Law Enforcement - The Good, The Bad, The Ugly.....

Who was in the wrong?

  • Cop

    Votes: 23 20.5%
  • Dude who got shot

    Votes: 33 29.5%
  • I like turtles

    Votes: 56 50.0%

  • Total voters
Re: Durham cop charged, world turns upside down.

When a cop commits a criminal offense, it's a miracle if he even gets charged.. Assuming he gets charged, the blue wall will hinder the investigation as much as possible. Even if there is enough evidence for a charge, they are afforded the best legal defense money can buy (a lot better than your typical doctor, factory worker or accountant can afford) and we either see the thumb-twiddling from the Crown, the charge being reduced to a slap on the wrist offense or it being dropped more often than not.

Before I give turbo's arguments the least bit of credence, I'd like to see some real statistics including charge/conviction ratios in comparison with regular population and also (if possible, but probably hard/impossible to come by) a breakdown of investigations of police misconduct by how they concluded (no wrongdoing found, wrongdoing found but not enough evidence to lay charges, charges laid). Of course, no super-duper-extra-special-secret-source-turbo-statistics please, I'm looking for a credible source :cool:
Re: Durham cop charged, world turns upside down.

This is a moronic and misleading comment. Few cops get off on 11b, and even those that do often still have to face either internal disciplinary proceedings or charges under the Police Services Act. You just never hear about them because they are the norm, and it's the exceptions to the norm that tend to make the news.

As for this cop, if his driving is found at trial to be dangerous and without justification, then by all means he should wear the repercussions, same as anyone else.

Unfortunately, whether it's incorrect perception or not, it's cases like the Drug Squad officer charges that were later stayed due to 11b, that people remember.
Re: Durham cop charged, world turns upside down.

Unfortunately, whether it's incorrect perception or not, it's cases like the Drug Squad officer charges that were later stayed due to 11b, that people remember.

Former Chief's son = extra super special treatment/defence.
Re: Durham cop charged, world turns upside down.

Former Chief's son = extra super special treatment/defence.

Originally Posted by turbodish
So it's ok for hooligan riders and drivers to endanger the lives of impaired drivers?

Awesome stuff. First sentence makes a ton of sense.

Quote from turbo? Absolute riot. Ever read the "Art of War" turbo? Only fight from a position of strength Sun Su said. In other words, never try to defend the indefensible. You'll lose every time. And lose credibility. I have no doubt you are intelligent in a basic sort of way but you do say some strange stuff sometimes. And throw up whatever statistics you'd like. How about some regarding the erosion of civil liberties? Or tell me how HTA 172 has saved countless lives? Do you REALLY think these laws and your arguments have made it safer out there? Do you really think more power in the hands of the police have made our/your life better? Time for a soul search perhaps.

I know you won't respond directly to me but you might hide behind charts and stats but that's ok. You and I both know why...
Re: Durham cop charged, world turns upside down.

Still makes me laugh how we bury any cop related stories in one thread just to appease a few narrow minded complainers, who think their opinion is always right.

Well here's a news report for all you G20 cop loving butt kissers.

The follow up articles and investigations are always my favorites.
Once the judicial system gets involved and makes decisions, there is no more argument, right? :D

As you can see, we can now laugh in the faces of the people who wasted hours and hours typing furiously to defend their irrational views and opinions of the situation.
It was simply obvious how poorly trained our police officers are after seeing a few video clips.
And regardless of all the planning and wasted money spent for nothing in the first place, you can't buy logic and common sense, or teach it to one track minded, brainwashed robots.
The whole event was treated like a bully beat down, and a chance to power trip by the police.
There were many threads in the Blue Line forums and else where posted by cops before that weekend. Things to the effect of "i can't wait to beat down those peace loving hippies this weekend" etc...
They had bad intentions going in, used it as an opportunity to act like the biggest gang in the world and show us how tough they are.
In fact i would guess that every bad cop in the country signed up for g20 duty, which would explain how all the bad apples converged on Toronto in one week.

So to everyone that defended their actions and wants to live in a place where you can be treated like a prisoner in a 3rd world country, i would say "in your face!",
read the judges findings and shut your hole once and for all.

Now i realize these truths and facts will upset a few folks, but don't bother replying, there is no need, the judge has ruled his findings, end of story, set in stone, no more discussions, the final word has been spoken by the all-mighty COURT OF LAW as we recognize it in Canada.
Police officers are required to respect the law, and their respective superiors, therefore this case is closed!!
The Judge has made his ruling, any replies to this post are futile, irrelevant and will be ignored.
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Does anyone else hate cops?

My record is clean, both criminal and driving. However, these are my past experiences:

Back when I was in high school, I spent a year hanging with the wrong crowd. One of my friends cousins got stabbed in the head behind Pacific Mall. There was a cop right around the a speeding ticket to some old Chinese mother. He was too "busy" to take us seriously. I don't know what happened afterwards, I just stayed as hell far away from that crowd as I could. But there's reason #1 that I hate cops.

