttle and brake application on corner exit and entry, etc, etc, etc. It would be quite easy for someone who knows what to look for to determine if a rider was sandbagging. If Mike Webb says something is so then it is so. He has a great reputation for being above all the politics and squabbling between riders. If he says that MM was sandbagging then MM was sandbagging.

There's a difference between racing hard against someone else who's in a championship and ****ing with someone else who's in the championship. It's possible to race hard against someone while still respecting them. The more I've read about this the more I think MM is a little punk and every time JL opens his mouth I dislike him more.

Looks like Marquez played the same game at Aragon

EDIT: Never mind that was Pedrosa

As I wrote above, it's possible to race hard against someone while still respecting them. Dani never left a door wide open for VR to get by him, all of VR's pass attempts where a little too ambitious and he couldn't hold the line on corner exit and Dani got him back. That battle was a great example of Dani not giving up and fighting tooth and nail to keep VR behind him.

That's the difference between Aragon and PI and Sepang. When you've watched enough racing you can tell when someone is riding the wheels off their bike (both VR and Dani at Aragon) and when someone is just being an ******* (MM at PI and Sepang)

I'm also starting to like Dani more.... never thought I'd say that....
If they yield to the petition they loose control of their own series and Race Direction looses even more credibility.
in my view MM was playing silly bugger and hounding VR a bit, his pass on the outside prior to the confrontation was clean but close, sort of a look at this old man and by the time VR ran him wide VR had had enough. MM just binned it again like he's done a lot this year.
MM was / is a dick but hadn't broken a rule so penalty to VR.

I'm a huge VR fan for his passion and what he gives/brings to racing but he should have taken his lumps on the track and and beat the piss out of MM post race , nascar style.
The other point that seems to have been mainly overlooked is the fact that even after VR forced MM to run wide at great expense to himself he still left plenty of track for MM. There is no doubt in my mind that MM had plenty of track left to avoid a collision with VR

Not mainly overlooked. Has been noted directly and indirectly numerous times. If I put a graph together I'll be the red line. That's how I roll, pedal to the metal.
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