Local Auto Thefts

That incident is old.. and the story in the link is incomplete.
The couple wasn't charged in the end.
Four years old in the USA. It's a variation of the bait car thing minus the baseball bats. I wouldn't try it here, although there is a degree of temptation.
I remember when someone stealing a car pretty much had to break a window and then have some kind of hotwiring skills. Now if you have a smartphone and watch a few Utube videos you're all set.
So much of this I put at the feet of the automakers. (The fact that we as a society have become so lazy that everything needs to happen at the push of button even if it means making things easier to steel has not helped.)
This is getting so bad. Always someone from Quebec or Ottawa area coming down here, did they clear out their local inventory? Installing tracking devices on vehicles, carrying a firearm. Scary.

Well bless him for being such a idiot.
The firearm possession will remove all chances of getting released on a PTA so now he will be held for a bail hearing.
Unless he can get a family member or friend with the resources to hire a lawyer and post bail or sign a promissory note he will be residing at maplehurst till his trial. Duty counsel will be less that useless for this.
You can bet that his work associates will be distancing themselves from him for fear of what a forensic inspection will reveal about them from his phone. The gun will make even a lackadaisical cop want to look into the devise.
His address being more than 160kms out of jurisdiction will compound bail issues as well.
Our boy turned his story into a cautionary tail for his peers.
Just too gangster for his own good.
I remember when someone stealing a car pretty much had to break a window and then have some kind of hotwiring skills. Now if you have a smartphone and watch a few Utube videos you're all set.
So much of this I put at the feet of the automakers. (The fact that we as a society have become so lazy that everything needs to happen at the push of button even if it means making things easier to steel has not helped.)
The easy to steal kias have a physical key. Kia just royally botched the design. When there were murmers about government getting involved, Kia threw in a Club. Another ridiculously easy to defeat device.
The easy to steal kias have a physical key. Kia just royally botched the design. When there were murmers about government getting involved, Kia threw in a Club. Another ridiculously easy to defeat device.
The Club won't stop a determined thief but it will make it inconvenient enough to make them want to move along to easier pickings.
The Club won't stop a determined thief but it will make it inconvenient enough to make them want to move along to easier pickings.
Given that you can start a Kia with any usb A cord or key, carrying something to clip the steering wheel isn't an insurmountable burden to carry for unlimited free joy rides. Every bit helps but the bar is very low.
The Club won't stop a determined thief but it will make it inconvenient enough to make them want to move along to easier pickings.
That’s all it’s about. Making your car harder to steal than the next one.

Thief comes, sees club, goes see another car and if that one doesn’t have a club…it’ll be that one. This isn’t don’t in a single night but they’ll most likely check it out, see if there are camera or other deterrents and come back when ready.

Unless there’s an order card for colour, model, etc that is very specific. Then there’s not much you can do but make sure you have good insurance.
Unless there’s an order card for colour, model, etc that is very specific. Then there’s not much you can do but make sure you have good insurance.
On that front, given that some of these thefts are happening out of closed garages, it wouldnt be too difficult to add a secondary lock that is easy to deploy when vehicles are inside. Conceptually like the old slider into the track. Practically, a solenoid throwing a pin through the track is simpler to use. Control system should be hardwired so there is no way to open garage from outside if vehicle is inside. There are a few options the installer could use to make it seamless for the homeowner.
A club won't stop anyone that wants the car. It is simple to bend the steering wheel and remove the club.
In the early '80s when clubs were new, there was a band of car thieves in Toronto that would target clubbed cars, and leave the club on the ground... where the car used to be.
It also depends on WHY they are stealing the car.

If they are stealing your Kia Forte it is unlikely it is to put it in a container to ship overseas. Most likely for a joyride or maybe to use in other crimes.

If they are staling your Benz G Wagon, it is very likely it is to put it in a container and ship it overseas but it does not rule out joyride and other crimes, just not as likely.

Where am I going with this, things like the club will do little to stop the G Wagon thief as it is only a few seconds to defeat and the reward is much greater. At the same time a home invasion to get your Kia Forte keys is unlikely.... where your vehicles are on the spectrum, depends on the vehicle.

The kill switch I would guess is pretty effective to prevent the theft but is not a deterrent as for it to work they best not know it is there. No deterrent means broken car window, maybe worse yet home invasion has already taken place....they just don;t get to drive your vehicle away.
Remember "auto theft" is not a monolith. Different cars get stolen for different reasons.
Some get stolen to joy ride
Some get stolen to be used in other crimes
Some get stolen for export or re-vinning
Some get stolen for parts, on special order.

Joy riders are usually kids... and don't care. Same with cars to be used in another crime.
Export requires a car that is complete and running.
If a PRO has an order for YOUR car for parts, the only way you're keeping that car is never let it out of your sight, and that might not work, and you get car jacked.
On that front, given that some of these thefts are happening out of closed garages, it wouldnt be too difficult to add a secondary lock that is easy to deploy when vehicles are inside. Conceptually like the old slider into the track. Practically, a solenoid throwing a pin through the track is simpler to use. Control system should be hardwired so there is no way to open garage from outside if vehicle is inside. There are a few options the installer could use to make it seamless for the homeowner.
All well and good until the power goes out ?
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