3 years ago when I worked at Starbucks, our manager got demoted and replaced. We all know what happens to employees of said manager when the new manager comes in: they get fired. Well, needless to say, a lot of smack talking started happening revolving our manager and she was a cancer survivor. Of course, we all started making very mean "jokes" about wishing cancer to come back. A snitch (someone she hired) heard about it, told her, and randomly added in "this guy has a gun". This guy, of course, being me. Cops show up at my door, my parents are going wtf, and I kindly asked the cops to gtfo unless they had a warrant and they're wasting their time. The cops never came back. Seems like, from this experience, you can effectively scare the **** out of somebody's parents or somebody who is afraid of cops by simply saying they have a gun. The one who cries wolf doesn't get ANYTHING done to them. And that is reason #2.

Reason #3 is the most recent. I went to the beer store with a few friends to pick up a few beers. We see a cop car parked inside and I stared at it. My gf told me "haha he's gonna pull you over for fun". After we left the beer store, I got pulled over. I immediately asked the cop "why the **** are you wasting my time?". He goes on, starts shining lights in my eyes, saying I'm drunk and etc. etc. then starts to search me. I ended up leaving with no ticket. But honestly, what the flaming horse poo? I can point the cop to at least 5 different people that I know who may sell illegal drugs or beat on their gfs/wives and he's wasting his time with me?! His defense was "I saw you stumble out of the car". Yeah, okay, I was wearing shorts, and a wife beater and had just finished a leg day, I think the swollen muscles should have told him something but these retards are clearly trying to waste my time.

I have met one decent cop in my life and it was while I was working at Starbucks. She was blonde, pretty cute, and drove by every Wed to get a coffee. I asked her once "how can you be a cop, you're so sweet, not bitter, and not an *******", and we chatted for quite a while. The next time I saw her, she came back and said "oh my god, I think you're right, I started to notice my superiors are huge cynical ********".

I hope she quit, she was too nice + cute to be a cop.

Re: Does anyone else hate cops?

Reason 1: No comment on this one.

Reason 2: Can't really blame the cop for that, they were responding to a complaint. If you want to hold a grudge, point it towards the employee who made the complaint.

油井緋色;1640858 said:
I immediately asked the cop "why the **** are you wasting my time?".

Reason 3: That's a winning attitude right there. What's rule #1 when dealing with a police officer?
Re: Does anyone else hate cops?

How is it the cop's fault for following up on a report of a guy with a gun? That doesn't even have anything to do with the cops.
Re: Does anyone else hate cops?

No, you're the only one on this site who hates cops. What are you, new here? Oh wait ...
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Re: Does anyone else hate cops?

How is it the cop's fault for following up on a report of a guy with a gun? That doesn't even have anything to do with the cops.

I believe his issue is them following up without holding the person that reported it accountable...Kinda BS that you can just call in false reports on people you dont like, and the cops dont follow up on you if the report is falsified ...False reports are also illegal, so they should be held accountable...
Re: Does anyone else hate cops?

I believe his issue is them following up without holding the person that reported it accountable...Kinda BS that you can just call in false reports on people you dont like, and the cops dont follow up on you if the report is falsified ...False reports are also illegal, so they should be held accountable...

He doesn't know if anything happened to them. Thats speculation. The cops aren't going to come back and tell him if they did anything to anyone else.
Re: Does anyone else hate cops?

I deal with police officers all the time in my volunteer experiences. They are some of the nicest guys and girls (holy hell, some of the female cops are fiiiiiine) I ever have the pleasure of working with and talking to. But at the end of the day, they're human too. Treat them exactly how you would like to be treated, and you'll get the same in return. That said, know your rights and know how to handle situations such as a roadside check or when they show up at your house. Their job is still to find evidence to potentially prosecute you.

LOL, my best memory with the cops was when I tried to do donuts in our golf cart on Main St in Brampton (closed at the time). They were laughing their butts off when they saw I couldn't do it. One of them even tried to give me tips on how to do it.

Of course, getting paid overtime by the city to stand around and do practically nothing probably helps improve their mood. :-D
Re: Does anyone else hate cops?

He doesn't know if anything happened to them. Thats speculation. The cops aren't going to come back and tell him if they did anything to anyone else.

sure sure Im sure they followed up on that....

Ive had a female police officer drive by my shop while I had some bikes out, she pulled a U-trun and came back. Started asking everyone standing outside for their papers and lic, I said why does anyone have to show you their lic and papers no one is riding any bikes and this is my private property...She then said "someone" made a complaint about bikes speeding up and down the street, and they were specifically came from this location....I said well tell me who this "someone" is because I would like to confront them about making a false claim against my shop, because I have been out here all day and none of these bikes have even moved all day....Her answer was "I dont have to tell you who that someone is"....And just as were talking another bike flys by doing 2x the speed limit, I point and say "maybe its that guy no?" She didnt even look...

Good cops are few and far between, I run into maybe 1 out of 50 experiences with the police
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