Local Auto Thefts

Question: Has Dougie's elimination of dated licence plate stickers made this whole fiasco easier ?
Now, any old plate will do - as long as you don't attract any attention you can drive around free as a breeze.
Question: Has Dougie's elimination of dated licence plate stickers made this whole fiasco easier ?
Now, any old plate will do - as long as you don't attract any attention you can drive around free as a breeze.
ALPR on most police vehicles in the province solves the sticker issue (and more). Expired/unattached plates set off an alert in police car. I am not sure if the systems are smart enough to alert if car colour doesn't match registration.
ALPR on most police vehicles in the province solves the sticker issue (and more). Expired/unattached plates set off an alert in police car. I am not sure if the systems are smart enough to alert if car colour doesn't match registration.
Or the make/model ?
Or the make/model ?
Make/model would be good but is much more difficult to implement in logic. A simple first cut would be to look for a logo but doing it properly by looking at shape of vehicle or lights takes a ton of work as you need to be able to recognize and differentiate from all different angles and can't have too many false hits (dirt, fogged headlights, etc would complicate this analysis). I think the cops see the registered make/model on the screen but the comparison isn't done for them. Trying to drive, read make/model on the screen and look at a car going by is the definition of distracted driving (but cops are exempt from those laws).
Trying to drive, read make/model on the screen and look at a car going by is the definition of distracted driving (but cops are exempt from those laws).

The cops are exempt because they're professionals.*

*multiple witnesses said he was on his phone at the time.
This guy had a whole business plan worked out. Steal vehicles and re-vin to build a rental fleet. Steal the rented vehicles while they were out and re-vin to collect insurance payout (from the renters insurance policies) without reducing fleet size.

Now that's a business plan with solid vertical integration.
Toyota may as well just deliver your vehicle straight to the port in Montreal. Saves the hassle of cleaning it and growing attached. They seem to be one of the easiest brands to steal.
They are just one of the most in demand. If I have the technology and wherewithal to steal a car....might as well steal a Highlander/4runner/Tundra/RX and make the most out of my evening.
Historically they are also one of the easiest to steal from driveways being very susceptible to the basic amplifier/antenna trick. No fancy hacking needed.

If one cannot disable passive entry in their vehicle or stop the fob from emitting signal, one can place the fobs in a faraday box or use a product like this: Secure Fob: Revolutionizing Keyless Vehicle Security | Secure Fob

Some aftermarket solutions also help introduce 2FA into the vehicle via use of a PIN code or Bluetooth authentication of an additional device and help prevent OBDII port communication since they hook into the vehicle's CANBUS network.
Starlinei96, Ghost Autowatch, IGLA etc.
If one cannot disable passive entry in their vehicle or stop the fob from emitting signal, one can place the fobs in a faraday box or use a product like this: Secure Fob: Revolutionizing Keyless Vehicle Security | Secure Fob

Some aftermarket solutions also help introduce 2FA into the vehicle via use of a PIN code or Bluetooth authentication of an additional device and help prevent OBDII port communication since they hook into the vehicle's CANBUS network.
Starlinei96, Ghost Autowatch, IGLA etc.
All good idea's until your front door is kicked in and you're fighting for your life for a couple of fobs...
Sadly these types of crimes can quickly escalate if you possess something "they" want...
All good idea's until your front door is kicked in and you're fighting for your life for a couple of fobs...
Sadly these types of crimes can quickly escalate if you possess something "they" want...
This is my take also...'you guys want the car? take it, not worth getting injured or killed for it'.

They are just one of the most in demand. If I have the technology and wherewithal to steal a car....might as well steal a Highlander/4runner/Tundra/RX and make the most out of my evening.
Buddy of mine has a Highlander and said in the last month there have been 3(!) attempts at stealing it. I didn't understand it, but he said he 'locked' the CANBUS terminal so they can't fire up the car and they've damaged the interior.

Funny thing is he calls the cops, they show up in 10min, but 1min before they show up the thieves are taking off.

To me it states that they're either getting tipped off, or have spotters up and down the street near the main road to text the thieves that cops are on their way and to book it.
This is my take also...'you guys want the car? take it, not worth getting injured or killed for it'.

Buddy of mine has a Highlander and said in the last month there have been 3(!) attempts at stealing it. I didn't understand it, but he said he 'locked' the CANBUS terminal so they can't fire up the car and they've damaged the interior.

Funny thing is he calls the cops, they show up in 10min, but 1min before they show up the thieves are taking off.

To me it states that they're either getting tipped off, or have spotters up and down the street near the main road to text the thieves that cops are on their way and to book it.
I'm sure you're correct. While we may assume these are just random low level thugs out for kicks. Many of them are working for someone more powerful and smarter, so safe to assume some planning goes into these crimes to maximize the return. The day's of stealing a car for a joyride are over, this is for pure profit..
Effing hell....

We need more diversity...can't have majority of these thieves being of a particular demographic now, can we?

Anyways, once the Halal mortgages get approved, hoping they will implement Sharia penalties for theft soon after..

Chop chop chop!
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