MotoGP 2015

If you look at just that one pass in isolation then I agree with you.

You have to look at it in context. It's funny how every possible alternative explanation for each one of Marquez's 'hiccups' results in JL getting ahead and VR getting tangled in MM's pace, for the last two races. So with the right context it's perfectly clear when you watch the race to see that MM deliberately opened the door for Lorenzo. BTW his pit board would have shown him JL was the one behind at that point, since JL passed Rossi at the start of lap two and then got by MM on lap 3 (you'd know that if you watched the race). It's obvious that he slowed for VR in select parts of the track then gunned it to stay ahead or re-pass him.

Nobody is saying that riders should move over for title contenders. Iannone didn't do it last week, he tangled with Rossi in a great battle and nobody complained about him. When you say something like that it suggests you don't even understand the problem to begin with.

For me the big tell was Rossi passing Marc in turn 7, and quite easily at that. It's a place I personally can't recall seeing a pass before, and it's likely why Vale through up his hand coming out of 8, as to say wtf dude. I always liked Marc because of his style. I truly believe he can do things with a bike no one else on the grid can, but he's got personality issues and today it showed. Lorenzo may win it all, but if anything, I have more respect for Rossi now than I ever did before. It's not too often you see professional athletes stand up and call it as they see these days.
I also refuse to believe because I feel Marquez isn't THAT much of a superior rider to Rossi. By conceding that is essentially saying Rossi is second rate to Marquez, that he can just be toyed with. lol

And let's be honest, there are far more people defending Rossi than Marquez. A lot blinded by their yellow tinted glasses that they see Rossi having zero fault in this.

At this point in their careers, I would argue that. I think day in day out, Marc is the fastest most naturally talented rider on the grid. Which is why I've been disappointed with how things have played out.

p.s. My glasses are fifty shades of grey

That twitter GIF is not the whole picture at all. Rossi was not defending any known racing line, he wasn't at speed, and he was focused on MM. Basically he started playing games with MM and it went very badly for him.

brilliant stuff, this gif i mean, like..

no one ever considered the alternative, the way MM leaned in, at that angle,
he was about to take down both bikes,

what then?

sure as hell wouldn't be rossi's fault, but MM had nothing to lose, and rossi already said this in Japan's post race
rossi is one step ahead in every way, but he can't fight the whole world...

but i don't think lorenzo want to win his title like this either
That twitter GIF is not the whole picture at all. Rossi was not defending any known racing line, he wasn't at speed, and he was focused on MM. Basically he started playing games with MM and it went very badly for him.

Actually, I think that GIF shows that Rossi didn't kick MM's handlebars like MM claims. It appears as though there was some form of contact and that pushed Rossi's knee outwards, or he moved it out in a defensive manner.

Either way, I think the outcome is correct with the penalty points allocation.
Rossi got sucked into MM's game, and lost his cool, pulled a douchey move and pretty much threw his championship away. Victory in this game clearly goes to MM.

Sunset mentioned he doesn't think Lorenzo would want to win the championship this way - I heartily disagree. Lorenzo has already publicly stated that if somehow Rossi wins the championship he won't recognize him as champion.
This is bang on!

The good thing out of all this is that Valentino in Valencia can fully concentrate on race setup during all 4 practice sessions, qualifying and warm up and be way ahead everyone else since he does not have to worry about having a good Qualifying setup, and we all know how good Vale is when he concentrates on Race setup only.

I think lately he has been off race pace because he has been trying to get a better qualifying position.
My view is that the whole incident is sketchy and should never have happened in a professional racing situation. That being said I don't think Rossi intended for Marquez to crash. I believe he wanted to slow him down to try and break up the battle because Rossi looked(to me) to have the pace to get away if it weren't for the back to back straights where the Honda pulls the Yamaha. You could argue that Marquez was able to pass him in the infield as well but a lot of the passing was because one or both of them were off line making the previous pass setting them up to be re-passed almost immediately.

