We are in Montreal at Embassy Suites. Six floors of underground parking. The number of high end end cars is unreal. Porsche, Bentley, Aston Martin and on. They must have great security.
Insurance company VPs met last week , theft deductable on F150, Range Rover , Tacoma , Lexus SUVs going to 5K , in the GTA . They cant slow the thefts , so owners get to help make up the slack .
While not the way I wanted to accomplish the goal, this may get Ford and Toyota to improve things. After paying $5k deductible, the replacement vehicle will likely be from a competitor that insurance companies don't hate.Insurance company VPs met last week , theft deductable on F150, Range Rover , Tacoma , Lexus SUVs going to 5K , in the GTA . They cant slow the thefts , so owners get to help make up the slack .
We are in Montreal at Embassy Suites. Six floors of underground parking. The number of high end end cars is unreal. Porsche, Bentley, Aston Martin and on. They must have great security.
Is anything affordable with a Range Rover?Could be worse
Range Rovers impossible to insure for some in London
Range Rovers are now Britain’s most stolen vehicle and drivers are struggling to get affordable insurancewww.independent.co.uk
They can x-ray them at the port but they need the equipment etc., ie, cost, shipping delays, manpower, excuses...Curious, if they know most of these cars are going overseas in containers. How hard is it to have security look into the container for stolen vehicles? Don't they need manifests for contents.
I am assuming the stolen vehicles don't have that on the manifest. Pick something that is plausible and would have similar weight (eg. SPF). The odds of the container being inspected in any fashion are exceedingly low. If they happen to find the occasional container, you lost a lot of potential profit but lost very little existing money.Curious, if they know most of these cars are going overseas in containers. How hard is it to have security look into the container for stolen vehicles? Don't they need manifests for contents.
True, that is just a starting point.I am assuming the stolen vehicles don't have that on the manifest. Pick something that is plausible and would have similar weight (eg. SPF). The odds of the container being inspected in any fashion are exceedingly low. If they happen to find the occasional container, you lost a lot of potential profit but lost very little existing money.
Well with all the billions wasted on empty projects I rather the money go here and hire actual people instead of giving it away. But hey that's just me thinking with common sense.They would need an army of border agents.
Cumulative traffic
The Montreal Port Authority (MPA) is an autonomous federal agency created under the terms of the Canada Marine Act. It does everything in its power to make the Port of Montreal as competitive as possible, and from this perspective provides first-rate facilities to sea and land carriers, to...www.port-montreal.com
If you xrayed containers going through a choke point you could drastically increase the number of containers where you have some idea of contents. It should be pretty simple for software to look at xrays and identify vehicles vs appliances or wood for instance (look for huge lump of engine or battery pack surrounded by much less density). A person looks at the xrays that get flagged. Not much manpower required. When chokepoint gets busy, they could let some through without scanning to speed up the process but maybe scan at least 20% instead of the less than 4% they currently inspect (and I suspect they focus more on incoming than outgoing so I suspect that a far lower percentage of exported containers are checked). That would up their catch rate by at least 5x and may destroy commercial viability of steal and export. Upping the catch rate would require a lot more manpower to investigate the seized goods but that is a worthwhile expense imo as you are stopping a real problem.They would need an army of border agents.
Cumulative traffic
The Montreal Port Authority (MPA) is an autonomous federal agency created under the terms of the Canada Marine Act. It does everything in its power to make the Port of Montreal as competitive as possible, and from this perspective provides first-rate facilities to sea and land carriers, to...www.port-montreal.com