Local Auto Thefts

Somebody track racing a corvette somewhere? Needs suspension/ drive train/ fenders ? Just doesn’t need the shell .

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That looks like a well thought out disassemble almost never do you see unscrewed fluid lines and unplugged electrical harnesses its almost like someone has a interest in buying the shell for salvage.
Interesting idea. Wash the shell through the auction and you have a legal zr1.

Outstanding members of society..
I like how they're using 'youth' to commit the crimes. Court system goes easy on them, and it opens them up to a life of crime considering how easy it is to get away with nothing but a slap on the wrist.
I like how they're using 'youth' to commit the crimes. Court system goes easy on them, and it opens them up to a life of crime considering how easy it is to get away with nothing but a slap on the wrist.
You make a decent point. Maybe using youth as part of your team should be a special condition at sentencing (or a special charge) so it automatically doubles your incarceration (and maybe makes bail automatically reverse onus?).
You make a decent point. Maybe using youth as part of your team should be a special condition at sentencing (or a special charge) so it automatically doubles your incarceration (and maybe makes bail automatically reverse onus?).
The bottom end of the food chain (the perps) aren't smart or connected enough to pull off these crimes without upper level supervision.
Track them down and prosecute - cut off the head of the monster.
The bottom end of the food chain (the perps) aren't smart or connected enough to pull off these crimes without upper level supervision.
Track them down and prosecute - cut off the head of the monster.
That takes work. Like speeding tickets, it's much easier to get quick guaranteed wins to justify your existence. Going after people/issues that affect safety more requires more time and effort and your stats go down which jeopardizes funding. It's hard to measure safety or level of bad guy. It's easy to measure arrests (and hopefully convictions).
"Hey police, I've found my stolen snowmobile. I'm in front of the house where it is right now"
"We'll get there when we get there"
"Hey police, a guy came out and is threatening me with a crossbow"
"We'll come faster".

Dirtbag arrested for stolen property and weapons offences. Bailed in hours. When the dirtbags immediate reaction to getting caught is threatening to kill people, I don't think bail is appropriate. They need some cell time.

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"Hey police, I've found my stolen snowmobile. I'm in front of the house where it is right now"
"We'll get there when we get there"
"Hey police, a guy came out and is threatening me with a crossbow"
"We'll come faster".

Dirtbag arrested for stolen property and weapons offences. Bailed in hours. When the dirtbags immediate reaction to getting caught is threatening to kill people, I don't think bail is appropriate. They need some cell time.

Carrying an unlawful hand gun should be a conspiracy to commit murder charge. Sorry if you're paranoid. See a shrink.
2 days in a row officers getting run down/over/into trying to pull over stolen vehicles. What has this country come to. What do they say at their staff meetings? Soon they'll be told to not even turn on their emergency lights, just watch, observe and stay far back. Let the criminals run around the city.

There really should be extra charges for any adults involved if they use minors to commit a crime. Twenty year old mixed in with young offenders, extra 10 years for you for involving minors... Handler using teens, extra 10 years for you....
There really should be extra charges for any adults involved if they use minors to commit a crime. Twenty year old mixed in with young offenders, extra 10 years for you for involving minors... Handler using teens, extra 10 years for you....
Add the years the minors would have served if they were adults to the handler. Involve a half dozen kids, you might get another 60 years.
17 yo tried to do a break and enter in aurora yesterday. Cops arrived and kid is now dead. SIU involved obviously.

Updated story is kid was armed and fired at cops. F that guy. We are all better off with this outcome. I feel bad for their family though.
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