Mature sport bike rider group

Too cold/sandy for me still but I'll meet up for a few of these rides also.
It was a beautiful ride. Planned to ride for 2 hours but spent more than 3 hours out. Came home and washed my bike thoroughly. I am all good for the next ride. Thanks to the guys who joined me today. You know who you are:-). Next ride will be more interesting. Until next time, ride safe.
The weekend coming up may be decent if it doesn't rain too much. The problem is they will probably dump 10 million lbs of salt on the roads tomorrow since it will be freezing and 5 snowflakes were spotted lingering in GTA.

At any rate, I subscribed to the thread and will be definitely coming out soon if you guys keep it going.
Last checked. This weekend sucks :(
Yes, no good any more. This time any more checking weather forecasts is almost pointless though. Usually I wake up in the morning and see what's happening. My problem is that for next few months I won't have much time on the weekends to ride so I will be out for a lot of group rides unfortunately. Nevertheless, I will definitely make an effort to show up to some of the more interesting ones. Cheers!
Hahaha, that's one of em. I'm not calling names.

If u go to enough rides, you'll probably know its the 40 yr olds who rip it up, lol

I'm up for these rides if you guys will let me tag along... My name is Brian but I'm not that Brian...:lmao: I'd rather not die yet or lose my license thanks. Also aint that old...
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Subscribed! Last group ride I went on I started second in a pack of around 30, by the time we got to the end of the on ramp I was last. Not exactly the type of people I want to ride with haha. Hopefully I get to see some of you guys this year!
I am in Burlington, count me in. Looking forward to some great group rides!
I would like to join a few rideas as well. I am in Milton.

Sounds good. I will be getting a new CBR1000cc and am not looking for crazy stuff.

absolutely understand. married not looking for high risk. want to keep my license and insurance low.


Sounds good. I will be getting a new CBR1000cc and am not looking for crazy stuff.

absolutely understand. married not looking for high risk. want to keep my license and insurance low.


Married or whipped? I kid I I don't
What the hell wrong with the weather?!
I think Mother Nature is paying us back for last years early spring. Seriously, with all the rain, majority of the salt should have washed away, now they're talking about sending the salt trucks out overnight.
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