Local Auto Thefts

600 Ontario cars found in Montreal port....

While that's a start, there are more than 1000 a month stolen in Toronto proper. Hell, over the time period the operation was in effect, there were more than 1000 vehicles stolen in Unionville alone. It's a press release but they are still missing 90% of the stolen cars leaving.

They broke down recovered vehicles by region. Excerpt below.

"215 - Toronto Police Service
· 58 - York Regional Police"
So using some liberty as I don't have exact numbers, something close to 7% of vehicles stolen in Toronto and ~3% of vehicles stolen in York Region were recovered. Need to 5x those numbers to make a significant dent.

Less than 1% of outgoing containers are inspected as I suspected.
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While that's a start, there are more than 1000 a month stolen in Toronto proper. Hell, over the time period the operation was in effect, there were more than 1000 vehicles stolen in Unionville alone. It's a press release but they are still missing 90% of the stolen cars leaving.

They broke down recovered vehicles by region. Excerpt below.

"215 - Toronto Police Service
· 58 - York Regional Police"
So using some liberty as I don't have exact numbers, something close to 7% of vehicles stolen in Toronto and ~3% of vehicles stolen in York Region were recovered. Need to 5x those numbers to make a significant dent.
Agreed. But hopefully this opens the eyes of the actual issue at hand...which is that it IS possible to put a dent into it.

Unfortunately that will require a coordinated effort, and lots and lots of money.
I wonder what motorcycle theft statistics are looking like these days? Has the car theft uptick diverted thieves to a new more lucrative trade?
I wonder what motorcycle theft statistics are looking like these days? Has the car theft uptick diverted thieves to a new more lucrative trade?
Does a motorcycle fit in the bed of an F150 in a seacan? Might as well fill the container. I have a feeling that will be too tall though.
They would need an army of border agents.
Looks like there is no shortage of manpower keeping us safe from folding knifes tho.
Thinking that it is a priority of what is impacting your average Canadians life the most no doubt.
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Looks like there is no shortage of manpower keeping us safe from folding knifes tho.
Thinking that it is a priority of what is impacting your average Canadians life the most no doubt.

They were only stopping spring assist folding knives after the idiot backbencher first introduced the legislation.
A pocketknife you can open one handed is a gift from God. It’s like telling a farmer he can’t have a tractor .

The car theft crackdown is all optics , all levels of policing have egg on thier face over this , from the Toronto police that advised ‘ leave your keys near the door’ to the Peel cops that told my business partner , after OnStar told him where his truck was sitting, we don’t have time to go look at it. ( Halton went to Peel and retrieved the truck)

Sent from my iPhone using GTAMotorcycle.com
Too bad he didn't have time to smash the kids face off of something But in all honesty, with so many guns being involved in these type of thefts it might make me think twice before doing something like this. Not worth your life.

Keep your Louisville Slugger by the front door, and if the perp happens to trip over it 2 or 3 times during his getaway that'd be a real shame.
Keep your Louisville Slugger by the front door, and if the perp happens to trip over it 2 or 3 times during his getaway that'd be a real shame.
Keep a baseball, glove and catcher's mitt with it so you don't get charged with premeditated.

Upon arrival, officers learned that a male clerk was helping a customer when a second man entered the store demanding money and brandishing a baseball bat, according to the release.

"A struggle ensued and the clerk was struck with the bat before grabbing the bat away from the suspect," police said.

The key part is
"The suspect then fled the store. The clerk followed the suspect out of the store and struck him several times with the baseball bat on the sidewalk."
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Keep a baseball, glove and catcher's mitt with it so you don't get charged with premeditated.

The key part is
"The suspect then fled the store. The clerk followed the suspect out of the store and struck him several times with the baseball bat on the sidewalk."
Sounds like a spontaneous reaction to me ? If the clerk were a cop he'd probably get a medal.
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