Re: Durham cop charged, world turns upside down.
When a cop commits a criminal offense, it's a miracle if he even gets charged.. Assuming he gets charged, the blue wall will hinder the investigation as much as possible. Even if there is enough evidence for a charge, they are afforded the best legal defense money can buy (a lot better than your typical doctor, factory worker or accountant can afford) and we either see the thumb-twiddling from the Crown, the charge being reduced to a slap on the wrist offense or it being dropped more often than not.
Before I give turbo's arguments the least bit of credence, I'd like to see some real statistics including charge/conviction ratios in comparison with regular population and also (if possible, but probably hard/impossible to come by) a breakdown of investigations of police misconduct by how they concluded (no wrongdoing found, wrongdoing found but not enough evidence to lay charges, charges laid). Of course, no super-duper-extra-special-secret-source-turbo-statistics please, I'm looking for a credible source
When a cop commits a criminal offense, it's a miracle if he even gets charged.. Assuming he gets charged, the blue wall will hinder the investigation as much as possible. Even if there is enough evidence for a charge, they are afforded the best legal defense money can buy (a lot better than your typical doctor, factory worker or accountant can afford) and we either see the thumb-twiddling from the Crown, the charge being reduced to a slap on the wrist offense or it being dropped more often than not.
Before I give turbo's arguments the least bit of credence, I'd like to see some real statistics including charge/conviction ratios in comparison with regular population and also (if possible, but probably hard/impossible to come by) a breakdown of investigations of police misconduct by how they concluded (no wrongdoing found, wrongdoing found but not enough evidence to lay charges, charges laid). Of course, no super-duper-extra-special-secret-source-turbo-statistics please, I'm looking for a credible source