I mean…they could always just you know…change jobs…It's true, CRA federal job group SP-01 only starts off at $41,658....
SP - Services and Programs Group - Canada.ca
Annual pay rates for each occupational group and level at Canada Revenue Agency (CRA).www.canada.ca
And this is what the managers supposedly make..
MG-SPS - Management Group - Canada.ca
Annual pay rates for each occupational group and level at Canada Revenue Agency (CRA).www.canada.ca
Even after going into student debt with a STEM degree you don't make much more ...
ENG1 starts off at $49958 uhhhh...
EN - Engineering - Canada.ca
Annual pay rates for each occupational group and level at Canada Revenue Agency (CRA).www.canada.ca
CS-1 starts off at $64504 uhhh.
CS - Computer Systems - Canada.ca
Annual pay rates for each occupational group and level at Canada Revenue Agency (CRA).www.canada.ca
No wonder they are so fed up![]()
But that takes effort and you need to perform.