The heli view looks to me like Rossi pushed him out to within a few feet of the edge of the track, unlike Marc's claim of being on the grass, then Marquez turned down and accelerated into Rossi which hits his leg with the bar and pushes his leg off the peg. At that point Rossi pushes his leg out and it hits the front brake of Marquez's bike and tucks the front. It does not look to me like Rossi kicked his bike intentionally to try and hit the brake as by that point he was no longer looking at Marquez and that would be damn difficult to achieve on purpose. Ultimately it looks to me like Rossi pushing his leg out is what caused Marquez to tuck the front but why Marquez accelerated down on him is beyond me.

I don't race at anywhere near this level, but in my own experience with coming in contact with another rider on track recently I did stick my elbow out instinctively to try and hold them off of hitting any of my controls. Whether or not that is what's going on with Rossi is only known to him I suppose.

I think Rossi definitely got frustrated and snapped which led to what happened and the penalty is justified. It shouldn't have happened and Rossi is now going to suffer and potentially lose the championship because of it.

Whether or not Marquez was deliberately sandbagging to tangle with Rossi is a whole other subject entirely. There sure are a lot of coincidences that worked out in Lorenzo's favour to support this theory.
It's a shame that the penalty points accrual pretty much guarantees Rossi will lose the championship.

I don't think he's blameless in the incident, but neither was MM and I think a more deserving penalty would be to demote his 3rd place finish to 4th, thus losing the 3 championship points he gained by knocking MM off. He needs to be punished for his actions, but not to the extent that he's not able to compete for the championship, which he's shown that he's more than deserved the entire season.
Quite possible. I'm not a real Rossi fanatic. But you can't argue with his fan appeal, and you shouldn't test his sway over their opinion. That has been tried before, and he's yet to loss a battle for the affection of the masses. We'll see what Marc does on Sunday :cool:

Told you :(

So glad some people on here are taking the right side on this one. Others are obviously haters.. It's a no brainer Marquez turned into Rossi. And there was still room on the outside. Such a b/s result. I hope Rossi sends Marquez to the outside every time they meet on track for the rest of their lives. Too bad MM gets so lucky when he crashes.
It's a shame that the penalty points accrual pretty much guarantees Rossi will lose the championship.

I don't think he's blameless in the incident, but neither was MM and I think a more deserving penalty would be to demote his 3rd place finish to 4th, thus losing the 3 championship points he gained by knocking MM off. He needs to be punished for his actions, but not to the extent that he's not able to compete for the championship, which he's shown that he's more than deserved the entire season.

This would have been the logical thing to do. The fans would like to see a fight for the championship.
Sounds like Vale already has conceded the championship. I mean I the only to say it's not over till it's over?
I will lose all respect for him if he does this.

Well, I can sort of see his point.
Lets say he manages to catch up through the field... do you think MM is going to just let him past without some form of douchebaggery and blocking maneuvers? 9 out of 10 psychiatrists say "Nope, Nope Nope."
Plot twist: Rossi starts from the back, real slow like. "Saving his tires" whatever. Lorenzo gets off to a great start, #1 around the track. Soon as he's about to Lap Rossi after lap 1, Rossi has a "mechanical" issue with his bike and takes out both of them. Both out of the race. Championship won.

Ridiculous I know. But hey, after the last 2 races? What could possibly happen next?
Plot twist: Rossi starts from the back, real slow like. "Saving his tires" whatever. Lorenzo gets off to a great start, #1 around the track. Soon as he's about to Lap Rossi after lap 1, Rossi has a "mechanical" issue with his bike and takes out both of them. Both out of the race. Championship won.

Ridiculous I know. But hey, after the last 2 races? What could possibly happen next?

Nothing would suprise me at this point.

The whole mess is a shame and leaves a bad taste in my mouth. This is a sport I love and to see the douchebaggery on all sides is disapointing. No matter what happens in Valencia this championship is tainted and is not good for the sport.

Pedrosa made a good comment about the rule book in the post race press conference indicating that unlike F1, there is too much grey area which is subject to interpretation. What Dorna and the FIM need to do is have specific penalties for each breach of the rules and apply the same standards to Rossi, Marquez, and Lorenzo as they do for Barbara, Laverty and Baz.
Well, I can sort of see his point.
Lets say he manages to catch up through the field... do you think MM is going to just let him past without some form of douchebaggery and blocking maneuvers? 9 out of 10 psychiatrists say "Nope, Nope Nope."

If he wants to go out as a whiny, spoiled, self-entitled brat then by all means. To me this is very unbecoming of a 9 time world champion. It's not like he's down 26 points and there's absolutely no hope of catching up. All it takes is for Lorenzo to bin it and he wins, no matter what place he's in.

Plot twist: Rossi starts from the back, real slow like. "Saving his tires" whatever. Lorenzo gets off to a great start, #1 around the track. Soon as he's about to Lap Rossi after lap 1, Rossi has a "mechanical" issue with his bike and takes out both of them. Both out of the race. Championship won.

Ridiculous I know. But hey, after the last 2 races? What could possibly happen next?

At this point, I wouldn't be surprised. And on top of that, his fans would probably justify it as a fair move.
Even Nascar has a 'no sand bagging' rule.

billy bobs know best, the dicing that mm and vr had going cannot be called sandbagging. that was racing, and good racing at that, until vr willfully tried to run him off the track resulting in a crash. it was an ahole move and rossi got what he deserved.

i guess when rossi was dicing with pedrosa for third place a few races ago that was sandbagging too? rossi f*ucked up big time and can only blame himself...
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I will lose all respect for him if he does this.

You already aren't sympathetic to his current plight and know you're going to heap this on top? Have you no mercy? I hope his self esteem survives your dog pile. I would equate VR's situation to dating a beautiful girl you love but deep down all the red flags indicate she's a garden variety whore at heart. Walk away.
You already aren't sympathetic to his current plight and know you're going to heap this on top? Have you no mercy? I hope his self esteem survives your dog pile. I would equate VR's situation to dating a beautiful girl you love but deep down all the red flags indicate she's a garden variety whore at heart. Walk away.


There isn't enough concrete evidence out there to prove that whatever Vale is saying is true. In my eyes, that was some good hard racing going on in Sepang. Heck, Vale nearly binned it on the brakes in one of the corners. It even looked like he got p*ssed because he had to work so hard, and finally lost it during the incident. So I think there's some justification to me having very little sympathy.
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If he wants to go out as a whiny, spoiled, self-entitled brat then by all means. To me this is very unbecoming of a 9 time world champion. It's not like he's down 26 points and there's absolutely no hope of catching up. All it takes is for Lorenzo to bin it and he wins, no matter what place he's in.

That is the most ridiculous point I have seen you try and make here, I think. Come on, is your position really to say that Rossi should feel good saying that it is completely out of his hands, and that all that has to happen is Lorenzo to completely screw up all on his own accord, or due to some other bone head on track??

Do you not feel that this is complete crap, due to the aspect of who is on who's actual team?? If both MM and JL were on Hondas, this would be far easier to stomach, and to be honest with you I would feel much better with Pedrosa on Yamaha than Lorenzo after all of this. It would be like a dream to me, and I have never been a Pedrosa fan in my life.

This is like some team trading a player to another, and then having that player sandbag and cause the team he is now playing for to lose, like some kind of sporting espionage.

Now, this is not quite as extreme a case as my example, but you must admit that the Hondas should only work with the Hondas and the Yamahas each other as well. What will happen to Jorge next year, if Vale is slower and Marc is fighting with him for the championship?? Do either of them think Vale will do them anything but try to screw them, now??
billy bobs know best, the dicing that mm and vr had going cannot be called sandbagging. that was racing, and good racing at that, until vr willfully tried to run him off the track resulting in a crash. it was an ahole move and rossi got what he deserved.

i guess when rossi was dicing with pedrosa for third place a few races ago that was sandbagging too? rossi f*ucked up big time and can only blame himself...

Race direction (Mike Webb) acknowledged the sand-bagging

“Finally, we actually believe there is fault on both sides.

Despite what Marquez said we think he was deliberately trying to affect the pace of Valentino. However he didn't actually break any rules. Whatever we think about the spirit of the championship, according to the rule book he didn't make contact. His passes were clean. He rode within the rules.

“Valentino reacted to what he saw as provocation from Marquez and unfortunately his reaction was a manoeuvre that was against the rules. It's irresponsible riding, causing a crash. So he's been penalised for that. We believe the contact was deliberate. He says he did not want Marquez to crash, but he did want to run him wide.”

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